Mar 19, 2012

Hey What the!? Winter-Wrap Up 2012 Edition

Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up!
Let's finish our holiday cheer
Winter Wrap-Up, Winter Wrap-Up!
'Cause tomorrow Spring is here,
'Cause tomorrow Spring is here!

Tomorrow is the first day of Spring and winter ends up in a sour note:
Thanks to Michael mother****ing ****bag ***hole Bay!!
Not only this jerkwad screwed Transformers, now he's producing the new TMNT...

I know whatcha' thinking:
"He's the producer, not the director... there's no way they can screw TMNT!"

To that I say: When Michael Bay is involved, there is a way!

The Teenage MUTANT Ninja Turtles are ALIENS!?

Now picture a long stream of expletives that would make the Angry Videogame Nerd look like a nice guy who never cusses and you'll get what I'm feeling.

While the OOZE may be Alien in Origin, the Turtles are MEANT to be Earthling Turtles... I think Somebody should punch Bay on the Devastator Wrecking Balls while using a Shredder Costume!

That would be my Knee-Jerk reaction. It's not a senseless act of rage towards Bay... I got burned by the Bayformers and I fear his lack of respect to the source Material may force some "Executive changes" to TMNT. Ah, it's a good thing that Megan Fox is on The Bayster's "Black list" now...

I'm worried about the movie being completely disrespectful to the Source Material. I'll wait and see if my doom and gloom predictions will come true or not... Here's hoping that I'm wrong!

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