Sep 30, 2023
Snake Mountain won't be coming out of the toy chest any time soon.
Sep 28, 2023
Were you watching Goblet of Fire, Haley Joel!!!? Nefty asked calmly.
As you can probably guess by the title of this rant, somebody died. The reason is that I'm referring to the most popular Osment. But the Dumbledore asked calmly reference is more worrisome.
82 year old Michael Gambon died peacefully at a hospital due to a bout with pneumonia. My condolences to friends and family. I have to be truthful and admit, that the MAIN reason I know of Gambon is Dumbledore. Professor Dean Zayas did mention him a couple of times alongside Laurence Olivier and other famous stage actors that moved to film. May he rest in peace. Wait, he was General Zevo in Toys... now that's a movie I haven't seen in ages. I remember the shitty SNES game that my stepsister had.
Sep 26, 2023
Super7 announced Krang's Android Body
Super7 at Brock and Mortar stores?
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Alice & Alicia: Hello, Nefty... come and play with us. Come and play with us, Nefty... forever... and ever... and ever... Nefty-kun: I hope your come is spelled with an o and an e at the end... Alice and Alicia: We want to play poor pussy with you, Nefty... Nefty-kun: In the words of the great strategist Joseph Joestar, NIGERUNDAYO, SMOKEY!! |
Sep 25, 2023
I saw Expend4bles...
Legolambs seems to have hurt Stallone and company with their Musical.
Also, making Expendables 3 for pussies didn't help... wait a minute! Ronda Rousey was in Expendables 3 and was the worst part of the movie, because of her acting impairment... in Expend4bles, we have Megan Fox, who is the worst part of the movie, because of her acting impairment. History repeats itself.
There were only nine people watching the movie, with me being one of them, my ex being another... (friendly breakup. We function better as friends than a couple, but that's TMI). 9 people, Yikes! But wait, it gets worse: Andy Garcia is in this. When she saw Andy, she blurted: "He's the bad guy!" I was like: "Just because Andy Garcia is in this, doesn't mean he's the bad guy!" He was the bad guy. His codename was:
OCELOT!!, Which I yelled while making a bad Snake impression. Megan Fox is way too much in this movie and there's very little Stallone. 50 Cent did a much better work than Megan Fox.
People whined about the CGI in The Flash, but Expend4bles has late PS1 FMV effects. The movie had a $100 Million budget, but it looks like they only spent $100K on the SFX. As much as I like Stallone and gratuitous violence, this movie was crap. And I mean, direct to DVD modern Seagal movie levels of bad. I mean Sci-Fi Channel levels of bad. Not Supershark levels of bad but Sharknado 3 levels of bad. I should have seen Gran Turismo instead.
Skeletor is in Call of Duty... fuck! Mattel what the fuck!?
Really? Of all the possible videogames where Skeletor would actually make sense as a guest character *cough* Mortal Komba or Baldur's Gate 3 *cough* Mattel chooses Call of Duty as the game that Skeletor should make an appearance. What the fuck!?
I mean at least it's not Fortnite, but what does Call of duty have in common with MOTU? Absolutely NOTHING!
Big Jim or classic continuity Max Steel would've made more sense for Call of Duty, not motherfucking Skeletor... fuck this shit...
Sep 23, 2023
It came from the Toy Chest: The car only rins when I say "What!?"
I received a Wal-Mart WWE Wrekkin' Stone Cold Crusher Monster Truck... it has soft tires. It has a spring loaded action feature and obviously the breakable parts. There is a second version of this truck without the Stone Cold motif and figure. I got this as a very belated birthday present from my cousin. Apparently she read my rant whining about Wal-Mart canceling my preorder. You freaking rock!
Let's get the action feature out of the way.
Honestly I'm not entirely sure if it's supposed to work that way because underneath that breakable part there's a disc with footholes to make Stone Cold stand there. So let's try it again without the back cover:![]() |
NECA can use it instead. |
Sep 21, 2023
Celebrities are not the best voice actors... a Mortal Kombat rant
In the previous Mortal Kombat we were "graced" with Ronda Rousey as Sonya Blade. Dreadful is the most polite word to describe her performance. In the new Mortal Kombat 1, we have Megan Fox as Nitara... she makes Rousey look good. There are good actors that can do voicework. But let's face it, when you choose celebrities because of clout instead of actual talent, you get Ronda Rousey or Megan Fox.
Vanessa Marshall, Jennifer Hale, Grey DeLisle, Tara Strong, Lisa Ann Beley, Ashleigh Ball, Tabitha St. Germain, Nicole Oliver, Cree Summer, Kathleen Barr, or Rebecca Shoichet could've delivered MUCH BETTER PERFORMANCES and a lot cheaper than hiring Rousey or Fox.
Fuck you Todd McFarlane
Sep 20, 2023
But Microsoft isn't a Monopoly, said the XBots. Newly lealed email says the opposite
Or at least it shows that Phil Spencer wants to buy out the competition. Remember last time Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo? A lealed email from 2020 revealed that Phil Spencer sees Nintendo as a Key asset to dominate The industry and that M$ should attempt to bring Nintendo to the fold. The Activision Blizzard mess raised Monopoly/Anti-Trust red flags and unfortunately, the FTC screwed the pooch miserably and that was getting a Third-party publisher. Omagine the amount of red flags that would raise of Microsoft attempts to buy Nintendo... The Legendary First-party company that saved videogames in the 80s. It will sound a bit melodramatic, but it's true. If Microsoft were to buy Nintendo, gaming as we know it will die.
It'll be like in demolition man where everything is Taco Bell but instead it's a horrobly expensive version of gamepass and with horrible DRM that makes Denuvo seem like a beautifil thing.These mega mergers are bad for the industry. They decrease competition and creativity.
Sep 19, 2023
What the Hell Hasbro?
So I got an email earlier today about Hasbro Pulse finding some stock on some older items... that gave me a chance to hit the jackpot.
Exactly, Mr. B! SUPER7 Stuff in Hasbro Pulse!? This is some weird synergy. Also the amount of Skulls that Hasbro had sold out before the Bulks...
I'm like Peter Parker right now... Spike! Roll the clip!
Sep 16, 2023
It Came from the Toy Chest: She was supposed to be a ginger!!
Not a Sister... I am talking about Andra, based on Kevin Smith's Bastardization of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe! Now that I got that out of my system, let's begin.
She was Buffy's better half after Adam died and was the Riri Williams to Duncan's Tony Stark. Honestly I got her because she was like $13 shipped.
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He-Man: What's with the music, the candles, the mysterious mask, and sexy cloak? Andra: Don't you like me? I'm your girl! He-Man |
Sep 15, 2023
Masterverse Ram Mam leggins rotting: it has begun
Back when these were revealed in March, I pointed out that rubbery leggings for Ram Man would be a bad idea.
Well, I just saw whis online... this is the 5th Ram Man I've seen with this issue.
The figure was allegedly just taken out of the package and set in the pose seen in the pic. Few weeks later the leggings broke at the Knee. This could've been avoided if Ruben Martinez hadn't been cutting corners. But here we are. It's a shame since the figure looked pretty sweet!
Mattel, PLEASE, do better. I've been slowly getting into Masterverse and this bullshit happens... not cool!
The not exactly Super Princess Peach sequel is a Thetre Kid's dream come true.
Princess Peach: Showtime has basically Princess Peach becoming a Theatre Kid/Magical Girl as she saves the Theater from a villain...
I'll let Nintendo explain it better. The game has some serious Super Princess Peach vibes to it but with a Kirby-esque twist. Between Super Mario bros. Wonder, Tomb Raider trilogy, this game, Mario and Donkey kong, and Super Mario RPG, Q4 of 2023 and 2024 are going to have me with my hands full playing a shit ton of Nintendo games.
Butler is going to get fridged on the switch...
The Switch has become my default console for old game collections now I have 2 more reasons... that can be pointy polygonal boobs or remastered:
Yup! Classic Lara is getting a Trilogy on the Switch... getting this collection I can face my teenage traumas of not beating TR 1 and 3. 2 I beat in my early 20s. Sadly no nude raider code... also really, Valentine's Day 2024? I know I'm lonely, but this release date didn't need to rub it on my face.
Wonder who has the rights to Battle Arena Toshinden...
Sep 14, 2023
Ideas for Super7's MMPR Wave 6:
Wave 5 or MMPR ultimates is a go!
His new Miles Morales outfit is awful
I don't dislike Miles as a character, well, I stopped disliking him once they found some sort of personality other than Black Peter Parker copy. But I'm not a fan of the redesigns given to him, especially those that add baggy clothes... kinda racist, since he's black and all that. Well, this is apparently his new outfit:
How does that even work, especially since he has to keep all that under street clothes?
Weird Utility belt is not that bad, though the dangling spider on it worries me. The dumbass jacket is what bothers me the most with him. Whoever designed this outfit doesn't understand Spider-Man. Yes, Peter's original outfot was made for showmanship, but as an acrobatic character, the tight spandex without baggy ellements allow him to slip in and out tight spots with ease. That jacket/poncho is a liability for Miles. Ben Reilly was criticized for his makeshift Scarlet Spider outfit, due to the Hoodie. Ao what do they do for Miles?
Hoodie, tracksuit pants and sneakers:
While dumb and impractical, this outfit is very lazy. Feels like it was made for lazy cosplayers to by a cheap mask on Amazon and get an off the rack tracksuit and paint some crap on it.
But the newer outfit makes this dumb tracksuit look like a stroke of genius.
Why the fuck does it have a giant M on it?
Sep 13, 2023
Hasbro is slowing down on Lightning Collection, meanwhile Super7's like:
Making something extremely messed up with the line...
We're getting Bulk!!
Normally I wouldn't Buy Super 7 Power Ranger figures because Hasbro does much better figures. But having Bulk is something that Hasbro has not done. And I have said for quite some time that I want Bulk and Skull. I would have also like to see some teenagers with attitude, but at $55 each, I don't think I would buy them all. I would most definitely buy Kimberly, Kat, Aisha, and Trini... okay, I would also buy Billy, Tommy, try to get Zack, Adam, and it's a toss-up between Rocky and Jason. But even if I'm unable to get all the Rangers I'm most likely going to try and get Bulk and Skull, because I could sneak them in other displays like generic Purple Dragons perhaps?
But the idea that we might get Bulk and Skull might force Hasbro's hand... and if we get Teenagers with attitude even better! Or should I say Morphinomenal!
Sep 12, 2023
Super7 TMNT: Triceratons: a Rant
We have a Triceraton coming, which is basically a Playmates version of Zog.
Sep 11, 2023
My top wanted Masterverse figures:
Sep 9, 2023
2003 in Super7 Ultimates: the rant
Another TMNT Variant rant:
I finished writing another rant a little while ago. There I mention something that made me think of potential variants that are valid but not completely "Playmates infringing". So being in a "variant friendly mood" let's see what I can come up with:
Sep 7, 2023
Super7's biggest enemy is Super7...
Sep 6, 2023
Ryu jist shinkuuhadouken'd all over my mouth
I was at an Asian Food Store getting some of Uncle Roger's favorite white powder when I saw these:
Dimension Shellshock might bring good news for Super7
The DLC is out, i know I'm a bit late, but I needed to pay some bills before I tackled gettong this. Thank goodness for some Nintendo points, which made the DLC cheaper after taxes.
I won't review the DLC itself because it's a survival mode. I also will not cover all the Easter eggs that the game has, because I'm not super stoked about all the Easter eggs and I just want to talk about the ones that I care about the most. There's plenty of Archie stuff and some TMNT other sources... but check this out!
It's Mona Lisa, Carter, Irma, and Zach the 5th turtle fighting Antrax and Mutagen Man.
Antrax doesn't exactly look like the toon or playmates version BUT it has ALL THE PLAYMATES Weapons and it's based on Toon Antrax, but mirrored AND a completely different head. Pop in an alternate head with mandibles and we can have a close to vibrage Antrax without offending Playmates.