Jul 9, 2023

It came from the Toy Chest: The He-Man She-Ra Masterverse power hour


I have a She-Ra... A real She-Ra not Nate Stevenson's Bastardization. It's the masterverse She-Ra that was a bit cheaper on ENTERTAINMENT EARTH due to her package being FUBAR... aka not Meent!

So, I got a Masterverse She-Ra... He-Man's twin sister and defender of the Crystal Castle... we need a Masterverse Adora... right now I'll even take a Nate Stevenson's Bastardization of Adora to go with Revelation Adam.

So let's begin!
He-Man: So you're the Me from another World?
She-Ra: The sword tells me that you're not simply a brother in arms, but that you are my...
He-Man: Dear Brotha! I don't understand, why does it feel so good to say Brothaaaaa! Also, I feel like rambling about Snakes and Genes... Dear Sister... You know, Sister doesn't have the same ring as BRRRROTHAAAAAA!
She-Ra: Hakuna your tatas, Dear Brother... Oh! I can see what you mean... BROTHAAAA!
She-Ra: Did you like my Sunglasses!
Nefty VO: ENOUGH! Go chatch some chickens if you want to keep making Cam Clarke references. At least THAT WOULD BE TIED TO ME!! DEAR BROTHA!! Great now I'm making Cam Clarke references.

She-Ra is as articulated as Sarah Michelle Gellar's Bad Teela who was replaced by Melissa Benoist for the sequel to Revelation. The maind difference is that She-Ra has longer hair and it can get in the way a little bit. I do have a nitpick here... her torso articulation breaks up the flower crest on her. Instead of making a new torso that had the articulation at the waist and sacrifice the underboob cut, they chose poorly and broke her crest and it looks bad.
I know this complaint should have been on that paint and scuplt section but, the issue here is not the sculpting it's the articulation overriding the sculpting. It moves well, but it's aesthetically unpleasant.

Paint and sculpt 
The figure looks decent. Sadly she has this mouth breathing sculpted expression. I already mentioned the armor issue, but she has an additional issue. She had painted on details that ahouldve been sculpted in her boots and bracers... but wait, there's more! Soft goods cape leeches color unto her skirt. Think we're done here? Nope! It's Chuck Testa! Her carmored crest doesn't match from the tips on her breast piece with the bottom soft plastic part of her outfit. Then let's throw in that my shield came with messed up paint from the factory...
She-Ra: The sword of protection gave me a shield?
He-Man: The sword of Power gave me an Axe...
Both: Are the swords trying to tell us something?
Nefty VO: Yeah, that Mattel is cutting corners here, there,  and everywhere!

Extra head inspired by art from the vintage toy.
Extra soft goods cape based on Nate Stevenson's Bastardization.
2 extra hands
Not seeing the value on this being a deluxe figure.
Teela: Who's the Ho?
She-Ra: Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me? Ho?
He-Man: That's my Sister... or she was, until the whole Legal limbo involving Dreamworks.
Teela: Well, hands off my man, Dykyrie! He's mine!
She-Ra: Bro, I don't care if she's your girlfriend, but if this See You Next Tuesday keeps it up, I'm going to eviscerate her, use her intestines as a condom when I fornicate her cranium after transmogrifying my blade into a wearable phallus!
Teela: I changed my mind, she's my new Bestie!

She-Ra gets a disappointing 3.17 as her final score. It looks like they not only didn't learn from the mistakes made with MOTUC She-Ra, but decided to make new ones in addition of repeating most of them. But if Glimmer and Bow are made, you KNOW I'm getting them.

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