The Walgreens Exclusive: Nurse Redheart!
She's appeared in two Episodes, As far as I know. Applebuck Season and Baby Cakes. She's the annoyed Nurse that kicks Pinkie out of the Nursery Room in Baby Cakes.
Seriously, Walgreens is stepping up in their toy department. Exclusive MLP toys, GoT collectibles and Marvel Legends toys.
Now, Nurse Redheart is Just your Average Pony. Same HEad Sculpt as all Earth Ponies, The body is using the Alternate non-Pegasus buck; similar style paintjob with eyes and Cutie Mark being the mane difference (pun intended), one cardboard accessory (Lame). So, here come the ratings:
Nurse Redheart only has 1 Point of Articulation and is due to the rooted hair. I already complained about the Ponies' lack of articulation before. 30 years and no real improvement in the POA! As an Action Figure collector she would get a 1.0 here... but since it's the MLP Standard that would translate to a 4.0 in a MLP collector scale.
Paint and sculpt:
Well there's not much to talk here... She's pretty much molded in White and the extra stuff is tampographed. Her sculpt is similar to the standard MLP stuff... The rooted hair makes her look not too show Accurate... But the Bun should be doable in theory... Now if I could find small enough bobby pins to hold it. 3
Her Nurse hat as a cardboard Tiara... Dammit Hasbro! Stop being ridiculously cheap with the ponies. I've complained about this various times before. These Cardboard "accessories" knock down the score on these reviews! 1.5

Without using the Pony Curve, Nurse Redheart gets a 1.83 as her score. It bumps up to a 2.83 which is not too bad, but she could have been better. Now since she's a NURSE and she's exclusive to a Pharmacy, the cleverness of this will give her some "Bias Points" which bumps her up to a 3.0!!
I don't give these often, but when I do; I prefer Dos Equus! (Bad Pun)
But this Tutorial can make your Nurse Redheart 20% cooler!
Considering it seriously...
The review is a bit short since she's a standard MLP toy with very little to offer (accessorywise.)
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