Sep 16, 2018

Marvel Legends Squirrel Girl: the rant

Yes, Squirrel Girl. The biggest joke character this side of Dan Hibiki, Co-created by Steve Ditko... yes, THAT Steve Ditko. Well, she's been gaining some popularity and is one of the faces in Hasbro's new toyline to counter Mattel's DC Superhero girls. But let's be honest here... THE TRUE MARVEL LINE IS MARVEL LEGENDS. If you don't make it here you aren't legen wait for it dary.

So, if she were to be made, Which Version would you choose?

First appearance which reminds me of someone...
Now you can't unsee it...

Maybe a different look for her?
This is the most realistic looking pic of modern Chunky Squirrel Girl I could find. The cartoony style wouldn't fit with Marvel Legends... Remember the Humberto Ramos Goblin from the ToyBiz era.
That thing could never fit with ML, due to the proportions. Personally, I'd prefer her GLAvengers look.

It's more comic-booky and the only new pieces would be a lower torso to attach the tail, tail and slip-on pieces for the arms and legs... if making new ones is too much of a hassle.

Chunky Squirrel girl's outfit is mostly done with exiating parts but she would lose the chunkiness and Tumblr would have a fit.

You know the Venom Wave that had Venom AND A Venom BAF? Well here's an idea that could be called... NUTS!
A Squirrel Girl wave WITH Squirrel Girl as a BAF.
The ultimate Dick Move would be having "Classic Squirrel Girl" as the BAF. "New" Squirrel Girl in a realistic style would be one of the figures from the wave.
She could be split as: Head, Torso, arms, legs, and tail. That's 5 pieces.
Tippy Toe and Monkey Joe would be the "Final BAF Piece" and accessory for both Squirrel Girls. No the squirrels were wouldn't come with Squirrel Girl; because I need you to make you buy the entire wave not just Squirrel Girl and call it a day.
Toss in there:
Squirrel Girl
Hank McCoy (grey. Save the blue for an X-Men wave)
Flaming Claws Wolverine (he's here because of his mysterious past with SG.)
Baron Mordo
Classic Thanos
Doctor Doom
If we need a Seventh Figure a Classic Kraven.

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