Back then I mentioned Bow's "Anime Hyperdetailed" Tiara.
Here's this answer from "matty" from a Q&A regarding The Princess of Power Toys:
We can’t comment too much on figures and characters we have not announced yet. The particular look of characters will be based (overall) on the look of the 1980s toy – updated. As for the POP styleguide, this is something we have reviewed internally, but the idea for all MOTUC figures is for the new toys to be modeled after their 1980s toy counterparts and not a unique look from the style guide. Although the style guide might on the surface appear to open the door to additional characters who were not made as toys in the 1980s, there are just too many legal restrictions at this moment to rock the boat like this. Much like our answer last time about being hesitant to do 1987 movie deco’d figures, for the POP line we will be sticking to just figures that were made in the 1980s. (or had prototypes made like the Tall Sisters).
So the MOTUC Princess of Power toys, like the MOTU toys when passing through the "Classicizer machine" would end up looking like their toy Counterpart...

Before you say anything I DID notice what you're going to ask... The Princess of Power Toys look very Filmationy and not like their vintage toys... What's up with that?
I DO Like the Filmation designs, but don't they go against the whole
idea for all MOTUC figures is for the new toys to be modeled after their 1980s toy counterparts and not a unique look from the style guide.
While there have been elements from other eras imported to MOTUC (Buzz-Off's Legs, Grizzlor's Loincloth, etc.) It seems that the Princess of Power toys only borrow from the Styleguide (AKA Filmation looking designs). A head with the toy Tiara, a Toy accurate She-Ra does not make.
Worst part of taking the design straight from the Styleguide is the lack of Detail. the styleguide designs are better suited for animation, not for toys. Vintage She-Ra's bracelets have details on them that are missing from her MOTUC version. Catra's dress is completely different from her toy version and her style guide version. All three Princess of Power female figures look underdetailed when standing next to Teela, Evil Lyn or The Goddess.
Bow is a curious case. His MOTUC counterpart draws inspiration from three sources.
-The Vintage Bow toy
-The Styleguide
-The New Adventures of He-Man well, uh He-Man toy.
Next to the Female figures Bow looks Hyperdetailed... (even more so with his Tiara.) This is great when displaying Bow next to the other guys, but it makes the PoP females stand out in a bad way.
Problem is that if they fix the issue on later Princess of Power releases (using the toy and styleguide to create hybrid, like Bow) Adora, She-Ra and Catra will still look underdetailed and slightly out of place.
Now all of this comes into play for one thing that's been worrying me. Mattel's Mixed signals regarding PoP.
The usage of the styleguide designs is to avoid the "frou-frou" stigma from the Vintage PoP line (which we know it's full of pinks, violets, yellows and lots of girlie stuff since it was a toyline for girls.)
On the other hand they add a huge "Princess of Power" sticker to every Princess of Power character... (The Horde have an "Evil Horde Sticker" The Preternia people have a "Powers of Grayskull sticker", the Snakemen have a "Snakemen Sticker" The Mutants have a "Space Mutants" sticker, etc. Why the "Great Rebellion" is stuck with the "Princess of Power" tag?
I know the original Toyline was Princess of Power, but Catra is part of that line, yet she's got a Horde sticker. How come the good guys get stuck with a Princess of Power sticker... Bow has a Princess of Power Sticker... (Not helping the "He's not gay" campaign that Mattel has.) but curiously enough It is missing from the Website preview pic... Why is that?
The Whole Swift Wind vote (which I feel it was rigged to "coax" voters into picking white, as Mattel planned because of the fear against a "frou-frou" pink Horsie) seemed to be a move to "unite stylistically" PoP with MotU, yet the Etheria Map that came with the subscription bonus figure on February is FRIGGING PINK! and enormous...
I strongly believe that PoP's Toy designs can be adapted to MOTUC and not look girlie. Mattel needs to either embrace PoP fully including the girlie stuff or Mix it within MotU and completely kill the Girlie stuff instead of meeting half-way only when it's convenient to them.
I will try and collect the Princess of Power Toys (NA, and 200X too!) in MOTUC, but I'm feeling like every other era that is not the Original MotU is treated like an inferior line.
Note: This is not a request for rooted heads or Material clothing.
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