But we're here to talk Faker, the Evil Duplicate of He-Man... Or Mattel's cheap attempt at a repaint.
I could talk about Vintage Era Parts Reuse and how Mattel made a wave Practically out of reusing everything but the Head and mention the Power Con Snakemen being LITERALLY Part Reuse in their unmade vintage versions and all of this started because of Faker's bold Evil He-Man duplicate status.
Enough about that, let's do the Ratings part.



Nothing New on him aside the "Vintage head" Kinda wish we had an Oo-Larr head for him. The paint does NOT match Keldor's head, but is closer than Skeletor's. The Classics head has the "Bear Mace Effect" on Faker, but with the blues it looks better. Gives off a shadowy Evil Duplicate vibe to him. The Armor lacks the Wash from the previous one. It looks more toyetic, but cleaner. Mildly Tempted to paint the tassels on his armor a darker orange and the recesses on his armor as well. His cybernetic tampo looks fine. Can't compare to default Faker. The Gloss black bezels on the flat black belt look fine. The only nitpick would be a paintjob with bubbles on his power sword.

-Battle Damaged Head
-Power Sword
-Half sword
-Alcala Power Sword
You kinda miss the Oo-Larr head here. Also, Faker's swords weren't AS warped as He-Man but they were still warped. The Old School Power Sword Halves do not work as well as they should, mostly because the He-Man Half is super warped and no amount of hairdryer usage can fix that. Also the pegs won't fit in the holes and I don't want to shave them.
Faker gets a 4.5 as his final score. The sword having a paint issue did hurt him a bit, otherwise he would've scored higher. Wonder if anyone will notice what I did...
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