Feb 25, 2024

It came from the Toy Chest: Holy Martha! Why did I say that name!?


This won't be a Batman Review, but a Batman Parody review. I, of course, I'm talking about Wingnut and Screwloose. The TMNT/Mighty Mutanimals parody of Batman and Robin. 

First of all: Holy Martha, He's fucking huge!
Sure, he's not "ginormous" but I can almost justify the $75 price tag on him.

Wingnut has standard Articulation with the addition of his wings and his neck. He's a bit top heavy and you need to play around with him a bit to have him properly stand while fully geared up on not so sturdy and steady surfaces.

Paint and sculpt:
He's had a few changes from his Playmates toy... due to PMT being a little bitch. But I like some of the changes. Shame that his weapons weren't made gold, especially his gas grenades. The Bat throwable weapon from his vintage belt is an actual weapon now. His Bat Gun is now silver. Kinda wish it was gold. He gets more color than his vintage counterpart.

Serious Head
Extra hands
4× gas grenades
Bat throwable
Sonic attachment 
Grapple attachment
Cape with W shaped clasps (small)
Mechanical wing enhancements.

Personally I'm worried about the cape and how it clasps. I fear the clasps may break with time.
Sadly, he has far too few hands.
Screwloose can be a bit of a pain to stand, but his tail acts as a "leg" to stabilize him.

This demented Duo gets a 4.5 as their final score. I believe his accessories were what brought him down. He needed more hands...

Further thoughts:
While Wingnut could've used a bit of more Oomph! I Could see other Variants/Redecos following the Batman Theme...

Black and grey redeco:
Same Wingnut and Screwloose, but Wingnut is wearing a Black and Grey suit with a Black W.
Screwloose is wearing all black, but his whitebeater has a blue screw painted on (nod to Nightwing)

Dork Nut Returns Wingnut:
Here we get New parts for the duo:
Screwloose gets a new head with Goggles reminiscent of Carrie Kelley's glasses.

Wingnut gets 2 new heads loosely inspired by the Helmet Batman used in TDKR, (intact helmet and torn helmet) new hands. Spear as a nod to Batffleck. Slip on "Hockey Pad" torso armor. (Think MOTUC Merman) one of the New hands is for using the Armaggon repellent Nut Spray. Nut Spray Cans replace the grenades.

Wingnut 89':
This Version is a mix of Archie, the 90s Live Action Batsuits, and some "originality".
We start with a new torso, inspired by the Live Action Batman movies. Mainly Batman Returns and the Archie comics. The hooks to hold the cape should be hidden under the Archie styled shoulderpiece.
Screwloose gets a new torso based on the Schumacher era Robin.
For accessories he gets 2 grenades, bat gun and grapple attachment,  2 small wing rockets as a nod to archie. Everything is mainly black as a nod to Batman 89'

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