Feb 29, 2016

Damn it Leo! What are we going to do now!?

Why did you have to win an Academy Award!? You sir, have broken the Internet! Now we only have porn and cats!? You, sir, have eliminated the third most fun thing out of the Internet... Making fun out of your lack of Oscars...

What are we going to do with all those Memes!?
We were expecting you to LOSE and the bear to WIN the award!

But congratulations on FINALLY getting an Academy award...
I mean, you went full retard and lost.
 Tried Being Tony Stark in real life and lost.
Tried the Stock exchange AND Lost...
Got raped by a bear and won... OK it wasn't really rape, but that bear looked Rapey... I asked a Third Waver...

But now, Leo, you have made the impossible, well, possible! Now thousands of fools will believe that if you believe in it and work hard for it you CAN achieve your goals...

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