Rockstar's Logo is usually Taxi Cab yellow. This time it's Red... Why is that?
The Folks at Mashable have a nice theory. But to be honest, seeing the Rockstar Logo in Red it makes us think of
and some people remember the Previous Unrelated Red Dead Game...
Holy Ass Crackers! This theme was in Django Unchained!! But yeah, the RED Rockstar Logo screams Red Dead ______. Will they reveal a new Red Dead Game?
I also kinda want them to go blue...
But I understand that RDR is far more Popular than Canis Canem Edit, so it makes sense that it gets a sequel...
But, if This is true and it's not a troll then to quote Reggie Fils-Aimé My body is ready!
If this is a troll by Rockstar, then nice move dickholes!
Winds of Winter is still very far from our reach, but George R.R. Martin is having a new Book being Released!
A Game of Thrones: The Illustrated Edition... In honor of 20 years of A Song of Ice and Fire...
No, *expletive deleted* you, George R. R. Slowpoke Rodriguez is Faster than you Martin! We hope you don't die... AT LEAST until you finish the books... I also kinda hope not to die for a long long time (finish the books and other goals.) but the point is: You're not getting any younger. You still have 1 point something books to finish. You are prone to procrastinate since you have a dumb self-made rule: Only write at Home, yet you spend a LOT, and I mean A LOT of time outside your place. It makes sense that people worry about you not finishing the books. Especially since you're running out of books and the story has gone nowhere in the last two. It's obvious that you're just milking it now instead of FINISHING THE BOOKS, THEN MILK THE HELL OUT OF THEM!!! 20 FREAKING YEARS, MAN!!
So, the Batman Rant: Joe Manganiello is teasing us with a pic of Anna Kendrick. He's suggesting that she's Robin... I don't know... I don't see her as Robin... I mean, why jump straight to Carrie Kelly since we have seen no Dick nor Tim... Also, she could work as Oracle... That way we can skip action scenes that might look bad by having the Pitch Perfect Girl doing some stunts that will look obviously fake because it's the Pitch Perfect Girl. I don't want to bring the age thing, since she's 31 and Carrie's supposed to be 13... Why does that sound vaguely familiar... Also, 31 is a nice age for a Forcefully Retired Batgirl to be an Ultra Hacker who has kept tabs on Batman and his foes. Then again, this could be a joke pulled by Mr. Vergara.
Insert a The Room Reference here:
OK, It could have worked without ponies, but... to quote the Great Mills Lane, I'll allow it!
So, The Room... Starring Tommy Wiseau and Greg Sestero... The Batman and Robin of a bad movie that is so bad it turns good then bad and then good in an ironic way... Well, they're together again.
I want to see this so badly!! Supposedly, this was inspired by a road trip between Wiseau and Sestero. This film is so secret that it's not even listed on IMDB...
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