Feb 12, 2025

Captain Falcon vs Senile General Ross: a rant

 I'm NOT going to watch it on theaters because I don't feel like it. No, it has nothing to do with Anthony Mackie being black. I simply don't think I should spend $20+ on a movie I'm not that interested in watching. Same thing applies to the Thunderbolts. 

Both of those movies are screaming: "Watch it on Disney+." Fantastic Four, I MAY see at theaters after I watch Superman, but I might end up watching it on D+. 

I'm not a fan on how they're introducing Adamatium, as it means that Weapon X is not a project attempting to Remake Captain America.
Hell, I'm not a fan of Red Hulk. Even if the movie was starring Chris Evans as Captain America, the movie itself doesn't excite me as much as say: First Avenger, Winter Soldier, or Civil War.

But to be fair, it's not just Marvel. It's moviegoing in general. 

Haley Joel Osment saw Street Fighter (1994)

 And has taken another World Warrior from us. Peter Navy Tuiasosopo has been targeted by Osment's Necrosight. 

Apparently, heart problems were the cause of his demise.

I'm not going to pretend that I knew about his football past or about his many acting roles. 

I literally knew him as Edmond Honda. That's it. But as always my condolences to friends and family. Mahalo, Pete.

Feb 10, 2025

We have a Fisto and a Sorceress

 Fisto seems to be a big guy from Game of Thrones and Teela-Na is Deadpool's wife

These have been the least WTF casting choices for this movie. Guess the cringe will be real. And the worst part is that I'll be at theaters to watch this train wreck in the making. I want to believe that this will be good, but I've little faith.

So we'll have a Poing Super Combat! If they have a fisting joke; I'm gonna be so happy and so disappointed at the same time. Will they dress sorceress as the chicken lady? Did they cast Ram Man? Oh no Fisto and Ram Man... I can see the gay jokes cumming. 

The movie will never top this video

BBTS is no longer partnered up with sezzle:

 There goes the pay in 4 option they had. This change is effective on Feb 17. This is a bummer for customers outside the continental 48 as it eased the blow on preorders and pile of loot. We don't get the $4 flat shipping. Sure, the rates weren't as rapey as Entertainment Earth's but they add up.

This becomes an issue when companies have wonky delays in shipping stuff. Not naming companies but they rhyme with Becca and Duper Heaven, especially Duper Heaven. This will severely impact advent calendars after 2025. Hopefully they'll partner up with another service that does the same... Uh, Klarna?

Oh well...

Stormco's Alpha 3 most wanted:

 I don't trust Storm Collectibles to do the entire Street Fighter Alpha 3 roster.

Posted the Arcade Roster, since it's the basic version and has less characters than the home console versions. Using This roster, I'll pick my top 11 wants that aren't Ryu and Ken.

11: Gen:
I want the Master Assassin so he can face off against SFIIT Akuma.

10: Sodom:
Childhood me used to get beaten by him. Now, I like making him my bitch. Also, I need all the Final Fight guys.

9: Rolento:
The Elusive Final Fight Boss, who wasn't on the SNES version... but I can still kick his ass in other ports!

8: Guy:
I need to get all the Final Fight in 1:12 scale as possible.

7: Cody:
From hero to criminal, soon to become Mayor, my favorite hero from the OG Final Fight.

6: Charlie: 
Guile needs to avenge him.

5: Rainbow Mika:
Zangief needs his apprentice/beard.

4: Rose:
I hope Storm considers soft goods here as plastic clothes will make the a statue.

3: Karin:
The Ken To Sakura's Ryu...

2: Sakura:
You know that it wouldn't be a Street Fighter list without my favorite Girl...
1: DAN!!!
The Man, The Myth, The Legend... The Master of the Strongest Style is my most wanted figure.

Why no Chun Li or Cammy?

Because storm collectibles is gonna make those two. By making Cammy they can pad the line up with the Dolls. What I'm gonna say is blasphemous, but Juni and Juri don't deserve individual releases. One release with both heads shall suffice. Sure. We'll have to double dip but, Getting both characters in a single release saves us from "wasted slots". They are exaclty the same from the neck down with no color variation. So, both dolls under one figure leaves Storm woth room for another release.

Feb 9, 2025

Here comes a New Challenger!!

 I am talking about Storm Collectibles "More affordable 1:12 figures".

BBTS, The only official Stormco Distributor I'm the US has Ken for Preorder.

Preorder is at $26.⁹⁹ which is $2.⁰⁰ Over the Jada Figures. Let's see what he has:

  • 2 heads (neutral, cocky)
  • 6 hands (hadoken, fists, Victory hand, and come on hand)
  • Flaming Shoryuken effect
  • Clear stand
My only worry is that the figures suffer the curse of the MK Ninjas.
I stand corrected. There are two worries. The second one is Stormco's inability to produce a full roster, because they're soooooooooo fffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuccccccccckkkkkkkkkkkkkiiiiiiiìiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg ssssssssssssssssssssssssssslllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwww with releases. 

So they'll do Ken, Ryu, Dan, repaints, Cammy, Juni, Juri, Repaints, Chun Li, Charlie, Repaints announce Karin, Rainbow Mika and Rose! line's dead now they're doing Capcom vs SNK where they show Maki, Eagle, Ryo Sakazaki, Yuri Sakazaki, Benimaru, line's dead before the first release.

Guess I'll rant later about.my top wants here...

Feb 8, 2025

Naughty or Nice update:

 Things are looking a bit grim for me here. With less than. 5 days to go and here are the results so far:

Zombie Pirate Santa: Success!

Santa's Sleigh: Success!

Centaurs: Very Close to Success 
I'd say about less than 100 preorders to reach the minimum goal. In the end, they made it.

Kids: In extreme Danger:
It looks like they need somewhere between 1000-1100 units to reach the minimum. 

If you haven't pre-ordered and you wanted something, DO EET NAO!! ESPECIALLY IF YOU'RE INTO KIDS... NOT IN THAT WAY... I mean for Christmas displays... with Santa... or Krampus Especially Krampus who needs kids to beat up and kidnap!

Feb 7, 2025

Mattel, I fucking love you!!

 Sadly, it's not He-Man related. 

Yes, judging by the song you could say this is about Vin Diesel's lost brother.

Mattel is making a fully invisible John.Cena. Unlike the Previous release This figure is an elite figure and is fully invisible.

Here you can see the basic version which has colored clothing... The new elite figure is purely in clear plastic,making us unable to see John Cena. I want this figure so fucking bad! 

I would also like a Classic Triple H Elite figure with an alternate water fountain head. 

I would also like more vehicles like kurt angle's milk truck, austin's beer truck, a limo and a garbage truck. 

Another TMNT ULTIMATES Accessory pack/character "upgrade" rant

 With the high chance of Ultimates lines downsizing, Accessory packs might be the way to spice up TMNT Ultimates! 

Undercover Pack:
I've done variations of this before. But instead of individual packs this will be a 4 turtle pack, making it the most expensive pack:

-4 fedora heads: one for each turtle (from UC Raph)
-4 Trenchcoats (from UC Raph)
-4 Masks (inspired by the 1987 VAs)
  1. Cam Clarke for Leo
  2. Barry Gordon for Don
  3. Rob Paulsen for Raph
  4. Townsend Coleman for Mike
Of course 4 trenchoats and masks an accessory pack does not make. We need to add MORE!! Let's do some undercover espionage gadgets
-UC Raph Thermal Goggles
-New Gas Mask (can fit vanilla Turtles too)
-riot shield Briefcase. 

Now we add Ninja Weapons because TEENAGE MUTANT NINJA TURTLES 
-Pair of Wakizashi (easier to conceal than 2 katana)
-Collapsible Bo staff with stun gun attachment
-pair of jitte(easier to conceal than full on sais)
-rope Nunchucks (more silent than chained)

Now the Undercover Turtles need something more and uncharacteristic of TMNT: GUNS.

-UC Raph revolver Repainted
-New Walther P38 No stock nor sight
-New FAMAS rifle
-Pair of knives inspired by UC Don

If TMNT get Deluxe releases, this set could help move the releases.

Breaking News pack:
This set is for April 1.0 

Soft goods coat

4 heads:
-April II Inspired head
-Judith Hoag inspired head
-Paige Turco inspired head
-More Toon Accurate head (as seen with Ninja April heads.)

Ninja April Camera in blacks and grays to match the 1.0 camera. 
Utility belt (APRIL II Homage item.)
Mic that can hang on Utility belt
Mini camera that can hang on utility belt
Laptop computer.

New extra hands:
(Pointing, counting, OK, etc.)

Of course part of this set would be obsolete if April 2.0 is made.

Oroku Saki Upgrade pack: 
As the name suggests, this is a Shredder upgrade pack:

-inspired by Wacky Action in Blue
-inspired by wacky action in silver
-inspired by Cyber Samurai in Blue
-inspired by Cyber Samurai in Silver
-Oroku Saki head

Extra hands:
-Vintage inspired 3 finger dramatic hands
-2 finger Ninja hands
-fists with Blades silver
-bladed fists blue

-Evil Communicator
-serrated sword

Soft goods tunic grey (for sulver)
Soft goods tunic burgundy (for blue)

Basically this set pimps up both Shredders.

Foot Arsenal:
This set is intended as Weapons for the Foot Soldiers in Foot Soldoer colors.
-2 Katana
-2 Naginata
-6× Kunai
-3× dynamite sticks
-manhole cover
-3× boomerang
-Bow and arrows

 Extra hands
-2× Archery hands
-2× battle damaged hands

2×Severely battle damaged head attached to a partial torso with mangled arm (this is more of a diorama piece like the ran over Mousers from the party wagon. Though I want to explore severe battle damaged foot soldiers as figures and diorama pieces. Love the idea of half foot bodies trying to cling to the turtles to slow then down.  Terminator 1 style stuff.)

Punk pack:
This is a reference to Bebop and Rocksteady being called "Punk" on the Board game where Mike and Don have different colors. This pack has no heads as not all figures have swappable heads.

Extra hands:
-Dramatic hands R
-Dramatic hands B
-pointing R
-pointing B
-trigger hands R
-Trigger hands B

Weapons and stuff
New properly scaled Machinegun R
New Bandolier with plug for wood sword R
New Wood sword R
New Speargun R
Triceraton Gun B
2× New Traag Gun  RB sized
2× New Traag Rifle RB sized
2× Large sized Evil Communicator.

Muck Pack:
As you may have guessed Muckman is the main star here.

New Joe Eyeball in a hanging from trashcan rim pose.

Alt. Head coverings.
Slip on slime effects for his holes. (Mouth, torso.)
Various Extra hands be creative, aside expressions, having  muck weapons (Think more putty patroller, less carnage)
Muck puddles

I want to add muck traps, think Marvel Legends Spider-Man web traps. 1 for Turtle/Human sized and the other larger for Rocsteady, Slash, etc.
These but looking like Muck instead of webbing.
Mutagen Man Dramatic hands
Random thingies to drop inside him.

Hamato Yoshi/Splinter Pack:
While we haven't gotten a Hamato Yoshi figure, this pack would free Space for the figure. 

-4× Turtles from Mutagen Man.
-Bird Cage
-Martial Arts Brown Rat to put in cage.
-Empty amd broken Ooze canister
-Ooze puddle (to put the 4 Turtles before they grow to the turtles from the Mouser pack.
-Art History book opened on The Renaissance chapter.
-sushi tray with removable rolls
-Japanese tea set
-soft goods belt (shredder)
-tanto with sheathe

Hamelin pack:
This is a reference to the pied piper, Rat King:

-canceled w10 pretty boy heads
-pretty boy head with fedora
-vintage with fedora

-soft goods tattered grey trenchcoat

8× Rats (the 3 from the canceled w10) Plus 5 new rats (reuse martial arts rat from Splinter pack)
Soda can bandolier with removable cans
Staff made out of Footski flagpole
Cheese wheel
Cheese slice
Plate or Ratatouille (reference to the cardback, not the Disney movie)

These are just a few samples. 
These would be easier to make if we had MORE characters. These packs would also be a nice way to introduce Roadkill Rodneys.

Feb 6, 2025

Playing the MOTU game with Super7 Ultimates:

 The MOTU game is trying to make new figures out of pre-existing parts with the least amount of new body parts:

For example: Aska
New head(s)
Ninja April Torso, Arms, Crotch, shins below the boot cut
Normal April feet
New thighs and shins above the boot cut
Sewer Samurai kunai

Something like that but with maybe less new pieces. If they have pre-existing bare thighs, they could use those for Aska.

Street Vigilante Turtles:
Essentially a Beat-em'up wave of Turtles.

Rocker Leo closed Eyes
Vanilla Leo
Wandering Leo
Torso: New
Bare "chest" with pants. Think Punker Don but without the punk look and jacket.
Rappin Mike 
Sewer Samurai

Pizza slice
Broken Casey Bat
Leo is going for a Martial Artist Vigilante vibe 

Vanilla Don
Slam Dunk Don
Space Cadet Raph
Space Cadet Raph
Torso: Metalhead

Metalhead Backpack
Metalhead Radar Dish
New plug in Backpack Blaster
New Laser Bo
UC Raph Night Vision Goggles
Space Cadet Raph Visor
Pizza slice

Donnie is going for a more High Tech Superhero type Vigilante

Vanilla Raph
New head with Casey Styled Mask.

Wandering Leo
Rappin Mike
Slam Dunk Don

Casey weapons
New golf bag with Sai loops
Pizza slice
Coffee cup from Splinter 

Raphael is taking the Casey Approach for his Vigilante look

Rappin Mike Hat head
Slam Dunk Don 
New untorn jeans with the Rappin Mike sneakers
Torso: Rocker Leo

Pizza box
New sushi tray
New Stop sign shield

Mikey is going for the more Videogame Beat-em'up/fighting game look.

Let's see what else can I do:

Random Variants:

Pit Fighter Slash

Arms: Slash with new Rahzar Pads
Torso Slash with new Belt and Torso overlay (Rahzar's torn shirt with Grille "armor" with Loincloth belt)
Legs: Slash

New Spinal whip (a whip made out of a spine with a cranium reminiscent of Rahzar's Vintage club)
New Barbarian Helmet that fits both Slash Heads.
New Mutton club
New Fantasy styled Keg
Slash sword 
New Seashell Scimitar (inspired by Mutatin' Tokka.

Yes, this Slash is poking fun at Tokka and Rahzar. Not to mention bringing some toy inspired stuff for them in a backdoorsy way.

Jungle Warfare Rocksteady:

Normal Rocksteady
New Helmetless head
New Bandana Head

Rocksteady Body with new Bandolier. Recolored in Rambo First Blood Part 2 colors
New hands:
Trigger hands
Dramatic hands
Pushknife hands
Archery hands
New Pushknives×2 inspired by Coleco Rambo
New Bow and arrows inspired by Rambo
Soft goods Jungle "ghillie suit" poncho made by jungle green and brown fake fur.

This is basically a more premium Rocksteady And setting up a Deluxe release cartoon repaint.

Vandal Bebop: 

Normal Bebop head with cartoon inspired glasses.
New screaming head with semi articulated tongue. (About 180° movement)

Bebop Body with new Vest inspired by the Toon Bebop Human form vest. Basically a bigger collar for the vest and new Turtle shell epaulets. These would be painted in olive yellow and olive green. His pants would be in dark navy blue and his shoes would be painted like Chuck Taylor Converse.

Standard (c-grips, punch)
New Dramatic
New spray can holding hands

Triceraton gun
Spray can (with interchangeable tops: No spray, spraying) 
Turtle flaying Morningstar with real chain
Turtle flaying Morningstar with twirling effect
Flying double sided sickle

This figure is an homage to both toon and wacky action Bebop.

Any of the never made Punk Frogs:

I won't go into too much detail as these are Genghis repaints with a new Necklace, crotchpiece, and Accessories. If feeling generous a new alternate head would be added.

Elite Foot Soldier:

I've discussed this one already: New head, New accessories, Shredder soft goods cape.

This would be am Archie inspired Shredder.

Normal Shredder in silver helmet but blue facemask.
New Cyber Samurai Shredder head (aka SOTO head) in silver helmet and blue facemask.

Shredder Body in blue with Silver spikes and grey foot wraps.
New soft goods Purple Torso overlay with soft goods belt
Shredder soft goods cape. 

New hands:
Vintage inspired 3-finger grip

Same old Katana
New spiked Mace (Think smaller, slightly wimpier Super Shredder mace)

The idea is to have a "transitional Shredder to Super Shredder" while staying within the realm of actual variants from the 80s-90s.

Freelancer April: 

All three April v1 Heads

New Torso with bomber jacket and teal blouse and new jacket Arms. (arms can be swapped) and jacket is removable. 
April v1 crotch
Ninja April Thighs
April v1 lower legs and feet.

Ninja April Camera
April v1 gun
Alternate bare arms made from both Ninja April and V1

An inferior alternative is a soft goods jacket which reduces the amount of new parts by 5.

It's VERY LOOSELY inspired by Redsky April... not to mention we get some variation.

Japan Branch Foot Ninja:
These would be the Human Foot Clan.

New Bandana Head
Plain head

New Torso
New shoulders if Casey's aren't usable.
New vambraces to use on Shredder arms.
Foot Soldier crotch and legs

Rack weapons
Bo staff with new Halberd tip
New Sansetsukon.

Unlike MOTU whose homogenous body part system allows for easier parts swapping TMNT is too diverse to do so as easily. NECA has Rocksteady, Bebop, AND Leatherhead on the same body with a few different parts/overlays. 

But even some "Easy characters" like TOKKA require way too many new parts to be an effective reused parts character:

New Head(s): 1-2
Slash Torso
New shoulders 2
New biceps 2
New elbow pads 2
New wristbands 2
New hands 8
New buckle 1

That's 19 new parts before reaching his Accessories.

Feb 5, 2025

Super7 and the 3 figure wave rumor.

 IF TRUE and if they reestablish USPS as a shipping option for pre-orders, then it would be a godsend and I'd be able to split waves between S7 and BBTS. In some cases, I could theoretically get the whole wave from Super7.

Now the question is how will this affect THAT line.

My Guess is:

-New Variant/Non Vintage character
-vintage Variant/Repaint/MOTU styled maximum parts reuse figure
-Vintage characters

Let's make a few non-2k3 waves as examples 

Example 1:
New Variant, Redeco, Vintage character:

Martial Arts Mikey: inspired by Game of Death Bruce Lee.

Mirage Shredder: 
Wave 10 Shredder with black wraps red pants and Torso and silver blades. (See ReAction Mirage Shredder as reference)

Close to the Playmates Tokka (reusing Slash parts, but with new feet based on Turtles in Time in order to differentiate itself from both NECA and Playmates.

Example 2:
Non-Vintage character, Vintage Variant, Vintage character:

Mutated Carter: 
Carter in his mutant form MOTUC body highly recommended. Weapons would be "Super Shredder styled" Rack weapons, because Carter learned under Splinter.

Don the Undercover Turtle:
For some reason, I see Super7 making this with soft goods to appease Playmates and taking some liberties.
Like my custom, but with some Vintage figure accessories and some new ones.

General Traag:
Here Kyle will pull a Rat King with Traag amd pseudo vintageize a Shredder's Revenge Traag.

Wave example 3:
Non-Vintage Character, Low New Tool character, vintage character:

Gets some Traag parts pre-made. Also it gives Kyle the excuse to make Traag similar to Granitpr if he can't go full Playmates on him.

Rasputin the Mad Frog:
Refuses the whole.Genghis body, Repainted.
Refuses Splinter's Bow and Arrows
New pieces: Quiver, Archery hands

Napoleon Bonafrog:
For the Most Part he'd be Playmates-like but with a few changes to appease the Master License golder.

Example 4:
New Variant, Vintage Variant, Vintage Character:

"Punk" Rocksteady:
This is based on the 1987 Pizza Power boardgame where both Rocksteady and Bebop were called "Punk" Essentially it's Toon Rocksteady in Vintage toy colors... but that would be lazy... I'm looking at the European version of the game, where he is called Kerato.
It would only require a new torso/heads, but premakes the toon redeco.

I mean, the American is a nice excuse to get a Toon Rocksteady Body, but check Kerato out!

Shut up and take my money! Personally i'm not too sold on his color palate but the design is killer! It's like Rocksteady made love to mad max..

Heavy Metal Raph:
We want the 80s Glam rock, hair metal Raph, Kyle!! None of that black metal, death metal, goth metal bullshit!

The sculpt would be mimicking Playmates but with the proper Cartoon application. Translation: Cheez Whiz Yellow pants.

At the end of the day, all this does is delay releases to a drip in a line like TMNT. 

B-Flynn is slowly becoming Neitlich 2.0 with the corporate double speak, "alternative facts",  and skullduggery. But Playmates is throwing wrenches to screw over S7 instead of looking for ways to collaborate. Like say, softening up their grip on the toy designs in exchange for Playmates getting access to the new variants/ Characters to be fully vintageized... like say 5" scale wandering Leo, Karai,  and Guerrilla Gorilla. For example. Last but not least, Vintage Purists. Yeah, Playmates is being a little bit h about things, wanting the line to fail because Traag won't have the stupid Creepy crawlies from Playmates is dumb.

Feb 4, 2025

I still won't like Pedro Pascal as Reed

 But Fantastic 4 might be the only MCU movie. I'll see this year at the movie theaters... right after James Gunn's Superman.

Before the movie comes out, I'm gonna say it right now.There will be a bunch of Gen.Z tik tok morons Claiming that fantastic four is a bad knock off of the incrediblesClaiming that fantastic 4 is a bad knock off of The Incredibles... I mean for the game Marvel Rivals. They claimed that Mr. Fantastic was ripping off Luffy from One Piece. Everyone knows that fantastic.Four came in the  sixties while One Piece came many years later. 

We have HERBIE, the most hated Member of the Fantastic Four. Galactus is Galactus and It's not a cloud. Doctor Doom, I feel so good. Please don't fuck it up...

Feb 3, 2025

It came from the Toy Chest: Jazwares Anya Forger


I remember when Jazwares was synonymous with crap. I remember their old SF figures...

This one came around the same time SOTA worked on Street Fighter. Yikes! Then again.I've seen the recent call of duty figures and yikes! Somehow the TNA figures have been spared of the weird sculpts. But let's talk Anya.

Weird kid psychic powers, lives with a spy, an assassin, and a precognitive dog. She loves peanuts and spy shows. I Don't exactly like Spy × Family, BUT ANYA is Female Grogu and I only watch the show to see what crazy situations she ends up. But her friend Becky is creepy as hell with her weird crush on Loid.

Anya is Mega Small!

Anya has About the same articulation as a Super7 Ultimates figure. The torso and leg articulation is slightly handicapped due to the rubber skirt. 
She sits a smidge better than the more expensive SHFA.

Paint and sculpt:
The sculpt details are minimal since Anya isn't hyperdetailed. Most of the details are in the paint work for example her hair has a gradient. The details on her uniform are a combination of paint and sculpt. I'm incredibly surprised that the sculpting on this figure is this good... being Jazwares. 

3 face plates
4 hands
Her stuffed toy
A clear stand (mine wasn't there. Since the stand is behind the card art you.cannot see it.until it's too late.) 
Removable back peg for use with action stand not included. Apparently it comes with Eren Jaeger from Shingeki no Kyojin.

It could've used a bit more... BUT at $16+tax it comes the SH Figuarts (at $55+tax) 
SHFA has 6 faceplates, 3 pairs of extra hands.
I get a decent Anya at ⅓ of the SHFA plus accessories that the SHFA doesn't have. 

Swapping the hands is the most scary thing as her pegs are ridiculously small.

Anya gets a 4.33 as her final score. That's a decent score for a Jazwares figure. .In a way, I'm glad that Jazwares is improving. When Mattel is getting complacent, Hasbro is slowly moving away from toys, Playmates is being supermega lazy, then someone has to step up. 

Again for a $16 figure. It's impressive how much she has and she can rival SHFA at a third of the cost.

Super7 Leak!! Hooooooooo!!

 Saw this on Facebook:

Apparently, we're getting a New Vultureman... and a Skycutter. Also, Thundercats (and possibly) other waves will now consist of three figures. The skycutter is a nice addition to the line. But my only issue is that it's gonna be probably $150 to $200. 

I gotta be honest.I'm losing my interest in Super7 Thundercats. I mean, I got the main Thundercats... Minus Pumyra and the Thunderkittens, as those are Mattel. I got Mumm-Ra and the main Mutants.  But the three figure waves is a rant for another post.

Feb 2, 2025

Top wanted TMNT Characters that aren't L,D,R,M for Ultimates!

 This isn't a wave speculation rant. This is a want list for TMNT Characters from various media, but made as if they had been Vintage characters. I know that Super7 is making 2k3 Ultimates, so getting an official 2k3 Bishop is a thing, but I want to apply the. Neitlichian Classicizer to other media Characters (ie, the aforementioned Bishop, Rise of the TMNT April, etc.) This started beacuse I finally beat Manhattan Project and have to tackle... the first... and I'm  procrastinating!

Mirage April of Color: 
I can't call her Black April because it would be racist... Disney Ginger April is even racister.  Colored April reeks of Separate fountains. I loathe April of Color term as well. High Melanin April?
Point is, that I'm asking for a Non-white April. 

Don't care about Accessories or outfit she's on. I just want one. She won't be April in my shelves, but a new character and as a bonus, those who want her to be THEIR April, I'm helping them.

Teen Aprils:
These would be the 2012 (I know NECA is making 2012 turtles) but I'm talking Vintage style..weird proportions. proportions.
The Other Teen April would be Rise April.
Then again, April is the Pepsi to my OG Glimmer Coke.

Sega Genesis Tournament Fighters April: 
The most un-April of Aprils.

April the Ravishing Reporter:
I really wantmore than one of these in order to repaint one as a GTA 3 Hooker.

Lotus Blossom:
It's the Proto Karai. Yes, my lists are female heavy, mainly because there were plenty of female characters I wanted as a kid but never happened. The Vintage TMNT line had only 5 female characters:
April (with variants)
Mona Lisa 

Zach and Catelin:
The Two Toon Mini sidekicks.

I wouldn't say that Mini as Zach looks like he could be Irma Sized, which means Catelin too could be Irma sized!

Carter the Enforcer:
Seriously, Super7 should give us Carter just to beat NECA at the Red Sky stuff. I have mentioned how a Keno could be made reusing some Carter parts. Yes I want both Carter forms, but if we can get just one, then Human Carter it is.

I want a Cartoony Ernie Reyes Jr.

Vanilla Ice:
Go Ninja Go Ninja go!

Dirk Savage:
I know I'm bordering on Copying NECA, but it's a Nick Fury parody who doubles as a possible EPF Agent fodder.

I kinda see a James Caan looking MIB styled figure with lots of guns.

We have Triceraton, we need Fugitoid.

Lord Dregg:
Red Sky stuff needed to be added. So time to add it's villain.

Yeah, like he's not going to be added here. He is my most wanted TMNT Vintage figure that is not a Variant.

The Channel 6 trio:
They're in my top 5 wants, period. 

Groundchuck and Dirtbag:
No explanation Needed. Manhattan Project.

Chrome Dome:
No Vac Metal please. I'll take a GITD one though.

Tokka and Rahzar:
They're Babies!!! I want them!!

I want to retire Tomohiro Ishii as my Tatsu sub.
Getting ONE NECA Tatsu is already a pain, imagine trying to get two! That's why I want S7 to make one preferably in Hyperstone Heist version. They could do the red gi redeco as a deluxe figure.

You know why I want her. No I won't go into details.

Savanti Romero:
You need him to complete the pair.

Tora from TMNT2 NES:
A Greaser Polar Bear that throws Ice boulders! How can you say no to that??

Firefreak TMNT NES:
 GITD orange Plastic exists, nudge nudge wink wink. Also can be used to bring some game specific items (Ninja Scroll, Boomerang, Shuriken, etc.)

Chainsaw Maniac:(TMNT NES)
Another "easy to make" figure... whether reusing parts or new sculpt. I'd use him to bring some small enemies as accessories.

Ninja Robo Blade: (TMNT 2 NES):
Easy to make and could bring forth parts for a Hyperstone Heist Tatsu and a Foot Soldier Endoskeleton.

Foot Soldier Endoskeleton:
It's an obvious Foot Soldier Variant.

MT Gaiden April and Irma:
This Long Haired April runs around in a Romper and gives off Pokémon Trainer vibes.
Super7 could get away with reusing April 1.0's upper body with a new lower body and new heads.

Irma on the other hand needs Soft Goods Blouse and Mini skirt. The Super Saiyajin Muramasa Irma runs around in bra and panties. This Irma's skintone needs to match normal Irma too.

Big Sexy Kevin Nash:
Gimme a Super Shredder on a MOTUC or Mumm-Ra body.

Pre-Mutated Humans and Oroku Saki:
Human Baxter, Rocksteady, Bebop, Hmato Yoshi, Oroku Saki... there are more but these are at the top of my list.

Mona Lisa:
One of the few females from the vintage line.

Burne's Girkfriend. She appears on Shredder's Revenge and that's goof enough for me.

Roadkill Rodneys:
Mostly due to the games

Pizza Monsters:
Same as the RRs but for these I want the Shredder's Revenge version.

Mirage Foot Ninja:
These would accompany Karai or Tatsu. They already have most of the parts.

Stone Warriors/Rock Soldiers:
Traag and Granitor need Army Builders. I've mentioned how these could work as both Ultimates and Deluxe releases down the road.

Traag and Granitor:
I've already discussed various ways to do them so I won't go into details.

Dask and Kala:
We got Zak, we need the other two.

There are more, but this list got kinda big. I still want the justice force, bomb punk frogs, halfcourt, walkabout, Sandstorm, anthrax, etc. But the list has to stop somewhere... otherwise I'd end up adding Robyn O'Neil, Kirby, Draxum, Girl Casey, ROTTMNT April's Mom. Female Sumbug, Pukin'April (who obviously won't be April in my display), cockroach April and Renet with their cockroach orgies.
Nick: What the fuck was Laird smoking? Is that you, Renet?
Roachnet: Yo! I also made Irma a Roach.
Nick: Let me guess Roachpril is the one doing a single Roach and Irmoach is getting doubleheader.
Roachnet: Dude, you got it all backwards.
Barbara VO: What in Joe's apartment is this? Whatever Peter Laird was smoking, he should cut it out!
Nick: Fucking Towel! Towel's what the fuck!?
Roachpril: Not funny.
Roachnet: Wanna join in the Roach fun?
Nick: I'm thinking Raid and not Shadow Legends.

Feb 1, 2025

Radical Turtle Variants: yet another rant

 Well, as the Ultimates Uncertainty keeps us on edge, Imma rant! Then again that's pretty much what I do every night, Pinky!

So, Variants: I should point out that not necessarily all the variants I'll mention will be off the 4 Turtle brothers. I meant turtle variants as a catch all for TMNT. Most of them will be for the four turtles, though:

Cheapskate Turtles:
This is the Cheapskate toy. It looks way too big for the actual turtle boys.

This is the cartoon version which is properly scaled for the turtles. It lacks some toy elements. What I'm about to propose is marrying the toy colors and element, but scaling it to the cartoon size.

The only "personalized elements" would be the board wheels, throttle control, and fan blades.
(Leo's would be blue, Don's would be purple, etc.) Now unto the Turtles:

These would be vanilla Turtles, with new belts anBible. (For pegholes):

Main differences in belts:
Brown instead of black.
Raphael would lose the push knife sheathe on his shell.
Donatello's straps would be over one shoulder.

Now for accessories:
Standard set of hands
(Both hinge style C-grips, dramatic, fists)
2 heads
Signature weapon(s)
The Cheapskate
Random Accessory or in Don's case 2

2× katana
Samurai Helmet
Chain Claw (inspired by Talking Leo... and Kung Pow! Enter the Fist)
Determined head

Bo Staff
Tech Helmet with infrared Goggles.
Periscope (inspired by Headdropping Don)
Flashlight (inspired by Storage Shell Mike)
Slightly worried head

2× Sai
Viking Helmet
Sewer squirter (inspired by the role-playing toy)
Snarling Head

2× Nunchucks (inspired by the Bugchaku roleplay toy)
Party Wagon Shellmet in Neon Green
Crazy tongue sticking to the side of head "high speed chase" head

But now the Foot would be underperforming due to a lack of vehicular locomotion.
So, let's give the Foot Clan, a Foot Scoot!

The idea is one of those vintage Scooter/skateboard hybrids (yes, while they existed, this was meant as a BTTF reference, because Turtles in Time)
There is a precedent for rocket powered skateboarding Foot Ninja. I'm simply adding a Scooter handle to the larger than the Cheapskate boards. They have to be larger since the Foot Soldiers are larger than The Turtles.

So, here we go:
Scoot Foot Soldier:
The board should look like a high tech Skateboard. Think the Pitbull Hoverboard but with wheels. The Scooter handle can detach and be used as a melee weapon.

Now the Foot Soldier itself:
Same old Foot Soldier
Same vanilla weapons
New stuff:
Foot Soldier head shaped bike helmet (must look super dorky)
Slip on roller skates (for other Foot Soldoers to be on the roll)
2× Foot Tonfa

Classic Videogame Turtles:
These would be TMNT Characters based on Classic Games:

Bayou Raphael:
Raphael dressed as the Playable Character from the game Bayou Billy. (Basically Raphael wearing an outfit similar to Leatherhead, but with a cowboy hat.)

Pair of Sai, because Raphael 
Throwing knife (foot Soldier knife)
Bull whip
Chicken leg
First aid kit

Liquid Leo:
There's only room for one Metal Gear Reference and I wasn't going to waste it on Grey Fox being Raphael.
Three heads:
Miller ponytail
Liquid Mullet
Ocelot Wig and Mustache.
But it's Leonardo in Military pants and boots and a soft goods trenchcoat.

Solidus Blades that can be sheathed on his left side (normal katana and wakizashi)
Revolver (UC Raph revolver)
FAMAS rifle

Michelangelo Belmont:
Does this even NEED an Explanation?
Basically Mikey dressed as Richter Belmont.
Short haired Rondo of Blood head
Long haired SOTN head

Whip at ease
Mid swing whip
Holy water
Holy cross
Wall Meat

Probotector Don:
Donatello dressed as Bill Rizer from Contra

Machinegun with power up effects
-spread effect
-laser effect
-fire effect
-power up capsule
-CONTRA Bo (a mechanical Bo that kinda looks like a stretched out power up capsule)

Yes, they're all Older Konami games. It's a nod to Konami working on the better TMNT Games.

Turtles in Time:
Not the videogame, but the Turtles flung through different eras in time:

Sir Leonardo:
Essentially, Leonardo clad in a silver and blue Armor reminiscent of a D&D Paladin.
With a Paladin Helmet
With a knight full face helmet 

Short sword

Plague Doctor Don:
Essentially, Donatello dressed as a Plague Doctor. Covered from head to toe to protect himself:
Under the soft goods Plague Doctor Robe, Donatello is purple grey fisherman waders, add a bone white shirt with wandering Leo elbow pads in purple. He also has purple grey gloves Then over that he has a black Plague Doctor tunic.
Plague Doctor Mask with hat
Head with second bandana covering beak and mouth.
Special hands:
Scalpel hands
 Prodding Bo staff
Pomander Necklace
Aromatic Plague Belt (sports a silver D buckle) with various aromatics including a Removable garlic wreath

Don Raffaello Tataruga:
Raphael dressed as a 1920s Mobster
Pinstripe suit, fedora, soft goods trenchcoat, snazzy shoes. 
UC Raph heads

-Ace Duck Tommygun
-UC Raph revolveru
-Knuckleduster hands with Sai inspired Knuckledusters
-Molotov cocktail

Mike the Shelled Centurion:
Mikey dressed as a Roman Centurion.
Normal head

Makeshift nunchuck  made of a broken lance.

But the Time Travel aspect can hit Turtle villains too! 

Viking Bebop:
Bebop dressed like a Viking in a color scheme that references Bebop. Reddish brown tunic, black pants, reddish brown boots
Horned Helmet head

Battle Axe

Buckaroo Rocksteady:
A Wild West Rocksteady:
2× Revolvers
Removable poncho
Removable metal plate (Think McFly)

King Shredder:
Shredder in knight armor  with the  crown forming the prongs of his helmet. The armor should evole the Shredder's spikes. The gauntlets have actual spikes.
Unrelated with crazy long hair and beard.

Oversized sword
Normal sword
Time scepter

Anime Turtles:
Basically TMNT based on Manga characters that had Anime Adaptations...

Rurouni Leo:
Essentially Leonardo as Himura Kenshin.
Vanilla Leo with a soft goods gi and Hakama on the style of Himura Kenshin's

Kenshin wig
Reversed edge blade with scabbard
Alternate Dark gi for the Battousai era Kenshin

Don the Bioboosted Turtle:
Picture a Turtle shaped Guyver with hinges on the pectoral Plastron area.

Guyver head with removable steam effects
Partially exposed Don face

Guyver Unit
Elbow blades

Sakuragi Raphael:
For the most part this would be a redeco of Slam Dunk Don
One head with Sakuragi red hair.
Same Accessories as Slam Dunk Don

MikeJoangelo Joestar:
Mikey as Battle Tendency Joseph Joestar.
Neutral Joseph Head
NICE! Head
Cross dressing Head

Special hands:
Clacker action hands 
Real string Clacker hands

Soft goods dress
Tequila bottles
Mid swing clackers for the Clacker action hands
Twirling clackers for the Clacker action hands
Wired scarf

Slash dressed as Vegeta around the Saiyajin arc.
Head with Scouter
Head without Scouter

Special hands:
Energy blast hands

Broken Scouter
Energy blast effects
Vegeta wig.

Plug Suit April:
April in an Evangelion Plug Suit (06) to be specific, as a nod to Channel 6.

Screaming in pain

Model of her Splinter based EVA Unit.
Pen Pen/Irma hybrid buddy
Small tub of Orange LCL slime.

Jet Bebop:
Bebop dressed as Jet Black from Cowboy Bebop.
(You know I made this variant series just for this... and no Dressing April as Daye Valentine didn't cross my mind until now)
No glasses

Bonsai tree
Large version of his gun 

Spicy Honey:
Karai dressed as Cutey Honey
Karai hairstyle
Honey Hairstyle

Cutie Honey sword
Model of Krang's Android body with Spicy Honey's face where Krang should be (reference to the Mazinger Honey form)

Rocksteady III:
Rocksteady dressed as Lupin III
With Cigarette
Without Cigarette

Walther P38
Cigarette pack
Lupin wig

Tetsuo Muckman:
Muckman dressed as Tetsuo Shima with Joe Eyeball as Kaneda

Kaneda Joe Eyeball
Alternate Right arms

Rat Shishio:
Rat King dressed as Makoto Shishio.
Heads: (eyes and amount of hair poking out from the bandages being the main differences)
Bishie Rat King as Shishio
Vintage Rat King as Shishio

Flame effects for Katana

Tuxedo Hockey Mask:
Casey Jones as Tuxedo Mask
Hockey Mask head
Tuxedo Mask Head
Unmasked head

Soft goods cape
Golf bag
Rose themed Casey weaponry

I better stop before I make Gatcha Duck or Tekkaman Shredder.

Footski Rat King:
Of course we'd first need a Footski. I've campaigned earlier for a Footski and pointed out that it could be made for under $100. There are no movable parts. Lower shell, upper shell, the snakes, steering column, and accessories.Accessories. (missiles, flagpole)

But to pair off the Footski, we need a Rat King thanks to the TMNT Beat-em'up games. 

This will be a new version of the Rat King:
We start with Wave 11 Rat King I'm wave 10 colors (or Blue, which is a Tournament Fighters reference if we want to be super different. Come to think of it, Blue, Water... makes sense):

Essentially, a Mirage inspired head and a Toon inspired head.

-Spear gun with spears. (This will replace the vintage toy crossbow)
-vintage inspired knife (see snake belt.) But larger in size.
-vintage inspired Snake Belt. Unlike the Rattlesnake of the vintage line. This time it gets a Milksnake. (Non venomous and Eastern US is its natural habitat) the Belt would have some Cheeses hanging from it, a sheathe for the knife mentioned above. It should have a Quiver for the spears.
-3× spears. One for the Speargun and 2 spared for the Quiver.
-soda bandolier. (See Blue Rat King)
-3× Rats

Footski Rocksteady and Bebop:
I mentioned that the Footski should fit either of them. 

For the most part a repaint of Rocksteady in Water Camo and Blue Tanktop.
Blue helmet
No helmet
Snorkel and Goggles head

-Speargun with removable spear
- Water mine (see Turtles in Time as reference. Also, they can be split In two for display as "multiple mines")

We start with the vanilla Bebop body with a new blue vest. The Turtle Shell Epaulets are now turtle shaped floaties. His shoes are blue this time.

Normal Bebop head
"Wild" head: screaming with semi articulated tongue that can be placed on either side of his mouth.

New Blaster
4 piece unicorn floatation ring (has to be 4 piece in order to make it wearable for Bebop. Unicorn head and tail pieces hide most of the gaps on the ring halves.)