Nov 13, 2023

"Fixing" Super7's April for for the eventual 2.0

 This will eventually happen. We got Silver Shredder, who will eventually lead to yet another Shredder, flocked Splinter... and "pseudo Mirage Casey". Well. Assuming Playmates is still being a little bitch about the line, here's my random idea for April 2.0 not a redeco figure.

Less Pinkish plastic for her flesh. The vintage heads painted in more reddish color. Her toon head would have the same hair color as the other heads. She gets all the stuff from the previous April except the vintage weapon rack. The "new accessories for her would be a new head:

Based on the Arcade Cabinet April Model... mainly her hairdo on the "toy April" face sculpt.
The other accessory would be a brown Jacket. Specifically a soft goods NON PLEATHER Jacket. Pleather flakes off faster than vac metal... the jacket is a nod to the Red Sky seasons and technically speaking is something that Neither NECA nor Playmates have offered. 

Now for the Redeco itself:
The yellow should be slightly different: a bit more orangey than the wave 3 april... think the same color as the turtle plastron. Now on the back she should have a Channel 6 Logo tampographed instead of the word Turtles. And that's how I'd do it to be compliant with Super7's "rules".

Now for a Deluxe Ultimates! April ($65-70 range)
-She has 5 heads:
The 3 existing heads in Toon April colors, Arcade cabinet inspired head,  April II inspired head in Cartoon colors.
-Corrected flesh tone that matches Ninja April.
-Jumpsuit would be more cartoon inspired, Turtles Logo on back is replaced with Channel 6 Logo.
-New torso with interchangeable arms feature.
-new lower legs with interchangeability feature.
-3 sets of arms: 
normal Jumpsuit arms with rolled sleeves, jumpsuit arms with unrolled sleeves, brown jacket arms.
2 torso overlays:
Closed jacket
Open jacket. (Open jacket with jumpsuit sleeves can be used as a "vest").
-2 sets of lower legs:
traditional white boots, Red sky/Mirage inspired long pants and shoes look.
Channel 6 cap (fits on vintage toy and April II heads)
She gets the usual hands. New Pepper Spraying hands

For her returning accessories, she only gets her Micorphone, press pass, Turtle Communicator (Mikey being the turtle in the open one), Ninja April camera and Tripod.
New accessories:
Purse (fits closed Turtle Communicator, Pepper spray can, and press pass.)

While she has "less items" in the playability area, we're assuming you have April 1.0 to share accessories with. It's the display options where I wanted to focus. You have a sorta Toy April, a Sorta Toon April, a sorta Red Sky April, a sorta Mirage inspired April, a sorta Anime April, and if you use the Red Sky open jacket as a vest and the cap, you get an all new "sorta original" look for April. 

I know it sounds a tad expensive, but the idea is to have the most deluxe April ever. 

Stupid Playmates ruining my plans for getting  multiple theoretical Super7 Ravishing Aprils and turning them into GTA3 Hookers... Curse you Playmates toys, curse you!!

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