Nov 12, 2017

Battleship shrunk? What the Hell Hasbro!?

Got Battleship, the game, not the crappy Rhianna movie and I just noticed two things that bother me:
-grid is one row and column smaller. From the 10x10 grid of long ago we now have a 9x9.
-we have one less ship to sink.

This makes the game a lot easier. The 9x9 grid means that the carrier MUST TOUCH ONE OF THE CENTER SQUARES.  If you play it smart and begin to chop the arena into quadrants through the center, you WILL FIND the carrier. Now the crazy old timey strategy of huddling the ships close enough to trick the opponent into believing they sank your carrier and simply hit all of them once is no longer viable.
It's even worse when using the Unofficial Salvo rule.
I hope that operation is still as challenging as it used to be.

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