Jun 14, 2024

The FF Tactics Remaster rumors have returned

 If true, I'm SUPER Excited. The first time this happened was in 2021. I have a history with Final Fantasy Tactics. The game broke me and made me feel like a dum-dum. The PSP enhanced port was a bit better but added something far more broken than Orlandeau (Orlandu in my days)... Balthier. Man, that dude is broken AF. It's like Mustadio on steroids! 

A remaster sounds nice if we got upgraded sprites and backgrounds...

What we need is a Remake of Tactics in the same vein as the rumored FFIX Remake. 

I kinda ranted on things I want for this remaster. Most of them are making Cloud playable. But a Remake can allow us to expand the game a bit:

3D character models. This aids the Generics, but it also would be great for the Unique characters... as in we can have more poses instead of the characters walking in place. Like Ninja having a different pose than a Samurai or a Summoner. Heck we could have stances being based on Class or Equipment. For example: a Squire with a mace has a different stance than a Ninja with a mace.
3D character models also help with outfits and LIMITED customization. You could personalize the Generic troops. Even "unique generics" like Alicia, Lavian, and Ladd (Rad) could be made to look "unique" amongst the generics. I'm thinking Hair, eye, skin color, maybe a small selection of hairstyles from the different classes.

Square could also shove cheap DLC skins for characters ie: Shimmering dress or Shinra MP Cloud, or FFI based designs for some classes. NOTE: I'M NOT ADDING CHARACTERS, just skins.

New classes is an obvious idea:
Red Mage, Blue Mage, etc. 

Adding more monsters, which benefits the blue mage.

Added Chapter 4 content. Things like more bar quests for your back up units, actual quests for Ramza, new bosses, areas like Midlight's deep (Deep Dungeon) since we have Cloud let's add Mr. Overrated Whiny Asshole... I can almost read: "No matter where you run away to, I will always follow you... Cloud. Are these your new friends, allow me to relish in your suffering as I extinguish their lives, Cloud."

But let's wait and see what develops with this FFT story. Could you imagine a Final Fantasy Tactics with PS4 level graphics as a minimum?

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