Sep 20, 2023

But Microsoft isn't a Monopoly, said the XBots. Newly lealed email says the opposite

 Or at least it shows that Phil Spencer wants to buy out the competition. Remember last time Microsoft tried to buy Nintendo? A lealed email from 2020 revealed that Phil Spencer sees Nintendo as a Key asset to dominate The industry and that M$ should attempt to bring Nintendo to the fold. The Activision Blizzard mess raised Monopoly/Anti-Trust red flags and unfortunately, the FTC screwed the pooch miserably and that was getting a Third-party publisher. Omagine the amount of red flags that would raise of Microsoft attempts to buy Nintendo... The Legendary First-party company that saved videogames in the 80s. It will sound a bit melodramatic, but it's true. If Microsoft were to buy Nintendo, gaming as we know it will die.

It'll be like in demolition man where everything is Taco Bell but instead it's a horrobly expensive version of gamepass and with horrible DRM that makes Denuvo seem like a beautifil thing.

These mega mergers are bad for the industry. They decrease competition and creativity.

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