Jul 10, 2023

It came from the Toy Chest: Wait a second, this isn't He-Man!!


It's Faker, Skeletor's evil Duplicate of He-Man. Specifically, the New Eternia version of Faker that is Actually Blue.

Unlike the Terminator inspired Masterverse Faker, we now have a true Blue Faker... but this isn't New Eternia He-Man in blue with orange Skeletor Armor... this is more than that, let's get this review started.
Skeletor: As all is above and below, cast from the realms of the living and the dead; I bring darkness where light lives and I bring light upon the darkness. O Lords of Chaos and vanquishers of order, I present to thee, my very own vessel for Grayskull's might!! The He-Man of Darkness, FAKER!! ARISE MY FAKER!! ARISE!!

He has standard Masterverse Articulation, so it's decent. Fortunately for me it's torso wasn't super stiff out of the package. If you have a FEW Master figures, you know what to expect.
He moves and looks good doing it...

Paint and sculpt
I complained a lot here with She-Ra. I can't do the same with Faker. Reusing the cybernetic Tri-Klops arms is a stroke of genius, but the star of the show is that face. We need that face in flesh tones for He-Man!
I shouldn't have painted the eyes...

But the tampographed Cybernetics are no longer painted on...

They're actually sculpted on his chest! Now THIS is an improvement over MOTUC.

The only complaint I have is that the armor is barely painted. Only the crossbones have paint. I kind of wish that the tassels on his shoulders had gotten some paint as well.
Teela: Hey He-Man! Over here!

Faker: You called?
Teela: Wait... He-Man's not blue! Unless his blue balls have spread out to his whole body!

Here, Faker got the short end of the stick. While most Masters figures get things like a second head, alternate armor, or some accessories to spice up the figure, Faker got Jaques Schitt.
Only a cool technosword and a Frankenaxe.
He got a pair of hands... kinda underwhelming...
Faker: I know what you did last summer! I'd Scream too if they knew about Scooby Doo's Cruel Intentions.

Faker gets a 4.17 as his final score. It's good, but it could've been better. I'm disappointed that they didn't reuse use He-Man's boots with the dagger, or Revelation Faker's cyber head as a second look.

He-Man: Her voice is no longer Buffy's it's Supergirl's!
Faker: Calle or Benoist?
He-Man: Benoist...
Faker: Zoardammit Barry... don't worry I'll kick both your asses with Glee...
He-Man: Zoardammit, Nefty! Did you reprogram Faker?
Nefty VO: Nope!

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