This isn't a wave speculation rant. This is a want list for TMNT Characters from various media, but made as if they had been Vintage characters. I know that Super7 is making 2k3 Ultimates, so getting an official 2k3 Bishop is a thing, but I want to apply the. Neitlichian Classicizer to other media Characters (ie, the aforementioned Bishop, Rise of the TMNT April, etc.) This started beacuse I finally beat Manhattan Project and have to tackle... the first... and I'm procrastinating!
Mirage April of Color:
I can't call her Black April because it would be racist... Disney Ginger April is even racister. Colored April reeks of Separate fountains. I loathe April of Color term as well. High Melanin April?
Point is, that I'm asking for a Non-white April.
Don't care about Accessories or outfit she's on. I just want one. She won't be April in my shelves, but a new character and as a bonus, those who want her to be THEIR April, I'm helping them.
Teen Aprils:
These would be the 2012 (I know NECA is making 2012 turtles) but I'm talking Vintage style..weird proportions. proportions.
The Other Teen April would be Rise April.
Then again, April is the Pepsi to my OG Glimmer Coke.
Sega Genesis Tournament Fighters April:
The most un-April of Aprils.
April the Ravishing Reporter:
I really wantmore than one of these in order to repaint one as a GTA 3 Hooker.
Lotus Blossom:
It's the Proto Karai. Yes, my lists are female heavy, mainly because there were plenty of female characters I wanted as a kid but never happened. The Vintage TMNT line had only 5 female characters:
April (with variants)
Mona Lisa
Zach and Catelin:
The Two Toon Mini sidekicks.
I wouldn't say that Mini as Zach looks like he could be Irma Sized, which means Catelin too could be Irma sized!
Carter the Enforcer:
Seriously, Super7 should give us Carter just to beat NECA at the Red Sky stuff. I have mentioned how a Keno could be made reusing some Carter parts. Yes I want both Carter forms, but if we can get just one, then Human Carter it is.
I want a Cartoony Ernie Reyes Jr.
Vanilla Ice:
Go Ninja Go Ninja go!
Dirk Savage:
I know I'm bordering on Copying NECA, but it's a Nick Fury parody who doubles as a possible EPF Agent fodder.
I kinda see a James Caan looking MIB styled figure with lots of guns.
We have Triceraton, we need Fugitoid.
Lord Dregg:
Red Sky stuff needed to be added. So time to add it's villain.
Yeah, like he's not going to be added here. He is my most wanted TMNT Vintage figure that is not a Variant.
The Channel 6 trio:
They're in my top 5 wants, period.
Groundchuck and Dirtbag:
No explanation Needed. Manhattan Project.
Chrome Dome:
No Vac Metal please. I'll take a GITD one though.
Tokka and Rahzar:
They're Babies!!! I want them!!
I want to retire Tomohiro Ishii as my Tatsu sub.
Getting ONE NECA Tatsu is already a pain, imagine trying to get two! That's why I want S7 to make one preferably in Hyperstone Heist version. They could do the red gi redeco as a deluxe figure.
You know why I want her. No I won't go into details.
Savanti Romero:
You need him to complete the pair.
Tora from TMNT2 NES:
A Greaser Polar Bear that throws Ice boulders! How can you say no to that??
Firefreak TMNT NES:
GITD orange Plastic exists, nudge nudge wink wink. Also can be used to bring some game specific items (Ninja Scroll, Boomerang, Shuriken, etc.)
Chainsaw Maniac:(TMNT NES)
Another "easy to make" figure... whether reusing parts or new sculpt. I'd use him to bring some small enemies as accessories.
Ninja Robo Blade: (TMNT 2 NES):
Easy to make and could bring forth parts for a Hyperstone Heist Tatsu and a Foot Soldier Endoskeleton.
Foot Soldier Endoskeleton:
It's an obvious Foot Soldier Variant.
MT Gaiden April and Irma:
This Long Haired April runs around in a Romper and gives off Pokémon Trainer vibes.
Super7 could get away with reusing April 1.0's upper body with a new lower body and new heads.
Irma on the other hand needs Soft Goods Blouse and Mini skirt. The Super Saiyajin Muramasa Irma runs around in bra and panties. This Irma's skintone needs to match normal Irma too.
Big Sexy Kevin Nash:
Gimme a Super Shredder on a MOTUC or Mumm-Ra body.
Pre-Mutated Humans and Oroku Saki:
Human Baxter, Rocksteady, Bebop, Hmato Yoshi, Oroku Saki... there are more but these are at the top of my list.
Mona Lisa:
One of the few females from the vintage line.
Burne's Girkfriend. She appears on Shredder's Revenge and that's goof enough for me.
Roadkill Rodneys:
Mostly due to the games
Pizza Monsters:
Same as the RRs but for these I want the Shredder's Revenge version.
Mirage Foot Ninja:
These would accompany Karai or Tatsu. They already have most of the parts.
Stone Warriors/Rock Soldiers:
Traag and Granitor need Army Builders. I've mentioned how these could work as both Ultimates and Deluxe releases down the road.
Traag and Granitor:
I've already discussed various ways to do them so I won't go into details.
Dask and Kala:
We got Zak, we need the other two.
There are more, but this list got kinda big. I still want the justice force, bomb punk frogs, halfcourt, walkabout, Sandstorm, anthrax, etc. But the list has to stop somewhere... otherwise I'd end up adding Robyn O'Neil, Kirby, Draxum, Girl Casey, ROTTMNT April's Mom. Female Sumbug, Pukin'April (who obviously won't be April in my display), cockroach April and Renet with their cockroach orgies.
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