With the Super Shredder surprise hint, wave 11 might change a lot... that is if Oroku Nash isn't an exclusive for SDCC figure. I mean, the announcement is for the Boiardi variant and not normal Super Shredder, who might end up in wave 11. In any case let's pretend Wave 11 has its two villains and figure out a Turtle variant and a redeco. Now naming two figures would be kinda lame so, I'll try to pick 5 possible redecos and 5 possible turtle variants:
Update: now I know the announcement was some ReAction Bullshit, but the rant was 65% done when I found out... so, I'm not going to waste it.
Possible Redecos:
Easily he could have an Archie inspired redeco.
The belt would be black and silver, the spikes on his elbow pads and knees would be silver, the wooden shoulder armor should be pale cream color to look like normal wood.His pads would be black keeping the Playmates toy aesthetic of bandanas and pads matching in color. His shell should be in two tones of dark green one for the shell and the other for the spikes. The shell spikes dark green should be used on his tail spikes and nails as well. The lens on Slash's left eye should be glossy white to show that he's got a sunglasses lens on him. His skin tone should be closer to Donatello. I opted for the Archie Comics version, since it requires Zero new parts in comparison to the toon version. Since this slash is a LITERAL redeco, there is still enough space for 1 new item, preferably an accessory from the comics.
The cartoon is the obvious redeco choice the only "issue" is that he requires 2-3 new things:
-New helmetless head.
-Toon removable bandolier with a sheath on his back that can fit the toy knife and
-wooden sword
I won't go deep into this Rock Steady figure because I've already done this way too many times. But I would add a soft goods removable brown vest as a nod to his human form.
April (Red Sky inspired look):
Using new arms and new lower legs (using the upper legs from Ninja April) and literally the same accessories from normal April... Orrrrrr, Super7 can just reuse April 1 but giving her a brown belt and boots and a soft goods brown jacket to have the red sky look and give her a new head based on 2 of ninja April's heads. Also the skintone should match Ninja April.
Bebop (new, but has 80s toon inspiration):
I know this is a bit of a bs move but it's Bebop with a white torso (simulating a white shirt, black sneakers, silver nose ring, dark purple mohawk and new glasses closer to the toon look. This look is loosely inspired by his himan form.
Atilla the Frog (Genghis Redeco):
I know this is "Kinda cheating" but we can make an Atilla using an unaltered Genghis sculpt but repainted. The only changes on him would be no tongue gun, new necklace and a new spiked volleyball flail.
![]() |
What an Atilla would look like. |
Turtle variants:
It's an obvious variant to start with. Not to mention it would look cool against a Samurai Leo.
Shredder (Raphael):
I made a custom figure, but an official one would kick so much ass!
Acclaimed Author Michelangelo:
This nod to the Image era comic Michelangelo is in name only. Picture Michelangelo wearing an outfit similar to George R.R. Martin with suspenders and the little hat. For accessories he has:
-portable Typewriter to write away from home.
-Penchucks are mightier than the sword (nunchucks)
-cup of coffee (reuse from Splinter)
-Klunk the cat
-quill throwing knives
-inkwell bombs
-head without bandana with orange rimmed glasses.
-80s computer
Tactical Espionage Expert Ninja Donatello:
This T.E.E.N. Donatello is a Nod to TMNT's relationship with Konami.
Basically Donatello in a grey, faded purple, and black sneaking suit. If potential part reuseability is needed, the torso and upper legs could be similar to Nightwatcher. Feet and hands could be from Space Cadet Raph. He'd need a new set of webgear that kinda looks like his normal belt/harness, but it has ammo pouches and a holster for a gun.
For accessories:
-Gun with silencer
-pair of escrima sticks that connect into a staff
-Night vision goggles from undercover Raph
-alt head with camo facepaint.
-C. Ration can
-TCRI keycard
Leonardo the Wandering Warrior:
This is basically Leonardo dressed as a traditional Ninja with a modern twist.
Reusing modified parts (thighs and upper arms) from Sewer Samurai Leo with the lower legs, feet forearms and hands from said figure. A new torso wearing a traditional ninja outfit would complete the look. Faded dark blues and dark grey are his palette.
New head wearing a ninja hood and the oni mask from Sewer Samurai Leo.
For accessories:
-Second head from Undercover Raph
-dark grey soft goods trenchcoat
-New cane sword
-reuse the scabbard and sword from Sewer Samurai Leo.
-reuse Ninja rack weapons.
And there you have it 5 potential figures for the 2 out of 4 slots of wave 11 that need to be filled.
I know that the Shredder's news were disappointing, but I will assume he's coming...
Otherwise we'd have to choose one of these:
Chrome Dome
These choices come from Shredder's Revenge or Turtles in Time and have nothing to do with the vintage releases.
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