Oct 29, 2022

James Cameron is bitching again...

 I USED to have a lot of respect for James Cameron. Now, not so much. Ever since Avengers Endgame beat Avaturd at the nox office and Cameron whined his way to another temporary rerelease to beat Avengers, I lost most of my respect for him. Not to mention his endorsements to shitty Terminator sequels. Well, in order to promote Avaturd 2: Aquatic Boogaloo, here's Jimbo calling Superhero movies sophomoric with characters who behave like college kids.

His logic is incredibly flawed, of course, but to me this smells more like sour grapes because he never got to do his Spider-Man movie where Leonardo DiCaprio has bondage sex with nikki Cox on the Brooklyn Bridge and Otto Gunther Octavius is played by a guy who loves ejaculating everywhere... especially in the maid!!

Yes, Jimbo wanted Ahnuld as Doc Ock... also Kevin Spacey as Norman Osborn...

The Cameron movie also butchered Sandman and Electro. I mean Joel Schumacher levels of bad but with a Zack Snyder edginess for Spider-Man of all people... 

Based on the leaked Scripts on the internet, it's obvious that James Cameron doesn't understand Spider-Man. Hell, I'd say he doesn't get Superheroes at all.

"When I look at these big, spectacular films — I’m looking at you, Marvel and DC — it doesn’t matter how old the characters are, they all act like they’re in college," Cameron said. "They have relationships, but they really don’t. They never hang up their spurs because of their kids. The things that really ground us and give us power, love, and a purpose? Those characters don’t experience it, and I think that’s not the way to make movies."

This is a ridiculously dumb take. Your life is over once you have kids? So, using James Cameron's "logic" Policemen, Paramedics, Soldiers, and Firemen stop being Policemen, Paramedics, Soldiers, and Firemen because of family? What kind of moronic logic is that!? 

Because that's what everybody wants to see a movoe where Bruce Wayne hangs up the cowl and decides to be a father to Damian... or Captain America giving up the shield to raise a fami... wait, he did that in Endgame... or how about Iron man giving up his life so his kid AND PRETTY MUCH HALF THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE had a chance to live. A movie about Superheroes not being Superheroes is literally the first act of The Incredibles. Am emtire movie being like the first act of The incredibles might be an interesting story, but not one that would bring tons of people to the theaters...

Flashy special effects with an incredibly simplistic story that has been told millions of times in much better ways can fill up seats... look at Jimbo's own Avaturd. Fern Gully with Furries is literally the box office king (with 4 or 5 rereleases). I for one won't see Avaturd 2 on theaters... Maybe I'll watch it when we play it at the electronics section at Kmart... oh wait, there are no Kmarts left in Puerto Rico... guess I'll wait until a friend buys it and watch it at their place to mock it.

I'd rather watch Fern Gully than Avaturd... hell, I'd rather watch The Last Airbender (the M.Night Shyamlamadingdong bastardization of ATLAB) than watch avaturd again... Nah, I'd rather watch Noelle, sorry Nate Stevenson's bastardization of She-Ra AND Kevin Smith's bastardization of He-Man than watch Avaturd.


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