I need to pad out March in order to have a tail end weekend getaway. So, here's a list of characters I wanna see in the line. Is Turtles Forever available? That way we could get 1987 toon accurate Turtles with 2k3 Articulation.
But this list won't have Turtles or April, since I can request Multiple 2k3 April variants.
So let's get the obvious ones out of the way:
Obvious choice was obvious. I'm only requesting Human Hun. If Mutated Hun comes later down the line, whatever.
He's the leader of a third faction, the EPF. I would most likely get eventual RPF Army. Builders, ESPECIALLY if they're Deluxe figures.
Baxter Stockman
Human form first, please. Let's leave the Robotic Abomination for later.
The Justice Force
Another faction, but these should be released separately in order to make them accessible.
The Minimum I'd accept for a Team:
- Silver Sentry
- Ananda
- Chrysalis
- Tsunami
- Metal Head
- Nobody
- Stainless Steel Steve
- Metal Head
- Zippy Lad
- Doc Dome
The last four would be The old age versions to act as Mentors...
Rat King
I need Rat King, I get Rat King. I literally own 3 Ultimates Rat Kings. So let's make it 4-5
Shredder clones
This was.
To be expected, especially since I'm abusing the idea of shredder. Clones already with The vintage Shredders. But I want the crab Shredder, the quadra-armed Shredder, and the mini Shredder... Now that I think of it, they don't make sense. Since 2k3 Shredder is an Utrom in an android body, how does he have "Humanoid clones"?
I prefer the sleeper Mirage Aesthetic and 2k3 is closer to it than 1987.
If S7 clears the air with Sakai, then a 2k3 Usagi would be perfect for me, as he has the look I prefer.
I want Fugitoid, a 2k3 Triceraton allows me to have different looking Triceratons.
Karai as Shredder
I already have a Vanilla Karai and I think the Shredder Armored look is fine for her. Hopefully the Mirage NECA Shredder Karai will be available at my local Best Buy...
Doctor Chaplin
I tend to favor supporting characters.
Especially those who make Sexy killer Karai Bots...
Who the fuck let Cade in? But can't argue with his logic. Also, later on a Battle Gear Chaplin would be nice.
These should be released in separate waves.
Reality Check versions of the CHARACTERS
That means mayor April, Casey as her assistant, The super turtles and the evil master Silver. No, this isn't an excuse to get April in a blazer and a skirt.
Like I'd forget the boobs beyond time and the girl they're attached to.
Savanti Romero
If I have Renet, I need goatboi. You can't have a hero without their Nemesis. OK, you can, but, you know what I mean.
But as always the main problem woth the 2k3 line is too many danged humans. Notice, I didn't add characters like April's Sister, Casey Jones's mom, or that little kid.The one that used to be a
Purple Dragon, Angel.
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