Jul 19, 2018

Theoretical He-Man for the new She-Ra... grrr...

I'm starting to think that the netflix folks are trying to troll me.

A member of the Trollhunters team made a Theoretical He-Man and the results speak for themselves. It's Adam with He-Man's harness on top of his clothes. Holy crap, now I know why I hate it...
Cloth version of his Nu52 armor... but THAT IS NOT what I want to talk about... Look at She-Ra... she is FEMININE while retaining the petite proportions. I STILL HATE THE OUTFIT... mostly the Tiara, biker pants and that the skirt is not a skirt and lends itself for easy erotic art... (which destroys the theory from certain groups claiming that "men hate the new designs because they can't fap to it.")

Alright, I lied, I just wanted to purge a bit of venom before I went for a tirade on the theoretical He-Man...
I already mentioned him looking more like Adam wearing a He-Man harness than being He-Man. I mentioned his outfit evoking the nu52 MOTU...
The third nitpick is:
What is He-Man? I mean the definition of the term...
a well-built, muscular man, especially one who is ostentatiously so... That is the definition of He-Man... this Boy, while athletic, he's no He-Man. He needs Canseco juice...

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