Bitching and Moaning about PoP and NA figures.
The best part is when Scott "Toyguru" Neitlich chimed in on their posts... I usually bitch and moan about Neitlich when he screws up, but this time I must Praise the man!
He went to those posts and DEFENDED PoP and NA!!
While he often seems like he bends to the will of the Vintage Purists, The Mighty Spector's Creator has had enough of their Jibba Jabba!!
Having Toyguru to come out and defend PoP and NA is really weird. I mean, this is the same Toyguru that held back most or PoP and NA to cater to the Vintage Purists... Hell even with the rewritten roadmap, New Adventures is getting the Short End of the Stick! Also, Matty Mod Catra's Wrath got to lay the Smackdown!

Now, before I get any hate from fans that Prefer the Vintage MOTU above other eras, read me out.
11 Vintage Characters left .Not counting Meteorbs, Steeds, or the 5 Variants (BS Hordak, FF He-Man, TC, Skeletor and the Laser He-Man and Skeletor)
-Blast Attack
-Rio Blast
Basically all that's left is the remains of waves 5 and 6. Translation: Original MOTU has Classicized Waves 1 through 4 Completely because Modulok will be arriving to people in the next few weeks. (I'm guessing Early March for me) In Late August, early September, New Adventures completes their First Wave in Classics with the arrival of New Adventures Skeletor. PoP on the other hand is missing Angella and Double Trouble to complete their First Wave. Do you see where I'm going with this?
NA fans and PoP Fans have endured almost 6 years and they BARELY have their first waves, While MOTU is riding the Waves 5 and 6 Train!
Motu has (53 out of 69) 77% of the line complete.
PoP has (11 out of 22) 50% of the line complete
NA has (8 out of 28) 29% of the line complete. If we eliminate Wave 4 (The Variant Wave) we have for NA (8 out of 22) 36% of the line complete.
We KNOW that New Adventures will not reach 100% Not even by excluding wave 4 or the 4 variants of He-Man and Skeletor. All we may get for NA after Skeletor is: Mara in 2015 and Maybe Crita and A Galactic Protector (hoping for Sagitar)... So basically 8-9 out of 18 (After subtracting ALL the Variants.)
While PoP has 11 out of 22 we can scratch off the 3 Remaining Variants (Starburst She-Ra, Shower Power and Scratching sound versions of Catra) which makes it 11 out of 19 figures.
So, remind me again how 11 or 8 is a lot more than 53?
With that said, preferring Vintage is not bad, but saying that POP and NA should not be made not even when Mattel has been saying since the line's beginnings that POP, NA and 200X would have their place in MOTUC; is being an asshat. I'm sorry but Mattel did say it from the start that PoP and NA would show up on the line... If The Merman incident hadn't happened, Adora would have been the December 2009 Figure. Also, Really? nearly 6 years into the line and we still hear Bitching about PoP and NA!?
I'd understand their complains if PoP and NA were 73% complete while MOTU was 29% complete.
Now this post on the other hand has to be praised. Skeletor's Hood, you freaking rock!
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