Nov 21, 2023

GOAT Simulator... WHY!?

 Best $5 I've spent, worst $5 I've wasted. I love it, I hate it, I dunno how to describe it. It's like, you know the meme I want X, and mon says we have X at home and the X at home is disappointing? GOAT Simulator and X is Tony Hawk's Underground. 

This game is why all digital downloads should have a demo. Now you might be thinking: 

"Nefty, GOAT Simulator is really old and there have been plenty of reviews of that buggy mess. Why are you bitching about it now?"

Because I'm playing it now. I've been giving indie games a break and had various levels of success, with games like Unmetal and Little Miss Fortune being among the better games. Shenmue 3 being eeeehhh! I need to restart Bloodstained and then there's GOAT Simulator, which is all over the spectrum. Bugs are "a feature" and the game is pointless... but somehow fun? I dunno how to properly do the game justice.

Sadly I'm playing on console, that means all I get are guys in tracksuits due to copyright issues.

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