Jun 3, 2013

And I'm on Team Bow BTW...

A while back I tried an experiment... Part one on the 80s Mattel Twilight-esque romantic Triangle... or more complicated if we threw She-Ra to the mix...

Well, like the title of the rant says: I favor Bow as a better match for Adora.

To be fair, BOTH Bow and Sea Hawk are painted as incompetent in the cartoon... (But Bow got to showcase his uselessness a lot more... except when he made Sea Hawk look way more useless... See the She-Ra Episode the Locket)

I'm siding with Bow... Not cause of Mattel's 80s POP toy canon... nor the fact that Mattel owns Bow, but doesn't own Sea Hawk.

It's quite simple, actually:

Bow is the better man for Adora. Really!

-Bow won't desert Adora... (Unlike certain pirate who roams Etheria and occasionally visits his "girl")
-Bow is not a "bad Boy" in need of "saving" (Most relationships that start with one party trying to save the others are doomed.
-Bow is not AS Selfish as Sea Hawk.

That's not to mention the whole Sea Hawk is a Pirate thing... Wenches in every port, and perhaps he may have a matelot in his ship... Which means that he's very likely to be unfaithful to Adora.
That's not mentioning the whole raiding Etherian ships as a Pirate... 8 years he spent gathering his chest (Anchors aloft)... 8 years of plundering innocent Etherians and taking their possessions... He's almost as bad as the Horde!!

Also, Bow did NOT join the Rebellion to chase tail... unlike Pond Chicken...

Now the WORST thing about Sea Hawk is that he's a Bow Knock-Off!
Not to mention that Bow's VA was Sea Hawk's VA...

-OK Bow has a sidekick who talks him down... Sea Hawk has 2 (Swenn and Davy Jones)
-Bow is a Ginger... Sea Hawk is a Ginger.
-Toy Bow wears a Tiara... Sea Hawk wears a headband
-Bow has a Mustache... Sea Hawk has a Mustache... and a beard!
-Bow is a Robin Hood analogue... Sea Hawk is a Pirate that now robs the Horde to give to the Rebellion... (Not to mention that Sea Hawk has Merry Sea Men)
-Toy Bow's Heart can sense if Adora is in Danger... Sea Hawk has a locket that does the same thing.
Let's Face it... Sea Hawk is first and foremost...

and a gold digger... He's so greedy that he could replace the element of generosity!!

Unless Mattel buys the Filmation cartoons and the rights for said characters, pairing Adora with Bow IS the best option Businesswise AND if we look at both characters, Bow still IS the better option... Not to mention the Original!

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