-Getting raped by a villain in order to give birth to her rapist.
-Getting her powers sucked off by Rogue.
Buut somehow she has become mainstream (misandrists using her as a "flagship character") Well, she's getting a movie.
Here's the trailer...
Yes, The old lady is likely to be a Skrull... I hope not. I just want Danvers to suck so much at her "heroing" that she beats old people on purpose.
I WILL See the movie because Infinity war Tie-in... if not, not even by watching it at Best Buy's huge TVs for free would make me see this.
Hopefully now that Disney has Fox, we can get a Captain Marvel Sequel where she's defeated by Mystique and her adoptive daughter...
Keeping the Marvel Theme, Loki and Scarlet Witch are getting TV Mini-Series... It'll be for Disney's streaming Service. This is a ballsy move by Disney, most likely expensive, BUT if it pays off, it COULD lead into weaving, say X-people and F4 into the MCU... If they play their cards right with Sony, they could even do wonders with Spidey... But we shall see how this develops...
Seriously, Wolverine Mini Series before Dropping the First X-Movie...
Remember the M. Night Shyamalamadingdong disastrous whitewashed bastardization of Avatar: The Last Airbender?
Netflix is doing a Reboot... BUUUUUT It will have the series creators working on it.
They will use a multicultural and multicolored cast AS IT SHOULD BE, seeing the source material had a multicultural and multicolored cast.
So, James and Mike from Cinemassacre did MUGEN on the latest James and Mike Play... It made me reminisce of a far more innocent time... About 18 years ago. End of High School and Early College life for me...
Before Capcom went into 3D and discovered how to fleece money from customers by releasing incomplete games and making you pay for the characters... Like this sweet Darkstalkers Costumes set...
MUGEN allowed you to do ANYTHING as long as A: You knew how to draw sprites (or edit them) and most importantly B: Understood enough coding to make the characters work. Or C: Finding someone who could do ONE of the two, while you did the other one.
I did tinker with Sprite Editing a bit... I attempted to get the ball rolling for a Doc Ock, but I eventually lost interest when I had to upgrade to a computer where DOS was unusable and the Windows version of MUGEN was made for ants. The Alpha Chun Li Black Widow idea, Venom Doppelganger (Awful Idea.) and the combo of Cap, Magneto, Guile, and Wolverine for Doc Ock were some of the few Sprites that I managed to salvage by accident from old discs and drives.
I had managed to edit Apocalypse Sprites into an oversized Mysterio as in the Neversoft Spidey game. He WAS being worked on by someone. Can't recall who was it. In any case, I must admit I bit off a lot than I could chew at the time. I eventually quit making stuff for MUGEN USE and dedicated to do Sprite Comics... Some of my best material was mocking Marvel's Civil War and treatment of Spidey... Like a Prototype to what the House of Rants is. Some older posts and reviews still carry some of that feel.
This experience also helped me hone my Eye to notice parts reuse on toys. You know all those theoretical figure recipes I've made throughout the years, you can thank MUGEN and getting me involved in Sprite editing for that.

But Back To MUGEN... You could make anything... From recreating approximations of existing games that could be easily emulated via MAME, or make fan-based sequels/spin-offs.
Others flex fully their creative muscles and do 100% Original characters... Some of the things made were MIND BLOWING... Can't believe it's still around. It was winding down around 08-09-ish...
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