Oct 2, 2013

I WANTED to LIKE Iron Man 3 and Tom Clancy is dead...

I just couldn't... I'm not going to review the movie. I'll just point what I liked (RDJ playing Tony Stark) and what I disliked... (Pretty much everything else.)

Let's start with the Big One... The Ten Rings himself... The Mandarin. They had this build-up during the first movie. Just to have the Mandarin be a fake, but then having a lesser character be the "real" Mandarin.

So, the Mandarin is unfeasible in the movie universe? Smart, bitter man who gets access to Alien Tech and uses it to try to rule the world is impossible in a movie universe that recently dealt with an Alien Invasion? I have to call Absolute BS on that. We already had the build-up of the Ten Rings terrorist group... Ten Rings, the Mandarin... It's pretty obvious that they were setting him up then we got this...
THING!! No one thought about the leader of a Terrorist Cell using some stolen Chitauri tech, ten Rings, blah, blah, blah... Real Mandarin vs Iron Man...

For this disappointing Mandarin, they could have just used MODOK as the villain.

-Next on my List is: Tony Stark Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Seriously, Tony Stark was kicking ass and taking names OUTSIDE THE ARMOR...

The thing about Iron Man is the Freaking Armor... If he can kick ass WITHOUT The Armor, then what's the point of having it in the first place? Speaking of S.H.I.E.L.D. Where Are they?

-The Kid Sidekick... Freaking Iron Man has a Kid Sidekick... That's a new low...

-Pepper Potts saves the day... Oops! Spoilers... My bad... Seriously, the big bad is defeated by Stark's Secretary... That feels even Cheaper than Marian's Ball Punch... That was a bit meh...

-Warmachine's presence was pointless... BTW, why wasn't he in Avengers.

This movie takes a dump in the previous movies on the Marvel Universe... At least Agents of SHIELD is entertaining...

Well, I'm pretty sure that the Ghost writers for the "Tom Clancy"'s: Splinter Cell games will have a bit of a problem since Tom Clancy is apparently dead.  I say apparently, because he will live on through his "lost works" and the Ghost Writers using his name as a brand like the "Tom Clancy": Games have done. We'll just say that our condolences to his family and that hopefully we won't have a conspiracy about his death... (I have to use We since I do have a few ghost writers... and I hate when they leave their ectoplasm all over my keyboard...)So, Mr. Clancy's ghost, you're free to write articles for me!
Scratch that last comment... It was a bit tasteless, but I still believe we'll see a lot of stuff coming from the "Tom Clancy" brand...

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