Ah, He-Man has his Skeletor and Lion-O has Mumm-Ra, The Ever Living!! Hmmm... a Lich and a Mummy... The 80s had a bunch of undead evils... What can we say about the Classics Mumm-Ra?
Well, Mumm-Ra never got an 8-inch counterpart... But he's got a six inch New Thundercats version... I'm not sure why I believe that this Mumm-Ra reuses stuff from New-Mumm-Ra... Let me check out pics of the 6-incher...
Holy crap he does NOT reuse stuff from the New Mumm-Ra! Well, there goes my theory... Now what am I going to ramble about!?
So, let's get unto the Ratings part:
1= Crap worse than Lynx-O's eyesight and 5 = is more awesome than Cheetara's theme music...

Remember how Lion-O's Articulation surpassed the MOTUC figures? Well Mumm-Ra is competing with the MOTUC Females in Articulation. His Articulation is about the same as She-Ra 1.0 with limited range due to a super-hard skirt!
Paint and sculpt:
Well, he's not AS Accurate to the Cartoon Mumm-Ra as Lion-O is to his cartoon counterpart.
-His "skirt" is not assymetrical as the cartoon version.
-the Snakes on his crest are "Hyperdetailed" compared to the Cartoon version.
-The most obvious difference is the lack of cape on Mumm-Ra (Just like the 80s version.)
-Like the Other Bandai 6-inchers we can see the SCREWS!! on his back. 2 of those holes can be plugged with the Mummy wraps that he has. This leaves a big hexagonal hole on his back... Maybe for a cape that was cut due to budget reasons?
-What's with his knees? They look like they were sculpted for double jointed knees, but they're not gouble jointed... what gives?
Paintwise he has very little paint since most of his parts are molded in the appropiate colors... although I would have painted his crotch dark blue or red as his skirt... Mumm-Ra is going commando and you can see his ancient butt-crack of evil! There is some slop on the darker wraps on his headdress, but barely noticeable.
3.5 (Mostly due to inaccuracies in the sculpt)
2 gripping hands and the 2 Wrappings that plug into his back... No Sacrificial dagger or his nifty double sword... making his gripping hands kinda pointless... Also the lack of cape kinda hurts him...
Mumm-Ra, The Everliving gets a 2.83 which is a shame... This figure had enough potential to be pretty cool, but in the end he just wasn't AS COOL as Lion-O...
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