Nov 5, 2012

It came from the toy chest: Hide your He-Men! There's a Frosta coming!

The Great Rebellion's Blanche Deveraux has arrived... I'm not saying Frosta is a slut, but she can intimidate the Strongest Man in the Universe (or the Prudest Man in the Universe) with her horniness!

I don't have any ICE Puns to use on this review...

Queen Mac&See of the Kingdom of Snows is one of the Main Rebels from The Great Rebellion!
(Glimmer Castaspella and Angella would be the other 3 A-List Rebels.) So this is the first NON-She-Ra A-List Rebel joining the MOTUC shelves!

The Queen of Slush with reversed forearms.
She may be cold but she has a fire inside...
One that can only be quenched by the Most Powerful  Man in the Universe...
Translation: She has a crush on He-Man!
Where to begin? Should I start with the ratings or with the comedy of errors that Mattel had while making this figure... Wrong colors, Backwards limbs... I'll go with the ratings part cause I don't want to get pissed at Frosta!

Articulation:While she has a skirt without slits on the side, she is pretty flexible... If you want to have hre surfing an ice slide a la Iceman, she can do it, or if you want to have her in kinky poses with He-Man, she probably can do many...
Paint and Sculpt:
On the sculpt side there is something OFF about Frosta's face sculpt. She kinda looks like Angelina Jolie, the Overly Attached Girlfriend and a little bit of Filmation Frosta. Also I must point out something on Frosta's sculpt...

Frosta's got back!
Click on the pic and you'll get the point of what I'm saying... If not then, take it away Donkey!

Paints... Oy vey... Mattel seems to have one problem and that is: THEIR COMPLETE INABILITY TO MAKE WHITE TOYS WHITE!! The queen of snows looks like the queen of ash!
My Frosta has some lack of paint under her left breast.
She needs more... ICE ICE BABY!
 Frosta has a POP shield and her wand. Sadly my shield was warped beyond recognition. and I miss the whistle-esque part from the vintage wand. Shame that Mattel did NOT do something extra on her like Ice weapons (Clear BG TEELA Sword, or a BP She-Ra sword without gem) But I must count what she has, not what she should've.
Queen Frosta gets a 4.0 which is pretty good if we are aware of all the issues that miss Frosty McSlutpants went through to get here. I tried frosting her a bit more but didn't like the effect on the blues.

Oh! my beloved is here... He seems to be a bit too short and Hyperdetailed!

Oh! My beloved! Looks like I've made you blue from the cold!

Uh, Hey Frosta! How about if I take you out on a date... Don't worry about a thing I'll even carry you there!
Oh He-Man, Darling! This is so Romantic!

cause who better than Mista Fweeze  for Ice puns!

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