Jan 9, 2024

Some Super7 rumors: Ultimates related

 These are to be taken with a grain of salt, since I'm playing a game of telephone and I'm hard of hearing. I don't know how real these are. Some past rumors have been confirmed. Others have been thankfully, proven wrong... I'm just passong along the info.

Apparently, the "Toy variants" didn't do as well as expected. There might not be more of those for a while. 

Assuming this rumor is true, I guess I can state the obvious: No shit Sherlock! I already mentioned that the wave stunk due to Higher prices, less stuff. Then there's the obvious shipping delays. Snarf was preordered in October 2022. It's January 2024 and NOW they're shipping to us. It's over a year. We don't know how long we'll have to wait for other stuff if there are delays. Right now I'm guessing that between February and April (the month, not O'Neil) we might get the Copper Kidd announcement. That way I can call it quits with Silverhawks... Melodia aside. 

Tigersharks might be coming around 25-26, but is most likely  not as balls deep as say TMNT. My GUESS is that they might end up going for a Toon/Toy hybrid look: Toon proportions, but We would get fish forms with optional parts to make the human versions.
Hell, I don't see the entire team making it. If I was a gambling man, here's who I think will make it:

Doc Walro (with Gup)
Sadly, I don't think Angel and Bronc would make the list.

Captain Bizzarly
Spike Marlin

Basically 6 out of the 8 LJN figures with Dolph and Bronc not making it.

Star Trek TNG:
Line is most likely dead. They tried selling us Whoopi twice and twice she didn't make the cut. Apparently, Riker, Data, Borg, Picard, and Worf BARELY Made minimum. I'll be honest: if these weren't $55 I would've gotten gotten some and would most definitely buy Q, because reasons...

Beverly Crusher would've come out the toy chest... at $55+ well, I can't go balls deep.

Transformers isn't exactly doing well. Mainly because $55+ for a NON-TRANSFORMING TRANSFORMER is stupid as fuck...

On the other hand GI Joe seems to be doing well... Good, because I need Shipwreck... if I DO get Shipwreck,  you know what's coming.
It's the entire reason why I got Ace Duck... but here's the thing: Super7 has access to do ANYTHING HASBRO OWNS (not star wars or marvel) like Transformers, GI Joe, Power Rangers, My Little Pony... (no, I don't want my Little Pony Ultimates. Super7 would go G1 and I'd only want the Humans) but here's where the rumor gets tasty... truly truly truly tasty:
2025 might be the year of Jem...
All I want is Jem in that outfit... anything else is just gravy. 

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
I'm curious are the 4Horsemen still working on these? I've heard conflicting rumors and I'm not sure. I really hope the rumors are false. 

Then again, I wonder who's doing the designs for the new stuff, since... they're a bit iffy. I mean the accessories more than anything:
I'm looking at Rat King:
He has the toon flute. I don't mind it, makes sense.
He has a rat sceptre with a rat wearing a crown... some sort of shiv made out of a kitchen drain pipe and a piece of metal. At least the long tailed rat is a nod to his vintage grappling hook or a whip. Hopefully it's made with real rope. The shiv feels unimaginative. The rat scepter is an attempt at vintage TMNT styled weapons. Not the best but it has some of thart vintage silliness, like say: Burne and his Club Sandwich Club, Vernon's pencil blade (the penis mightier than thesword and all that.), Merdude and his swordfish sword. But the one thing all rat king fogires need and so far only NECA has delivered in that area: Rat Subjects... This figure "was inspired by Shredder's Revenge" yet has no rat accessories.  So it kinda feels that the in-house designers are not fully in-line with what makes TMNT tick. I mean they called Pizzaface "icky". I'm like: "Really, cracker? Pizzaface is SUPPOSED TO BE ICKY! That's his schtick! Hell half the line is based on bad puns and immature humor.
Like Scratch being a Cat Burglar, Monty Moose being a Mountie, The one Mutant from Australia being a Kangaroo Animal Wrangler, even Guerrilla Gorilla is a play on words. 
Now to toot my own horn, that's why in my random TMNT character ideas rant i had a clown mushroom, because fungi... or a mummified sphinx cat named Neferkitty, and so on. Kinda like a Kid-friendly Tromaverse. That's the mentality needed. Icky is unfortunately, a requirement. That includes body horror that would make Cronenberg proud. The desogners need to LEAN INTO THAT.  Also, I need my gross Pizzaface ASAP!! 

Also, Ronin Leonardo is the first of the "Martial arts movie tribute figures"
So with Leonardo being the most traditional of the Turtles, he went with the Lone Wolf and Cub direction... here are my guesses for the other three:

Donatello: inspired by The Matrix
Bo staff and lots of technobabble. Fits Donny to a T.

Raphael: I expect a brawler type character, like Steven Seagal's characters.  

Michelangelo: inspired by Game of Death
I jist hope he comes with normal Mikey heads with bruce Lee expressions. I don't want Bruce Lee wigs on Mikey.

Last but not least:
Super7 is apparently doing D&D Ultimates. Not sure if these will be announced after the new Thundercats wave announcement. I want Sheila so badly... 

But again: These are rumors that I've heard. Can't confirm the veracity of them. Take them with a grain of salt.

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