GI Joe Ninja Dojo 3 pack from the GI Joe Retaliation line is what came out of the toychest today and this is what it is!
It's a 3 pack with Beachhead, Kamakura and
Hey! It's been a while since I've made a HM reference!!
One more year until I can see The Great One lay the smackdown! on some Cobra Jabronies! |
Well, it's one of the few GI Joe Retaliation items that can be seen until the movie starts NEXT YEAR!! Now on this pack, I have to say WHOA!! It's got a LOT of stuff!! All for for a bit less than the cost of 3 Joe figures... Unlike certain toy company that doesn't understand the notion of 3-packs being cheaper than 3 separate figures... not going to drop any names though...
This is the wrong intro, but it fits the movie-verse...
Now back to the toys... Aside The Rockblock, Kamakura and Beachhead feel like they belong on the 30th Anniversary toyline instead of this line... Mostly cause of details and Articulation.
I think I should head into the ratings part: 1 = crap, crappier than the lamest Plan Cobra has ever tried to take over the world with and 5 = Sgt. Slaughter beating the crap out of Serpentor with both hands behind his back!
I'll start with Kamakura:
snake eyes has his own little sidekick... that reuses parts from his nemesis |
Head's on a ball joint, although the Articulation is a bit restricted due to the extra hood. shoulders can rotate and swivel. so can his elbows. his wrist rotates and his torso is on a ball joint. His legs are like most 25th Anniversary joes. His knees are double jointed and his ankles can rotate and move on a hinge.
Paint & Sculpt:
I'm not THAT familiar with the character. all I know is that he's Snake Eyes' Pupil. IIRC His sculpt is a reuse from a Storm Shadow Figure with some possibly new parts. My Kamakura does not have any visible slop on the paints and his Arashikage logo is tampographed neatly.
Hoo boy! Kamakura has a LOT of them!
Sub-Machine Gun with suppressor (Suppressor is removable)
3 pronged Claw (like VEGA or WOLVERINE)
2 Ninja Swords
backpack/sheath for the swords
Black Sword
Webgear with holster for Machete
Sure, the small size of the figures allow for this huge amount of accessories, but it's awesome when figures have a LOT of them!!
Kamakura gets a
Beach Head
He also works as nice fodder for Metal Gear Solid Customs... |
Head's on a ball joint, shoulders can rotate and swivel. so can his elbows. his wrist rotates and his torso is on a ball joint. His legs are like most 25th Anniversary joes. His knees are double jointed and his ankles can rotate and move on a hinge.
Paint and sculpt:
I KNOW that he's reusing parts, but not sure the extent of the reuse. The only paint issue I have is the reversed USA flag on his right sleeve. I must warn folks that his knee pads CAN fall off.
Beach Head does not disappoint on the Accessories department
Gun with Removable Suppressor (both can be holstered on his right leg)
2 knives for CQB (one can be sheathed on his right boot)
2 sub machine guns
Machine Gun
4.67 A bit less than Kamakura, the weird USA Flag bugs me too much!
Now for the last man Standing...
He's got a ball-jointed head, ball-joint-like shoulders and elbows. His wrists rotate. the torso is on a ball-joint. His legs work like the standard joe legs at the hip. Sadly his knees are single jointed and there is no ankle articulation!
Mandatory Reference to one of his Finishing moves: The People's Elbow! |
Paint and Sculpt:
He looks like the Rock and the sculpt is pretty detailed (bulging veins, his wife-beater is very tight and you can see the muscles) Sadly, the paint is a bit of a miss on this figure. The shirt is underpainted, so his Shirt is gray with a Flesh colored trim. on a more positive note, the tampo with the Arashikage logo is nice and crisp... (wait so the rock is now an Arashikage ninja!?)
Obviously, the Rock gets the short end of the stick here.
Mini Gun
Ammo chain
Machine Gun with Removable Ammo clip
Hugh Jass Rocket Launcher thing with firing missile... I hate oversized spring loaded weapons!
The Rock gets a
3.33 We smelt what he was cooking, but Hasbro screwed up with him... At least he isn't holding a weapon handle permanently like his non-night Camo version...
Now for the value on THE WHOLE THING!!
4.28!! While The Rock is the one pulling down the score, he IS a MILLION times better than the Single Carded version with non-removable weapon handle on his right hand!
Now for a Bonus Review that came from SDCC... and I wasn't even NEAR
Hey! I had no Ahnuld clips of him saying Kelly For Nyuh! But I've got The Rock impersonating Ahnuld!
I can almost hear a chipmunk version of him saying: If you Smellllllllllll! |
It's THE ROCK... by Mattel for their WWE Rumblers toyline. He's like a 2 inch tall pie eating la-la-la-la, jabroni beating... you get the idea...
He's got 4 POA, which honestly is 2 more than I expected from a small scale kid-friendly line from Mattel. Paint is pretty nice and unlike CM Punk, the Rock has pretty accurate tattoos... (Like Mattel is going to allow a Pepsi and a Cobra Tattoo... And I'm most definitely sure that the guys at Hasbro wouldn't be OK with that) Also, The People's Champion sports a San Diego Comic Con shirt, which makes him a Comic Con Exclusive... He's a pretty awesome figure, if you're into WWE Rumblers... or you'd use him as a stuffed Wrestler toy for displays with other lines like TMNT, ML, DCUC, or heck even MOTUC... although it wouldn't make sense to have The Rock stuffed toys on Eternia...