Sep 7, 2013

The Tommy Wi-Show...

Thanks to the guys at, Topless Robot, and my very own Assistant (a very smelly sock) I ended up with a Tommy Wi-Show season 1 on DVD (also a House that drips blood on Alex Shirt, seen on the Castaspella Review, 2 Theatre styled Posters of said short, and a very controversial choose your Adventure book) but I'm going to Review the Tommy Wi-Show... Well it was either this, or ramble on how much current era Stan Lee sucks compared to what he was back then... something something current era Stan Lee is an attention whore whose attention grabbing schemes make him seem desperate. Perhaps a rant for another day, but I need some comments demanding it, otherwise I won't do it... So, back to the Tommy Wi-Show...

So, what is the Tommy Wi-Show? It's a Videogame show starring Tommy Wiseau as T.W. and Brock LaBorde as Ahliennn (or as close as how Wiseau says the word Alien)... T.W. gets kidnapped by the Alien and is forced to play videogames.


Here's the thing that I realized after watching 7 out of 10 episodes of the Tommy Wi-show... I wasn't laughing with Tommy, I was laughing at him... but the problem is that he KNOWS We're laughing at him and he's playing us like a violin... He KNOWS he is known for awful performances...

This is Tommy Wiseau trying to deliver a serious performance... Look at the Tommy Wi-Show video and you can see that it's Tommy Wiseau playing a caricature of Tommy Wiseau's acting from The Room!

He KNOWS how he is disliked and how his Masterpiece is a Master Piece of crap!! (The Music is the best thing about the movie) Now he's just playing the role of a bufoon just to get the attention and possibly money... This gives Tommy Wiseau some layers...

Seriously, watch this Memorial Day video from him... He IS Mocking himself there, he KNOWS it and he KNOWS we'll enjoy it because it has hints of that Wiseau-esque acting.
He knows he's considered one of the worst actors/directors ever, so he plays the crowd by doing awful acting!

Now that he KNOWS it makes him slightly LESS Funny. It was funnier back when he believed he was doing a great job and was serious about The Room being a drama. Now I'm not sure if Wiseau really sucks ass at games or if he's playing badly for the crowd.

I hope this is the last time I have to deal with Tommy Wiseau... Well that is at least until I can get a copy of The Room Then I can make a review of THAT Movie...

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