Jan 31, 2024

Top NON Vintage TMNT characters I want for 2024: part 1

 Or at least until the next list comes. By non-vintage I mean not from the vintage playmates toyline... so Toy based characters like Monty Moose, Walkabaout, or Pizzaface are out. Mirage, TV shows, videogames, other comics, etc. are fair game. 
Note I don't want these to be made at once. It's just that these are some characters that I would be very inclined to buy.

Let's start with folks from the Video Games:

I've mentioned him a few times. He's a Polar Bear with a Leather Jacket and Jeans with FUR TRIMMED BOOTS. Here Super7 could go for a couple of interpretations:
Game Accurate but using a "Varner Studios filter" like having a Neapolitan Ice Cream stain on the jacket, an ice cream cone spilled on his boot, tears on the jeans.

Go full "Varner" with a torn boot with a bear paw poking out, massive tears on the jeans and jacket adding more ice cream stains. 

For accessories:
Hands, alternate head, glasses, weather machine with flight stand, Ice chunk soda bottle.

Sprazzo the chainsaw maniac:
Hailing from the first game, this evildoer is a nice way to introduce videogame elements:
Here we can go two ways:

Game Accurate:
Naked torso with Iron mask and pants. Maybe "Varnerize" the iron mask a bit. With rust, dents, and maybe a creepy crawlie or two.

Playmates inspired Lazy parts reuse:
(Shredder torso on Casey Arms and legs with a blond Casey head with a black mask for A head)

Personally, I'd go somewhere in between:
New torso and legs, reuse the Casey arms and feet and add new heads (including a Blond casey repaint.)
The accessories are rather easy:
I mentioned the heads. Reusing the Casey hands, the chainsaw is obvious. Toss in a Mouser and you're done. 

Ninja Robo Blade:
This is an uncommon NES Enemy from the added Dojo Level to the TMNT Arcade NES Port.
The reason I'm adding him is because it has part reuse potential with the next entry, Hyperstone heist version of Tatsu.
Waist down it looks human. From the torso and up is where the robotic look should start. The Gi overlay could be made to be reused for Tatsu, like I mentioned above. 
No extra heads needed, for accessories here we run into an issue. 
Hands and kunai cover the standard accessories
But I want to add 2 Controversial accessories:
Vincent Van Growl/Paper tigers. Basically a set of dojo doors (one side with tiger, the other without) and an articulated flat tiger with stand, because it's flat.

Going to the 16-bit era, let me bring a Kunoichi.
I have to go family friendlier here, because reasons. (I'd prefer a more accurate Aska, but not so sure if nickelodeon would allow her.) Mainly to abuse parts reuse on a figure that requires too many new pieces.
New heads,new torso, new forearms, new hands, new crotch, new lower legs.
So here we go:
The torso would be a tight fitting shirt that covers up any cleavage with a sculpted ninja mesh on it. The forearms are modified ninja april forearms with Foot Soldier inspired guards. If S7 is feeling lazy, sculpting slip on pieces is also an option. The lower legs would have wrappinga up to the knee and knee pads. Boot tops would be sculpted on the lower ankle area. Reuse April v.1 boots and new hands with biker gloves.
For accessories, let's go with sewer samurai Leo Kunai, clear stand with butterflies. Tournament Fighters inspired Rat King head.

Hyperstone Heist version of Tatsu:
Like I said, the clothes are borrowed from Ninja Robo Blade. I won't go into full detail, because I already did. 

I'm going to make Tatsu a transition point to make Movie Characters:

Professor Perry:
Here I am torn:
I could go for the Orange Jumpsuit look or the labcoat look. I find the orange jumpsuit easier to "Varnerize", but He spent more time in the labcoat look (which could be considered for potential reuse for a human Baxter.) 
So, labcoat Perry it is:
So the theoretical vintage labcoat Perry would've reused the Baxter arms (the human arms), new torso and Vernon legs. A stylized head because Playmates was lousy with actors likenesses.
For accessories, the vintage figure would've used:
Ooze canister, repainted clip pad and pencil from Vernon, New Donut box everything molded in Ooze lime green. For Ultimates, we can't use those... the new donut box is doable, as well as the ooze canister. The pad and pencil are a no go. A glass with a picture of Mummy Boy on it (swapped from Bart Simpson because Super7) with removable contents.  Now I'm going to add non-canonical toyetic accessories.
Ooze syphoning backpack (think of something like a reverse slime pack from ghostbusters 2.)

Like I'm having a list with Tatsu, Professor Perry and not add Keno... I'll jump straight to Ultimates. Also he has some potential reuse...
3 heads: 2 expressions, bike helmet. Heads mustn't have a good likeness of Ernie Reyes Jr. They should Emulate Playmates bad 90s likeness.
Hands, including a pair of fighting glove hands
Alternate arms (bare arms)
The idea is that Keno is wearing his jacket and you can swap his arms and remove the jacket overlay to have him in training/fighting clothes.
For "weaponry":
Pizza bag shield
Closed pizza box
Open pizza box with removable pizza
Pepper flake bomb
Escrima breadsticks

Danny Pennington:
Here's where the potential Keno reuse begins.
Waist down and bare forearms: He'd get a new torso and upper arms (for the shirt) I'll go straight to Ultimates version for my peace of mind:
The shirt design is the most "problematic part" so Super7 would make it into a mummyBoy shirt, because Super7.
Heads are obvious: with and without headband.
Standard pack of hands
For accessories:
The walkman
New bo staff (could be reused for the foot clan)
Shackles for Splinter.

It's a badass look for Raphael. It would have to be a 100% new sculpt minus an alternate head, which could be one of the turtle heads in raph colors. For accessories various manriki:
2 with real chain
2 sculpted in action pose
2 sculpted in twirling mode

Now, using the animated movie, I'll transition to Cartoon Characters:

Zach the 5th Turtle:
NECA's Zach looks great, but it's a shame that we never got one in the vintage line.
Using the Shredder's Revenge sprite as reference we have his color scheme: yellow shirt, grey pants, red headband and green mask. 

Had playmates made him, they'd reuse Casey's weapons, Bebop's dumpster lid, the toon wave turtle comm, and a new belt to hold the trashcan to his back. All molded in turtle shell green.

For the Ultimates version,  I'd start with: Figure is as tall as Alice
Then he'd have 2 heads:
With mask, unmasked.
The standard set of hands.
Trashcan lid
Hockey stick
Golf club
Baseball bats
Turtle comm open and closed
2 belts (one to use with only the trashcan lid the other to use with trashcan lid and backpack

Carter: (non mutated form)
Reusing the Keno buck with a new torso and jacket overlay
So basically: 3 heads, 2 expressions and biker helmet (reuse Keno's)
The weapons would be some of the rack weapons and tonfa.

Mutated Carter:
Link on Carter explains the visuals for the toy. Basically using a MOTUC-sized body for this form.
For accessories "supershredder-ized" versions of normal Carter's weapons would complete the look.

Lotus Blossom:
 She can be made by Kitbashing Both Ninja April and Karai and adding a few new bits.
Mainly torso overlay. Warning, we're NOT going for Cartoon accuracy, but for a "Playmatesized reinterpretation". In this case a Ninja April styled overlay with Karai's scarf on a full bodysuit spandex wearing Aska torso.
For accessories, mask and unmasked heads,
Karai's hands, reusing Splinter's bow and arrows with Karai's other weapons, add a lotus flower and we're done.

I'll use this to transition into comics:
(Shogun) Renet:
Here we have a fan favorite that NECA did rather well, but NECA figures don't fit with Super7. So, here's how I'd go with her:
First I Playmatesized her a bit by reducing cleavage and adding a bit more clocks and a larger one with lenticular sticker to make her toyetic. She'd have a blue soft goods cape, her headgear would be in Vac Metal blue plastic with a bit of blue soft goods material to simulate her hood. Her head would be April 1.0 in blonde. For accessories, shogun april weapons in light blue and a light blue movie 3 time scepter.

The Ultimates version would not have a Vac metal headdress, instead she'd have a head with the headdress sculpted on and 4 alternate Renet heads:
Hooded without no headdress, "vintage April repaint head" short haired Renet head, long haired Renet head. Additional hands and 2 time scepters. One Mirage based and a Movie 3 based.

(Shogun) Savanti Romero:
A Playmatesized Savanti Romero would've been squatting Like Shredder with slightly oversized feet to remain standing with his slightly larger arms. Instead of a loincloth, his crotch would be diaperlike. Vac metal armguards and shinguards complete the look.
For accessories his staff in purple, a purple nodachi, and purple movie 3 time staff. 

Now for the Super7 ultimates. He'd be a $75 figure. This allows him to be bigger and beefier. 
Also, the Shinguards and armguards are removable in order to have a vanilla Savanti Romero. He gets a sleeveless soft goods kimono to enhance the shogun theme. The dangling crotch cover from the comicbook version is returned to the figure. He gets an alternate head with a Samurai helmet. He gets the Nodachi and a reused Katana in order to have the samurai short and long blade duo. His scepter is fully colored and he gets both a mirage time scepter and movie scepter from Renet.

Human Baxter Stockman:
I've asked for him a lot already. So here he is again. I won't bore you with the details on how to make him a dual figure.

Shredder Clone Shark
The Mirage version is freaky and cool with the bine spikes protruding out his body, but it doesn't read shark.

Meanwhile the Heroclix Shredder Shark (doo doo doo doo doo doo) is a humanoid Shark with hentaicles... and I just spoiled the main gag of his theoretical It came from the Toy Chest.

Then again, every single time I have a character with tentacles I go for the same joke... curse Japan's tentacle sex obsession.

Personally I'd go for a Kinda Hybrid version.
Being heavily inspired by the Heroclix but with boney protrusions like the mirage version and 3 heads:
Mirage head, shark head with articulated jaw, and a Shark/shredder helmet hybrid looking head. The shark teeth would mimic the facemask.

Mr. Null:
Half the devil half the Kingpin... (yes, I'm talking about Fisk) This figure could be Varnerized a little bit. Soot on his zoot suit because hellfire... acrully some scorched edges wouldn't be a bad idea. Had he been part of the vintage line, he would've been made as a Mutatin' figure. He'd even have a walking cane like Kingpin, but it turns into a pitchfork, because demon.

Now Ultimates version doesn't need to go for the Mutating gimmick, but I wanna try.
He's a big boi. If s7 plays their cards right, some parts could be repurposed for a Hun. 

The figure needs removable arms for the sake of swapping the torso overlays. One with wingholes and one without. (The wing hole coat would hide a spot where his tail is plugged in)
The standard hands including one holding a cigar.
Additional more demonic hands.
The wings
Fire effects
3 heads Normal more Human head, mid demon head, full demon head.
Cane with plug in elements that tuen it into a pitchfork.

I guess I can stop here for now before heading to part 2 with other characters like Venus...

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