Jan 2, 2013

Spider Ock Spider Ock Marvel can now...

 Go and *expletive deleted* themselves. Peter Parker is dead and now Otto Octavius is Spider-Man...

Doc  Octopus

Knowing the difference can save your life... After 10 years of crap (Totemistic Mystical Origins, Dying and having a Magical Rebirth, becoming Iron Man's sidekick, Revealing his secret ID to the world, Trading his Marriage To Mary Jane in a literal deal with the devil to undo the unmasking and saving May "one foot on the grave" Parker) culminate in Peter Parker switching bodies with a dying Doctor Octopus and now the Evil Doctor is inside Peter Parker's body... The same Doc Ock that wanted to marry Aunt May...

I'm not making this up!
The one that attacked her recently because she was to Marry J. Jonah Jameson's dad... she did, so Peter Parker and J. Jonah Jameson are like step cousins or something...
Yeah! Did I confuse you? well, this is thanks to the Creative Genius of Joe Quesada and his "underlings" who were HELLBENT on destroying Spider-Man. Well that's what I believe cause THIS is not SAVING SPIDER-MAN! So if  "Peter" and MJ come back together is cause it's NOT Peter... Would that be Rape? What if Doc Ock has "urges" and rapes Aunt May... Is it Incest?
Suddenly The Clone Saga doesn't sound that bad...
I mean, replacing Peter Parker with... *gasp!* Peter Parker is a bad idea, but Killing Peter Parker and replacing him with Doc Ock in a Peter Parker suit is an EXCELLENT Idea...

sums up my thoughts in a nice and clean way... So I'll leave it at that... I may add this to Stupid Ideas that HAVE to be Retconned!

Even Stan Lee is not too pleased with this!

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