Sep 21, 2018

Spidey and the PS4... first thoughts.

I can't even...
The game is it's own take on Spider-Man. Peter has been Spidey for a bit but some of his classic villains aren't even villains yet... So it's a universe of its own. More on that later. Spidey has been in a few open world games... but none could beat

Until now...
Marvel's Spider-Man had taken the Spider-Man 2 swinging and improved it. Combat feels a bit too ARKHAMmy for my tastes. It doesn't go FULL Arkham, but it's obvious that the Arkham games were a bit of an inspiration. We do have a bit more combat freedom here, though.

Barely 30% done with the game I kind of feels like I've been playing the game for forever... well to be fair I did start Wednesday at 4 p.m. and forced myself to stop playing around 6 or was it 7 a.m. on Thursday?

Like I said earlier the game takes certain core elements and switches them around like Mary Jane is not an actress / model but an investigative reporter Norman is the mayor of New York instead of JJJ... Heck, Aunt May is a brunette.

There's like a lot of Easter eggs in this game like references to comics, references to other Spider-Man games , namely Spider-Man 's 2 web slinging Pizza reference heck there's a reference to GTA IV.

On the voice acting side we got lots of Veteran voice actors like Laura Bailey who played Chun-Li in Street Fighter 4 as MJ the boyfriend of boruto's dad is Spidey on the voice acting side is God not oh better invoice actors Laura Bailey who played Chun Li in street Fighter 4 is MJ. the boyfriend of burrito's dad is Spidey. Dwight Schultz from the original The A-Team is Vulture...

I've been going on and on about the game being awesome and it almost sounds as if it was flawless... it isn't.
Cutscenes are a bit glitchy. Some characters flicker nd reveal an unintended pose for fractions of a second before continuing on the cutscene script.  Sometimes enemies get locked up in their vehicles and won't be able to come out. So far, I haven't seen any game breaking glitches.

The game also suffers from some Open World issues... collectibles (luckily the backpacks are rather easy to find once you activate the area map.) You have a photo op mode that butthurt xbox users are using to mock the game. Sone really silly side missions, but the web swinging is enjoyable enough to ignore up to an extent the flaws.
You can also hang from your webs and descend in the web yo-yo pose.

The outfit selection is OK. I've unlocked a few, but I tend to gravitate to classic and Scarlet Ben...

Can't wait until my next day/night off...

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