Jul 10, 2024

Making the vintage TMNT characters "unplaymates enough" for Super7: mid 2024 edition pt. 2

 Parte Dos!! Let's just get Super Shredder out of the way. 

Again, I won't do the entire line, just the ones I want.

Kevin Nash:
A MOTUC BODY CLOSE TO MUMM-RA in size. I've said this before so I'll say it again.
Read this: You're welcome.
But I'll improve upon the heads:
1 based on Shredder's Revenge 
1 Based on Movie/Turtles In Time 

For the accessories, I'd go for the mutated OG Shredder stuff.

I've suggested movie accessories, toy accessories, Manhattan project accessories... I'm going to try another direction with him.

Like his Playmates counterpart, he starts with a Slash body. But with further mods:
First No Slash Belt. He gets a new one. No gadgets and other crap like Slash's but more traditional like the Turtles. It still keeps the foot buckle at the front though. Since Tokka is supposed to be big, his belt could be made out of multiple belts, like some Tetsuya Nomura Belt on Belt nightmare.
He needs new spiked shoulders new biceps, new elbow pads, new wrist wraps, new hands.
New knee pads and feet. Making this a "more movie accurate while preserving some of the 80s and 90s parts reuse" aesthetics.

Heads: (3)
Vintage toy inspired
More movie accurate with closed mouth
More movie accurate screaming.

Hands: (8)
C- grips
Claw attack/Dramatic

Accessories: (4)
Here I will Mostly deviate from Playmates. The only surviving Playmates accessory is the mace.
Shell Buckler from Manhattan Project
Stop sign makeshift axe.
The ooze filled donuts from the movie (intact)

Like Tokka before him, we need to Deplaymatesize him a bit. I'm thinking adding certain movie elements like the chain holding the car grille over the Playmates blue shirt. Adding the double loincloth that the movie sculpt has, but in Playmates colors.
Heads: (3)
Vintage toy inspired
Vintage toy inspired mouth wide open
Vintage toy inspired howling head

Hands: (8)
Dramatic hands

Accessories: (4)
Makeshift Nunchucks out of Chained posts.
I-beam bludgeon with Claw holes to be held by his Dramatic hands.
The ooze filled donuts from the movie (broken)

Chrome Dome (no vac metal version):
While Chrome Dome only has vac Metal on his head and torso, I don't trust Super7 and Vac Metal. 
Take Visual cues from Tournament Fighters and Shredder's Revenge. 

Heads: (2)
Battle damaged

Hands: (10)
2 finger Ninja pose.

Goupillon with real chain as seen in the card art.
Katana and wakizashi (metal with laser edge)
Modified Sai
New Electro staff with electric effects. 

I expect him to be roughly Bebop Sized woth articulated tail (red with green tip). He should look like a hybrid of Playmates and cartoon version. Maybe some changes to differentiate him from other versions is swap the torn scale shirt to a torn shirt with chainmail over it. It creates the same effect as the Playmates toy design, but different.
The cartoon had the great idea of painting his belt a different color from the furry loincloth. 
Slight alterations to the leg armor and cybernetic leg to differentiate from Playmates, like say, have it be slightly more angular while preserving the details.
Different shades of yellow between his bullseyes and the lens on his cyber eye. For his accessories, I'm thinking the Pipe from TMNT 3 Manhattan Project, a taser bullwhip, wrist dart launcher (similar but different to Playmates designs) Foot Clan brand iron (both normal and flaming hot) 

Personally I feel he should be 7 inches and a bit wider than a MOTUC. I want him as muscular as the vintage toy and not as flabby as the toon version. Perhaps some middle ground to differentiate him from both versions?
Theoretically speaking He should suffer a departure from vintage in his color pallette. He's supposed to be wearing overalls, but the vintage toy AND toon version have the colors wrong. The overalls are painted like a pair of pants and a separate tanktop. What I would do is have his overalls be the lighter green that his top has, but have his overalls be super dirty, particularly the leg area to create that distinction in color. His removable backpack shows the difference between clean and dirty. Pack should also be very dirty. It should have a loop for the removable spade and 2 clips to hold his dual pick axes (a replacement to the Playmates 4 point Pick Axe) and a Jackhammer. (Nod to the jackhammer gun playmates had) a second head with his miner's lamp "turned on" (GITD white paint) would complete the figure.
As long as we don't get topless Dirtbag from Manhattan Project... though that COULD be the safest direction for S7.

These last two were a copy/paste from a past rant, but it works. It's not laziness if the ideas are sound and I'm just dropping a reminder.

Besides, everyone knows part 3 will be Channel 6 people and others.

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