Jan 30, 2019

Apparently, Ghostbusters 3 is going to be with children

Yes, you read correctly. Children, as in NOT adults being the Ghostbusters...

Why in Vigo the Carpathian's name would they do that?

Hmm... you see where I'm going with this?
I don't know... it's nothing racist, sexist, ageist, or anything like that.
It's simple: Having literal children as Ghostbusters makes no sense.
First there's the whole Proton Pack issue. A nuclear accelerator weighing roughly half of each child stuck to their backs? That's not safe... not to mention illogical to have children wielding these. Then we have the whole transportation issue. They can't  drive, how can they go bust ghosts?

I don't want this to suck, but this is turning into a likely suck-fest...

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