First of all: Toys R Us have an Adult Collector section where figures from shows that are not aimed at Kids, like in this case Breaking Bad are displayed. Here's where you'd find stuff like Spawn, or Horror movies stuff by companies like McFarlane or NECA. Here's where you'd find Funko's Game of Thrones toys and other toylines aimed at the Adult Collector. (Here's where the toys from Watchmen were often seen back in the day)
Second: These "toys" are aimed at Adult Collectors AND it says so in the package! Like say, Funko's Game of Thrones toys that say: COLLECTIBLE. NOT A TOY (In English, French and Spanish)
The Infamous Breaking Bad "Action Figures" which are pretty much Glorified Statues have an Ages 15+ in the front of the card.
Third: by using her Logic, then Toys R Us should not sell Games Rated above E10, because those games are not suited for children.
Or taking it to a more ridiculous concept. supermarkets should not sell Beer and Cigarettes because they also sell Baby Food and Lunchables.
Now, with that said, Daniel Pickett of Action Figure Insider has made a Petition on to KEEP the Breaking Bad figures and other Adult Collectibles available at Toys R Us. I hope plenty of people sign it, because having a few angry people who DO NOT SHOP AT TOYS R US trying to dictate what we who ACTUALLY ARE TRU Customers can or cannot buy.
Brick and Mortar toy stores are a dying breed. Remember Kay-Bee Toys? Well, stores that cater to Adult Collectors are a dying breed too. Suncoast, anyone? Funny story. At Toys R Us, I STILL NEED TO SHOW AN ID when buying M games or some Adult Collectibles. I'm WAY OLDER than 18 and I still need to show an ID to buy stuff at Toys R Us. That's how seriously they take their job. Not to mention that the Adult Collectibles aisles are not next to stuff that Small Children would be interested in. Hell often the Toys R Us express stores that show around Christmas time are lacking the Adult Collectible Aisles.
Think about it. It's in Toys R Us' best interest to KEEP the Adult Collectible section of the store. Let's face it, Toys like Action Figures and Dolls are not as successful with kids today as they were with us when we were children. We are the Children of Saturday Morning Cartoons and 22 Minute Toy commercials. Kids today are the Tablet and iChildren. Action Figures and Dolls are archaic things that are borderline pointless to them. Losing the Adult Collectibles would take a huge chunk of change out of TRU's coffers. The Collectors and Scalpers are a sizeable chunk of the customer base who buy toys for adults as well as for Children... (Bronies alone buy more MLP Product than actual little girls.) Losing that chunk of Customer Base could spell bad news to the Toy Store.
The thing that bugs me the most is how ONE PERSON gets OFFENDED by something and this ONE PERSON plans a CRUSADE TO ELIMINATE WHAT OFFENDED them. The Opinions of those who are not offended by that thing who offended the first person are not important; because they are not offended by the "Offensive thing". Those people get called insults (sub human disgusting things, misogynists, etc.) simply because they don't agree with the "offended party". Hmmm... This kinda echoes another situation, but I digress.
There is no real issue here!
She believes the toys are not for kids. The Manufacturer believes these collectibles are not for kids. Toys R Us believes these collectibles are not for kids and has them in a section of the store with other Adult Collectibles.
It only becomes an issue when they try to ban them from stores. The sad thing is that it has happened before... over the last 15 plus years. Also, it's funny that the offended party is always a mother who somehow ends up stumbling into toys that are clearly not for Children. (The Breaking Bad toys are marked 15 and up, the Dexter toys were marked 18+ and the infamous Austin Powers McF "Figures" are marked 13+) I can almost understand the Austin Powers one being somewhat problematic, but seriously, who buys their 11 year old child a figure of Mike Myers with Ridiculous amounts of chest hair prancing in his underwear? I mean it's not like they have inappropriate humor like a Fat Bastard who wants to eat a Midget or something.
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You know, For Kids! |
I- I just don't know what else to say. I mean, the Mattel Nimbus 2000 vibrator scandal (due to joke reviews on Amazon) had a bit more merit than this.
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