The Short answer is simple: She's on pretty much every episode of She-Ra: Princess of Power and her Importance is emphasized on the opening.
Light Hope, Madame Razz and Kowl are the three who know Adora's Secret. The same way that Adam's friends, the Sorceress, Man-at-Arms and Orko know his secret. We ARE Getting Kowl. Light Hope is more of a Diorama than a character, so it makes sense that we GET Madame Razz as a figure.
Some question her design and how it doesn't fit MOTU...That she should be tweaked. Make her sexy...
Ram Man, Orko, Modulok, Shadow Beast, Battle Cat don't fit the standard body molds. Did any of those characters were forced to fit the basic buck? No... No need for Madame Razz to be tweaked.
I am and while she is going to require a 100% new body, it'll be worth it!
Also I love how she's squashing the lame Bow Knock-Off... (Team Bow FTW!!)
I kid, I kid... Madame isn't THAT big Actually...
classicized Cringer, which is 2 1/2 Orkos in length. (or only 2 Orkos from head to Butt).
Before anyone mentions her cartoony witch appearance not fitting in MOTUC; I'll remind you that we're getting a Pink Bunny in December and that we already have a Floating Shirt and a Dentist in the line.
Yes, she does look like a cartoony witch. While this may not work too well on Eternia, she's from Etheria. Why emphasize this? Simple: Etheria is a more Fairy Tale like world compared to the D&D Fantasy world of Eternia.
She DOES NEED a little Classicizing action. Even Nepthu got some added details. The same thing would have to be done to Madame Razz.
Her belt could use some texture as well as her clothes.
The other important reason for Madame Razz to join the ranks in MOTUC is that her irregular shaped body could share parts with Gwildor and possibly Cursed Marzo. I think I already mentioned the Gwildor Part Sharing when campaigning for some 87 movie presence in the line! Who knows if the Razz "skeleton" can be used for Rotar and Twistoid.
If Mattel made Nepthu fit the MOTUC Canon, then Making Madame Razz fit should be easy. Not to mention that Right now she IS THE MOST POPULAR Filmation character left. (Sea Hawk is coming and we got a glimpse of a Scorpia tail during the Matty Panel.)
Is Madame Razz for EVERYONE? NO! If you do not like Princess of Power, she is not for you. If you don't like variations in body size, then she is not for you. Her importance to the She-Ra side of the canon can't be ignored or her popularity among Filmation Fans. She is a highly desired CORE Member of The Great Rebellion and it would be a waste if the whole window for Filmation rights usage is closed and we miss out on this important character. It would be almost like having He-Man without Man-at-Arms AND Orko... Madame's role is similar to Orko's as comedic relief, but at the same time she is a Mentor character like Duncan. The only real reason I see that we may miss out on her is Tooling.
Totally agree on both accounts, Madame Razz needs to be made and I am Team Bow all the way too! I really don't understand the folks that don't want her, or have negative things to say. I just don't get it. These people that complain about Madame Razz and everything, the main hero of the toy line wears a loin cloth. It is just crazy that people have issues with her.
ReplyDeleteDefinitely also agree that Madame Razz belongs in MOTUC. I'm a fan of pretty much all eras of MOTU, so there's absolutely love of Razz as a characer from me. Personally, with MOTUC figures, I always look as characters that fall outside of the standard warriors and fighters as often adding different archetypes to the pool of already established character archetypes. The character archetype of the helpful witch is definitely a stable of fantasy and RPG lore, so why not add her in to add some diversity amongst all the warrios? Some people had dismissed Eldor at one point as just "an old man in a robe" however he adds the archetype of the wisened old man/ wizard. In building the best fantasy toyline ever, it's just exciting to get characters based on archetypes that are a little bit outside of the box.
ReplyDeleteyou make some good points but i still hate her. i hate all comic relief characters especially FAILmation ones & also because we already have castaspella so she's redundant. i dread knowing that they will make her. they made the useless fat penguin granymyr, i'm afraid they will make the fat old witch too.
ReplyDeleteI've been guilty of th e"old man in a hoodie" jokes for Eldor. He works as a "Mentor" The Obi-Wan to He-Ro... Madame Razz is basically a "Fairy Godmother" and "comic relief".
ReplyDeleteShe's not for Everyone, but she's an important character.
Whether you like her or hate her, the fact is that she's an important character on the She-Ra side of the mythos.