I mean, it killed a lot of people, Matty, my Shiba, and even Comic Book He-Man... We can all say good riddance to this turd of a year.
It has been one heck of a roller coaster for me... Y'all know some of the circumstances and I don't need to retread them. Then we have all the stuff that has an effect on people in general. Especially Ronda Rousey's Recent Yamcha-esque defeat.
Let us hope that 2017 doesn't suck... FFVIIREmake, Spidey's Homecoming, Super7's MOTUC, maybe even Shenmue 3 might help cheer things up a bit...
Kinda like that...
Seriously, I'm afraid of what 2017 will bring. In any case, I hope you're spending time with your folks, and/or friends.
Dec 31, 2016
Dec 29, 2016
Updating the PS4...
I know... Carrie Fisher's Mom, Debbie Reynolds passed away one day after her daughter died...
What does this have to do with the PS4 Updating? Well, I've been mostly offline at home, due to the massive downloads that I had to do... Screw you Bethesda for ruining my Doom Save File.

So, yeah, Replacing the PS4 Hard Drive... It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Wish I had known sooner and done it BEFORE I FILLED the 500Gb... Bring On Shenmue 3!!
That's all I used. 2 Screwdrivers. flathead for opening the Case of the Hard Drive. Somehow it's cheaper than buying a normal laptop hard drive. The Phillips Screwdriver for the PS4 Screws and the Flash Drive for uploading the save files AND the PS4 Update file.
I pretty much followed these instructions.
It's so easy... No need to remind people of ancient Geico ads...
What does this have to do with the PS4 Updating? Well, I've been mostly offline at home, due to the massive downloads that I had to do... Screw you Bethesda for ruining my Doom Save File.

So, yeah, Replacing the PS4 Hard Drive... It was a lot easier than I thought it would be. Wish I had known sooner and done it BEFORE I FILLED the 500Gb... Bring On Shenmue 3!!
That's all I used. 2 Screwdrivers. flathead for opening the Case of the Hard Drive. Somehow it's cheaper than buying a normal laptop hard drive. The Phillips Screwdriver for the PS4 Screws and the Flash Drive for uploading the save files AND the PS4 Update file.
I pretty much followed these instructions.
It's so easy... No need to remind people of ancient Geico ads...
Dec 27, 2016
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 2016, Suck, you do.
Why did you have to be such a dick!? You took Leia from us!
@#&*! you, asshat year!
It sucks that she couldn't recover, especially for her family. Their pain is thousands of times worse, than we the Sci-Fi fans feel for losing our Princess of Alderaan.
Yes, I'm using the Slave Leia pic to piss off third wavers... Wait, wasn't she Peter's boss in Family Guy?
@#&*! you, asshat year!
It sucks that she couldn't recover, especially for her family. Their pain is thousands of times worse, than we the Sci-Fi fans feel for losing our Princess of Alderaan.
Yes, I'm using the Slave Leia pic to piss off third wavers... Wait, wasn't she Peter's boss in Family Guy?
It Came from the Toy Chest: Antiguos espiritus del mal

so, Mumm-Ra...

Ancient Egyptian dude who is a servant of the Ancient Spirits of Evil... He wants the Thundercats to get off his lawn and is willing to do a lot of stuff to get what he wants. He's afraid of mirrors. also likes bath given to him by nubile teens.
Well, it's pretty much the same as the Thunderkittens... No. I will not recreate the Wilykit and Mumm-Ra pics... But to be fair, Mumm-Ra's mummy form is not known for moving around. The sad part is that the arms are slightly hindered by some of his bandages.
![]() |
Blame Mattel for this crap. |
This Mumm-Ra is beautiful... in an ancient decaying mummy kind of way, The bandages are not crisp white like the Bandai Mumm-Ra, which makes them look even better, since he's supposed to be an ancient mummy wearing ancient bandages.

Mumm-Ra gets a bittersweet 4.5 as his final score. Knowing that the Everliving form will never be made by Mattel makes getting this sub exclusive a bit more painful... Damn you Mattel!
Also, damn the horrible dialogue in the MOTU Thundercats crossover.
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Dec 26, 2016
It came from the Toy chest: Believe it!!

I know, I know... For someone who supposedly Hates the living crap out of Naruto, I somehow have a bit too much Naruto Merchandise... Naruto: Ultimate ninja 3 was my gateway into becoming a Narutard.
But, this Naruto, the Sage Mode Naruto is from a point of the story that I haven't reached yet. when I was watching Shippuden, I only reached around the time where Orochimaru's hideout is discovered. Reason I remember this is
(Need to rewatch everything to refresh my memory... Currently I'm on part one and the Third Hokage FINALLY DIED...)

This brat can be put in MANY POSES... BELIEVE IT!!
Bandana can be posed
has balljoint head AND Neck
His torso and waist are balljoints
His shoulders are ball jointed AND have a shoulder hinge that some Toy Biz Marvel Legends had.
Doublejoint Elbows
Ball joint wrists (think the new MMPR with interchangeable hands)
Ball joint thighs (like MOTUC but more aesthetically pleasing)
Double joint knees and ball joint feet
Paint and sculpt
Most of the figure is molded in the appropriate colors. What little paint is applied, it has no visible slop. It looks like Naruto so, it's a win for me!!

OK, he has 2 Extra face plates, 5 extra hands, 1 rasengan, 1 rasen shuriken, 2 kunai AND a stand.
Naruto is as close to a PERFECT ACTION FIGURE AS ONE CAN GET... 5.0 If he wasn't so expensive (as Japanese Imports tend to be) I'd buy a couple for Kagebunshin... I just wish American Toy companies paid as much attention to their toys as Japan does...
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Dec 25, 2016
2016 is trying really hard to be a dick...
First it tried to claim Princess Leia via a Heart Attack. Luckily for us, the Princess of Alderaan is made of stronger stuff and is now stable. For that I am glad. It would have been a real dick move to end the year by losing Leia... We, the nerd community in general, hope for her full recovery.
But, 2016 is not giving up...
Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou has passed away...
That is a real dick move, 2016... Taking George Michael away on CHRISTMAS!!
On a more positive note: Fuller House is getting a THIRD SEASON!! Now if ONE of the Olsen Twins would show up for a Michelle cameo, we'd be in for a treat... Dear Olsen Twins, stop being asshats and show up for a small cameo... You owe EVERYTHING YOU ARE NOW TO FULL HOUSE!!
Kim Jong Un wants to be an even bigger dick than 2016 itself... He's banning Christmas... to celebrate instead a holiday in honor of his grandma, Kim Jong-suk... Cause, North Korea, that's why.
But, 2016 is not giving up...
Georgios Kyriacos Panayiotou has passed away...
That is a real dick move, 2016... Taking George Michael away on CHRISTMAS!!
On a more positive note: Fuller House is getting a THIRD SEASON!! Now if ONE of the Olsen Twins would show up for a Michelle cameo, we'd be in for a treat... Dear Olsen Twins, stop being asshats and show up for a small cameo... You owe EVERYTHING YOU ARE NOW TO FULL HOUSE!!
Kim Jong Un wants to be an even bigger dick than 2016 itself... He's banning Christmas... to celebrate instead a holiday in honor of his grandma, Kim Jong-suk... Cause, North Korea, that's why.
dead people,
Full House,
odd news,
Star Wars,
It Came from the Toy Chest: Poor Man's Michael Cera: the toy

Do I need to explain who is Lex Luthor? Or at least this E. Nygma-tic wannabe? (Eisenberg would have made a better Riddler than Luthor...)
So, here's some MARTHA!! The Movie clips of Luthor:
So, let's talk Not My Lex Luthor.

He has Standard DCUC styled Articulation, but on a body closer to Movie Masters than DCUC.
Paint and sculpt:
I mentioned the Movie Masters, because he's basically a Bastard Child of that line. Is it me or does it look like he has extra large hands for some reason.
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I guess Luthor wants to break the walls down |
He has the Doomsday Piece and the Shackles that are removable. I kinda wish we had gotten something else, but there isn't that much to add to a Prison suit Luthor.

Luthor gets a 3.67 as his final score? I gotta be honest, if he didn't have the Doomsday Torso, he'd be perfect for both DCUC and Marvel Legends collectors to make escaped convicts. Mild repaints and headswaps would do wonders.
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Dec 24, 2016
Holiday Play By Play Rant Time!!
Holiday Play by Play Rant time!! (this rant was Written in the middle of July, because that was when I was able to get a copy of a Very Minty Christmas)
That's Right, everypony! I'mma doing a G3 Play by Play Rant...
But first a warning:
In the TV show Diabetus scale, G3 is 2.5 Full Houses...
Before I start I need to point a few things out:
Minty is miss Wa-haha!
Thistle Whistle is Princess Moonbutt
Cotton Candy is Twilight's Student #2
Sweet Berry and cloud Climber are voiced by somepony
GREAT AND POWERFUL... Or Evil Lyn if you're into MOTU (200X)
Rainbow Dash is Mara of Primusand Crita!? or GirlRanma!? Wait... Princess Lana is Girl Ranma!? Now I know...
Zipzee is Fluttershy!?
This is a case of the voices being recorded in Canada, eh? This is the part where an angry Canadian (do they exist?) will say "We Canadian's don't end each sentence with eh!"
Back to a Very Minty Christmas:
We enter the G3 World where Ponies Frolick and sing... Something about the G3 Art style that Reminds me of the Mary Kate and Ashley Cartoon...

So the ponies are Christmasing it up! We get glimpses of G3 Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie... Roll clip!
Holy crap! Santa is Human in this!! Well, according to the toy he is...
The G3 Ponies are more Christmassy than the Whos! I love Christmas, but I can't stand G3... Two minutes in and I want to stop the pain. Must not press Alt + F4!
Cotton Candy is not very Christmassy (Hmmm... Wasn't Starlight Glimmer not too fond of Hearth's Warming Eve?) and ends up being tied up by Christmas lights... Cloppers have said DO NOT WANT... Try one Generation later! Cotton Candy get help from her friends and is untied from the mess she got herself into. I'd make a joke aboot G3 Ponies being Mentally handicapped, but that
would be wrong, bub! (Now THAT's a tounge in cheek reference to a popular Canadian from fiction!)
They decided to go with Pink and Mint for the Christmas Candy Cane colors...
I think that Scootaloo? and 2 other ponies made a Snowman before leaving to hear a speech by Pinkie... I wonder if G3 fans feel this WTF vibe whenever they watch Friendship is Magic.
Minty shows up and the Snowman loses his boner... She tries to fix it but screws it up... Silly Minty! She proceeds to take off one sock and partially covers her screw up.
Now we hear Pinkie's speech. Everyone loves Rainbow Dash... Who is basically Proto-wa-haha! There's something about her voice that makes her sound...
Unnatural. I want to strangle Thistle Whistle... The whistling gimmick is almost as annoying as Copper Kid
No, G3 Pinkie sounds like KIMI SPARKLE!!!
They bring forth the Candy Cane that will guide Santa to Ponyville, because Diabeetus. Minty got late and will likely screw this up, because
Ugh!! Minty!!
So, the Candy Cane is put atop the Christmas tree.
They're gonna go decorate!? I could've sworn THEY WERE DECORATING WHILE SINGING WHEN THIS STARTED!!
And Remember the Snowman? Minty Screws this up as a little of her wa-haha comes out for a nanosec.
She hops into a balloon and almost knocks the cane down.
The Other Ponies are at the Castle attending the lighting ceremony.
NOW Minty @#$%s it up! She has a Meltdown, which is understandable. You're a Mean one, Miss Minty! you really are a Heel! All jokes aside, Minty tries to confess and fails.
Pinkie and Dash discuss decorating tips... I mean this was Christopher Lowell Level stuff. Yeah, I
happen to have a clip!
Minty runs to confess to Pinkie how she (Minty) screwed up, that she slips, slides and screwed the
pooch at the castle. she knocks the banner once more by trying to tell Pinkie how she messed up Christmas! The Mintminator is dismissed by Pinkie. She proceeds
to beat herself up worse than I do at times when I screw up! Shoot! Now *I* Feel bad... I know how you feel, Mints! Now she thinks that by BECOMING SANTA and she can save Christmas... I don't know which is worse, me finding a kindred spirit with Minty, or that I'm getting flashes to when I was dealing with depression? And she's giving them socks!! Wait! Pony Bondage and Ponies in socks fetish started in G3!?
Oh myy!
Ponies are going to sleep... Minty's on a Sock themed Musical Acid Trip! come on! I wanna see Minty breaking and entering houses!! Really? Minty invented the Christmas Stockings? A pony nearly wakes as Minty klutzes her way through a house. She delivers the girliest Ho, Ho, Ho and the pony believes it's Santa and goes back to bed. She tries the trick again and
gets busted by Pinkie Pie... Now she comes clean and Pinkie is saddened by the lack of Christmas this year... So, Ponies believe in Christ? Minty is now bummed that she can't be Santa and Pinkie made Minty Cry... Pinkie Banishes Minty to the North Pole to find Santa and Save Christmas! More Like Minty thinks she was banished, but whatever.
So Minty steals a balloon, again and Annoying Whistle finds her. Minty confesses to the Whistling Pegasus and now Tabitha St. Germain is basically talking to herself. Pinkie uses Emotional Blackmail to bring Thistle Whistle after Minty.
Minty not only killed the candy cane, she topples the Tree! Now the Ponies are freaking out over the Tree. Pinkie throws Minty under the bus and the ponies freak out over no Santa.
Now Pinkie is trying to get a Save Minty Mission. the Rest of the ponies are Solid Snaking Pinkie... Solid Snaking Pinkie!? Stop that! Stop that?
Minty is soaring the skies and reached the North Pole and went past it...
Luckily for her, Thistle Whistle is here to save her... wait, was that an Indy Reference?
Shipping is canon! Now Thistle saves Minty and Minty is still trying to save Christmas...
29 minutes in and NOW I hear the My Little Pony theme... and it sounds Freaking EPIC!
More Pony Bondage as the Balloon is once again at the Mercy of the winds and Oh crap! The Balloon Popped!
Luckily for Mints and Thistle the rest of the Ponies came to the rescue and saved them from certain death.
The ponies land at the North Pole crashing in on poor Santa. Great! Now they're Solid Snaking Minty! Solid Snaking... Don't end that sentence or I'll... Let's move on! There's a note from Santa. It states that he left, cause Christmas! Minty apologizes for accidentally giving everyone a super awesome Christmas... That could only be topped if they meet Santa. Now when Ponies hug, they emit a radioactive glow... Like Rudolph's nose! and Minty's Radioactive socks do too! That's how Santa can now find Ponyville, theoretically speaking. The ponies leave the North Pole towards Ponyville and we get another song. The Tree was rebuilt full of socks and the Candy Cane is back on. Santa filled the christmas stockings with stuff and I think I saw G3's chicken...
They realize it's Santa and Minty's Rarity showed up for a second there.
Minty Created the Christmas Stocking: Confirmed!!
Another Song with the ponies decorating for Christmas AGAIN!!
Please end!
Minty is still Mintying things up... Ah at last! The end credits... The Classic MLP Theme!? You fiends! You know I NOW HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT!! OK you're now doing an instrumental version of that Christmas song... Screw you movie!! Now you play the version with Lyrics... Screw you movie TWICE!!
That's Right, everypony! I'mma doing a G3 Play by Play Rant...
But first a warning:
In the TV show Diabetus scale, G3 is 2.5 Full Houses...
Before I start I need to point a few things out:
Minty is miss Wa-haha!
Thistle Whistle is Princess Moonbutt
Cotton Candy is Twilight's Student #2
Sweet Berry and cloud Climber are voiced by somepony
GREAT AND POWERFUL... Or Evil Lyn if you're into MOTU (200X)
Rainbow Dash is Mara of Primusand Crita!? or GirlRanma!? Wait... Princess Lana is Girl Ranma!? Now I know...
Zipzee is Fluttershy!?
This is a case of the voices being recorded in Canada, eh? This is the part where an angry Canadian (do they exist?) will say "We Canadian's don't end each sentence with eh!"
Back to a Very Minty Christmas:
We enter the G3 World where Ponies Frolick and sing... Something about the G3 Art style that Reminds me of the Mary Kate and Ashley Cartoon...

So the ponies are Christmasing it up! We get glimpses of G3 Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie... Roll clip!
Holy crap! Santa is Human in this!! Well, according to the toy he is...
The G3 Ponies are more Christmassy than the Whos! I love Christmas, but I can't stand G3... Two minutes in and I want to stop the pain. Must not press Alt + F4!
Cotton Candy is not very Christmassy (Hmmm... Wasn't Starlight Glimmer not too fond of Hearth's Warming Eve?) and ends up being tied up by Christmas lights... Cloppers have said DO NOT WANT... Try one Generation later! Cotton Candy get help from her friends and is untied from the mess she got herself into. I'd make a joke aboot G3 Ponies being Mentally handicapped, but that
would be wrong, bub! (Now THAT's a tounge in cheek reference to a popular Canadian from fiction!)
They decided to go with Pink and Mint for the Christmas Candy Cane colors...
I think that Scootaloo? and 2 other ponies made a Snowman before leaving to hear a speech by Pinkie... I wonder if G3 fans feel this WTF vibe whenever they watch Friendship is Magic.
Minty shows up and the Snowman loses his boner... She tries to fix it but screws it up... Silly Minty! She proceeds to take off one sock and partially covers her screw up.
Now we hear Pinkie's speech. Everyone loves Rainbow Dash... Who is basically Proto-wa-haha! There's something about her voice that makes her sound...
Unnatural. I want to strangle Thistle Whistle... The whistling gimmick is almost as annoying as Copper Kid
No, G3 Pinkie sounds like KIMI SPARKLE!!!
They bring forth the Candy Cane that will guide Santa to Ponyville, because Diabeetus. Minty got late and will likely screw this up, because
Ugh!! Minty!!
So, the Candy Cane is put atop the Christmas tree.
They're gonna go decorate!? I could've sworn THEY WERE DECORATING WHILE SINGING WHEN THIS STARTED!!
And Remember the Snowman? Minty Screws this up as a little of her wa-haha comes out for a nanosec.
She hops into a balloon and almost knocks the cane down.
The Other Ponies are at the Castle attending the lighting ceremony.
NOW Minty @#$%s it up! She has a Meltdown, which is understandable. You're a Mean one, Miss Minty! you really are a Heel! All jokes aside, Minty tries to confess and fails.
Pinkie and Dash discuss decorating tips... I mean this was Christopher Lowell Level stuff. Yeah, I
happen to have a clip!
Minty runs to confess to Pinkie how she (Minty) screwed up, that she slips, slides and screwed the
pooch at the castle. she knocks the banner once more by trying to tell Pinkie how she messed up Christmas! The Mintminator is dismissed by Pinkie. She proceeds
to beat herself up worse than I do at times when I screw up! Shoot! Now *I* Feel bad... I know how you feel, Mints! Now she thinks that by BECOMING SANTA and she can save Christmas... I don't know which is worse, me finding a kindred spirit with Minty, or that I'm getting flashes to when I was dealing with depression? And she's giving them socks!! Wait! Pony Bondage and Ponies in socks fetish started in G3!?
Oh myy!
Ponies are going to sleep... Minty's on a Sock themed Musical Acid Trip! come on! I wanna see Minty breaking and entering houses!! Really? Minty invented the Christmas Stockings? A pony nearly wakes as Minty klutzes her way through a house. She delivers the girliest Ho, Ho, Ho and the pony believes it's Santa and goes back to bed. She tries the trick again and
gets busted by Pinkie Pie... Now she comes clean and Pinkie is saddened by the lack of Christmas this year... So, Ponies believe in Christ? Minty is now bummed that she can't be Santa and Pinkie made Minty Cry... Pinkie Banishes Minty to the North Pole to find Santa and Save Christmas! More Like Minty thinks she was banished, but whatever.
So Minty steals a balloon, again and Annoying Whistle finds her. Minty confesses to the Whistling Pegasus and now Tabitha St. Germain is basically talking to herself. Pinkie uses Emotional Blackmail to bring Thistle Whistle after Minty.
Minty not only killed the candy cane, she topples the Tree! Now the Ponies are freaking out over the Tree. Pinkie throws Minty under the bus and the ponies freak out over no Santa.
Now Pinkie is trying to get a Save Minty Mission. the Rest of the ponies are Solid Snaking Pinkie... Solid Snaking Pinkie!? Stop that! Stop that?
Minty is soaring the skies and reached the North Pole and went past it...
Luckily for her, Thistle Whistle is here to save her... wait, was that an Indy Reference?

29 minutes in and NOW I hear the My Little Pony theme... and it sounds Freaking EPIC!
More Pony Bondage as the Balloon is once again at the Mercy of the winds and Oh crap! The Balloon Popped!
Luckily for Mints and Thistle the rest of the Ponies came to the rescue and saved them from certain death.
The ponies land at the North Pole crashing in on poor Santa. Great! Now they're Solid Snaking Minty! Solid Snaking... Don't end that sentence or I'll... Let's move on! There's a note from Santa. It states that he left, cause Christmas! Minty apologizes for accidentally giving everyone a super awesome Christmas... That could only be topped if they meet Santa. Now when Ponies hug, they emit a radioactive glow... Like Rudolph's nose! and Minty's Radioactive socks do too! That's how Santa can now find Ponyville, theoretically speaking. The ponies leave the North Pole towards Ponyville and we get another song. The Tree was rebuilt full of socks and the Candy Cane is back on. Santa filled the christmas stockings with stuff and I think I saw G3's chicken...
They realize it's Santa and Minty's Rarity showed up for a second there.
Minty Created the Christmas Stocking: Confirmed!!
Another Song with the ponies decorating for Christmas AGAIN!!
Please end!
Minty is still Mintying things up... Ah at last! The end credits... The Classic MLP Theme!? You fiends! You know I NOW HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT!! OK you're now doing an instrumental version of that Christmas song... Screw you movie!! Now you play the version with Lyrics... Screw you movie TWICE!!
Dec 23, 2016
It Came from the Toy Chest: I feel so Weak! I need more Plasma!

Wrong Clip Spike, wrong clip...
I'll allow it, I mean, I make a reference to it on the title. I am of course talking about Morbius: the Living Vampire!! Hasbro's take on the character is a welcome note, especially since pretty much all our Morbius figures from Toy Biz look like THIS:
![]() |
not my Morbius. Mine looks like Stay Puft at the end of Ghostbusters. |
So, let's talk Morbius: Former Scientist turned into an "Artificial Vampire" (Not via Supernatural means, but by Genetic Alterations in the vein of Spider-Man, or The Lizard) Has been both an ally and a foe to Spider-Man and other characters.

Paint and sculpt:
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You're tearing me apart, Lisa!! |
His sculpt is more reminiscent of Classic Morbius than his Toy Biz Counterpart that had a slight stylized look to him, but due to the action feature, his head was made of a rubbery plastic that melted quite fast. Unlike the Toybiz Figure, this one seems to be made of a Generic Male buck. The paint is minimal. there is no shading aside some weird (ash?) gray wash on his whites.

This time Morbius has 2 BAF Pieces, the Arms of Absorbing Man. (Might have to get the whole wave to get him.) He also has 2 capes: Flared and unflared. I kinda wish he had gotten a second non-screaming head.
![]() |
I'm Batman!! |
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Dec 21, 2016
It Came from the toy Chest: Affirmative Blue is here...

So, let's talk Blue Ranger... I think.

Pretty much all I said about Red Ranger applies to this one as well. The Blue Ranger has a Hinged Neck on a swiveling head. no ball joint here, apparently. Double joint elbows and knees, ball joint shoulder with bicep swivel. a pseudo Revolver joint on the wrists. (changing hands with the spare Green Ranger Hands scares me a bit here) Ab Crunch, waist swivel, ball jointed thighs and a rotating thigh... Kinda like the Toybiz ML Black Widow thighs. Boot cut and that strange ball jointed ankles that newer Hasbro ML have.
Paint and Sculpt:
Here things are a bit different. Blue has the same error in production as Pink and is sporting a Silver belt. Other than that, the paint applications and tampographs are effective. His sculpt is Virtually the same as red minus the head and belt.
Billy comes only with his standard blade blaster to put in the holster. No blaster mode or blade mode... Hell he doesn't even come with extra hands... All because of the stupid Megazord Leg.
Why a Megazord if we aren't getting any monsters to fight.
Mighty Morphin Blue gets a 3.83 as his final score. He has Decent Articulation even if the thighs are a bit tricky. It's a shame that he lacks decent accessories to make him feel whole. I know the review feels like a cop-out by reusing a lot of MMPR Red, but they share the same buck and the differences are minimal.


Paint and Sculpt:
Here things are a bit different. Black has the same error in production as Pink and is sporting a Silver belt. Other than that, the paint applications and tampographs are effective. His sculpt is Virtually the same as red minus the head and belt.
Zack comes only with his standard blade blaster to put in the holster. No blaster mode or blade mode... Hell he doesn't even come with extra hands... All because of the stupid Megazord Left arm.
Why a Megazord if we aren't getting any monsters to fight.
Mighty Morphin Black gets a 3.83 as his final score. He has Decent Articulation even if the thighs are a bit tricky. It's a shame that he lacks decent accessories to make him feel whole. I know the review feels like a cop-out by reusing a lot of MMPR Red, but they share the same buck and the differences are minimal.
Yes, you literally read the same review twice... with minor differences, which is what we have between each figure. Final Mighty Morphin Rangers will come once Wave 3 is released... It includes the Yellow Mighty Morphin Power Ranger and...
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A moment of Silence in honor of Thuy Trang |
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Power Rangers,
Dec 19, 2016
Mattycollector's final sale is live!
Due to a lack of funds I was able to get a Roton... No Spare Panthro for me. I will scour eBay looking for Chinese Dumpster Skelcons, until Super7 does something with them Skelcons.
It was a breeze... after nearly 8 years of Matty it scares me saying that buying through them is a breeze. Rotons are still available, and so are the December figures...
If you want Matty to rape your wallet one last time.
Feel free to do so... Now all I have to do is wait for the Super7 MOTUC Sub announcement...
It was a breeze... after nearly 8 years of Matty it scares me saying that buying through them is a breeze. Rotons are still available, and so are the December figures...
If you want Matty to rape your wallet one last time.
Feel free to do so... Now all I have to do is wait for the Super7 MOTUC Sub announcement...
Dec 18, 2016
Whirlpool Burrito series coming... Believe it!
And according to Naruto's creator, it'll be better than Naruto... Believe it!
That's not a bad thing... Going through some Naruto filler right now. Seriously Naruto uses more filling than Taco Bell uses rice on their burritos. But wait, there's more... Lionsgate is working on a Live Action Naruto movie...
That's not a bad thing... Going through some Naruto filler right now. Seriously Naruto uses more filling than Taco Bell uses rice on their burritos. But wait, there's more... Lionsgate is working on a Live Action Naruto movie...
Dec 17, 2016
It came from the Toy chest: Haley Joel Osment will see Clark Kent in a minute

Who is Doomsday? I can tell you who isn't Doomsday...
Zod =/= Doomsday... Again General Zod IS NOT DOOMSDAY.
Got it Memorized?
OK so, I was googling info on Doomsday in order to explain him better for those who don't touch any comics... (I'm more of a Marvel fan, so I always need to check on my sources when talking about DC) and, Doomsday in MARTHA!! The movie...
OK, back to Doomsday... Think a Kryptonian Caveman who can regenerate from everything and gains an immunity to whatever killed him last time. Like say: You burn him to a crisp. He then regenerates and becomes fireproof. Lather, rinse, repeat.
![]() |
Why does he keep kicking me in the dick!? |
Paint and sculpt:
For a Mattel Made Build a Figure, I am pleasantly surprised that the color matching worked rather well. We have seen some horrible color matching issues on NON-BUILD A FIGURES. Sculptwise, he looks badass... Tempting to get a second Doomsday to repaint and use as a Faker for Dare.
He gets none since he is basically a gestalt of accessories. n/a
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Batman: don't cry... He'll be back, once we gather the Drag... oh wait! The Dragon Balls aren't real! *sniffle*Why Clark! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!! |
Doomsday gets a 4.25 as his final score. He looks pretty rad and it's the first BAF I've completed since Marvel Legends Brood Queen in 2007. I guess I must Review Luthor sometime soon...
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Dec 16, 2016
It Came from the Toy Chest: We want brains, Parker!!

Damn it Spike! Not the Topher Grace clip! Well, while Mr. Grace sucked ass as Venom, the clip KINDA explains Eddie Brock.
So, now I'll skip to the Review of Eddie + Symbiote.

Paint and Sculpt:
Finally a Venom that is not super roided out or like the Toy Biz ones that were either V-Crotched or Repainted Sabretooth figures.
This one is closer to the Todd McFarlane look for Venom... When using the Toothy Grin head. For Tongue Venom Fans, there is a Tongue head. shame that there isn't an Eddie Brock face with symbiote bits as well.
The paint is minimal and there isn't slop on mine.

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repainted in Blue, would make him a great MVC Venom. |

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You're tearing us apart, Lisa!! |
Action Figures,
It came from the Toy Chest,
Marvel Legends,
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