Jan 5, 2025

Christmas late shopping... a Rant

 I know Christmas is already over for you Gringos, but not for LatAm folks. We have the 3 Kings... Tonight when I'm publishing the post. It started the eve of Christmas Eve. I needed a new pan, so I went to Burlington, since it was the closest place and they have a decent selection of pots and pans, and lots of weird shit. They had WWE wrekkin vehicles, McFarlame DC stuff, a ton of Kotal Kahns even some Mutant Mayhem stuff. Sadly, the line was bordering the entire store and that Burlington used to be a Toys R Us AND a Babies R Us. No, they didn't have the size of pan I required. It hurt me leaving the last Slammobile 

available and 2 Wrekkin Rampage Rigs. 

The line was too fucking long and It looked like I would leave the store at 9PM. Screw that noise. Seriously.Why do people leave christmas shopping to the last minute? 

You're probably asking. Why is there a picture of Martha Stewart as an Elf in a shelf??

Because they had them on sale and I was this close of getting one. Yes. We're just saying the sake to say that I have a Martha Stewart doll but the line was too fucking long. Uh oh I think Nefty's gonna make a rant about how he would like SUPER7 to make a Martha Stewart ultimates. 

I Heard from a friend that Best Buy had some NECA TMNT Mirage Figures. So I went on Christmas Eve. Missed out on Rat King. They had Bride of Frankenstein April. The toys and video games sections, well, they had seen better days. But to be fair Christmas Eve... and all that. I did manage to snag a Tatsu at Walmart though. He'll be an advent calendar boy. 

So, now it's 2025 and it's the Eve of the Eve of Three King's Day and I'm out here shopping. I'm not even looking for toys. I'm still looking for the fucking Pan! I hate people. Better wait for the 7th to see if I can get my fucking pan! 

Anyways, better get the grass for the camels.

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