They also have Transformers Prime Happy Meal toys, but let's face it... Everypony is more interested in Pony toys than Transformers toys... At least that's what they told me at the closest McD that I have...
Now, since this is a Happy Meal Toy, I will NOT give it a rating on the review. Mostly cause these toys are basically statues... Ponyrrific statues! Also Happy Meals are back to being Happy Meals instead of crappy bags! yay!
This Happy Meal is unisex with Optimus Prime on one side and Pinkie Pie
On the Friendship Express Train is on the other side...

Now so far I've gotten Pinkie Pie and Rarity. The others are Appplejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and
But wait, there's more! There's 2 more ponies that are NOT the Mane 6... No Celestia or Luna, but we have Cheerilee and I think it's Lilly Blossom... (Why Lilly Blossom and not someone more important like Celestia, Luna, Big Macintosh, or even Derpy!?)
What can I say about these Pony Statues:
They have Plastic Manes as you can see and a rooted tail that you could comb. Also the comb turns into a clasp to attach to a backpack... They're a bit smaller than Hasbro's Ponies. Their cutie marks are not accurate. Pinkie has one Balloon instead of 3 (2 blue and 1 yellow) Rarity only has one diamond instead of 3... Don't know if it's an error or if accurate cutie marks were not logistically possible.
Honestly, the ponies have made McD 20% cooler... I hadn't been this excited about McD since the McRib! or maybe the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX stuff... the McD near campus never had the 200X MOTU toys... Sure, they're not the best Happy Meal toys in history, but they serve their function.
Cheap toys with some collectible appeal and promoting a toyline outside a niche base... Starting with the most unnecessary vehicle ever... It's pretty clever, don'tcha think?
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