Dec 22, 2024

Advent calendar 22: MYP Oranges?


I've told the story about GTA3, Gamestop, and the return of MOTU. Well, long story short, that was my introduction to 200X and eventually the show made me stay because of

Cam Clarke... also, the show was cool, but Liquid Snake being He-Man is something that blew my college aged mind. 

Well, every He-Man needs a Skeletor. So I got both He-Man and Skeletor.

Literally the same as other oranges. Think 200X with elbow, knee, ankle, and wrist hinge articulation. There isn't much to say here.
Skeletor: Really? Can't get proper forearms, harness, or even feet! What the fuck, Mattel! This is almost as bad as Neitlich Era ⅛ assing!
He-Man: My harness wasn't properly painted...
Skeletor: Myaaahh! But at least you TRULY look like a Classicized... sorry Orangeized 200X He-Man. I look like a cheap ass parts reuse with new shinguards and belt. This is bullshit!

Paint and sculpt
He-Man only has a new head and crotch. Other than that he's the same as classic oranges. Skeletor is only a new head, shinguards and belt. I get why He-Man is how he is, but it's disappointing that Skeletor had so many corners cut.
He-Man 4.0
Skeletor 2.5
Skeletor: Why won't my swords split! Oranges has Splitting half swords and these are supposed to be 200X halfswords, Split, Zoardammit!
He-Man: my sword is supposed to twist and it doesn't. Face it bonehead, Mattel cheaped out on us.

He-Man gets all new weapons 200X inspired Sword, axe, and Shield.
Skeletor gers his 200X swords fused and the vintage styled havoc staff. Once again Skelwtor gets shafted.
He-Man 4.0
Skeletor 2.5
He-Man: Have at you Snake! I MEAN skeletor!
Skeletor: It's over 9000!
He-Man: You know you will lose right?
Skeletor: Zoardammit!

Before dealing with the actual scores, I must talk about the why for the scores. We know Skeletor won't come out on top here. Mattel's corner cutting is to blame. He-Man literally got all new accessories. Skeletor got a ¼ assed sword and literally the vintage havoc staff. He needed a little push to go from meh to wow. 
I'm not mentioning He-Man much, because they pretty much nailed him.
Skeletor: 2.83
He-Man: 3.83 

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