Jun 7, 2013

He's not the Beaver they think He is back home, Oh, no,no,no!

He's a Rocket Bieber! Rocket Bieber! Burning out his fuse up here alone!


Am I the only one who thinks that this is a bit too much! Then again, Angelina Jolie, Ashton Kutcher, and Leo DiCaprio are also going to be...

Aside Mr. DiCaprio being in this it seems that the celebrities involved are the ones with a certain degree of doucheness. Methinks this is Celeb filled "space trip" is just an exercise of heedless Hedonism.

 Bieber will try to film a video in space... I think that he should Bieberize Elton John's Rocket Man...
as much as I dislike Bieber and think that it would be an abomination to allow him to do it; the song is appropriate. Besides, it wouldn't be the first time the song was butchered...

Y'know the Videogame crash from the early 80s... and the whole E.T. games being buried on a desert somewhere in New Mexico? Heck even James Rolfe, the Angry Videogame Nerd is making a movie based on the whole E.T. game thing

but that's not what I'm going to rant about... a Studio is going to film a documentary looking for the Buried E.T. Treasure... If we can call that a treasure. Part of me thinks that this will end up being a Geraldo...

I said GeraLdo not GeraRdo

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