Nov 6, 2017

Disney could get the rights to X-MEN and Fantastic Four?

Don't play games with my heart like that...
Basically Fox wants to focus on "sports and news" and trim the fat by feeding it to the Mouse. This would allow Disney to get the rights to X-MEN and Fantastic Four through corporate greed... Normally, I would be against a takeover like that, but if it stops Tranktastic type of movies, or worse X-MEN origins type of movies, so be it... Also MCU F4 sounds delicious!

Please let this happen. Now I know what you're thinking. How to implement the F4 and X-MEN into the MCU? Simple: the sequel to infinity war could have, I don't know, the Third Olsen being corrupted by the reality gem and making a pseudo House of M/Onslaught/Heroes Reborn event to not only reboot the cast, but adding the missing children of Marvel into the fold. Boom! I could be a Hollywood writer!

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