Jun 10, 2013

Odds and ends June 10th

Oh sweet nibblets! Miley's newest pic is um...

O... kay... I'm trying to figure out how to tackle this. In any case this can be chalked up to the whole divorcing the Mouse or something. At least this is better than what Amanda Bynes is going through. I honestly hope that her situation does not end up with a tragic finale. If she indeed needs medical help; I hope she gets it. That's all I am going to comment on Amanda Bynes... Now back to Miley's pic...

I suppose that Maybe she's going to do a cover of this song... I honestly got nothing.

Ice cold Coca Cola? This may be interesting...

"Biodegradable" but wouldn't that ice bottle need cold and sterile storage that would consume far more energy. Also, Ice melts and exposed to your surroundings it could get contaminated... cute gimmick, not fully thought out...

This Sunday, True Blood Returns... I've been so busy reading the GoT books that I completely forgot about True Blood... I'll read the books sometime in the future, cause I've heard the show deviates a lot from them.

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