Jan 3, 2025

It came from the toy chest: Now this is the story all about how

ike's life got flipped turned upside down... did I just make a Fresh Cuck of Bel Air reference?

Rappin' Mike is in the Hizouse! I need to make an emphasis on that second P because if I forget it, he becomes a VERY different figure.

 This one's one of the figures I had as a kid. It wasn't necessarily my favorite Michelangelo, but I used him as my Aboveground disguised Mikey. My friend back then had Heavy Metal Raph.
Mikey:Yo! Yo! Yo! It's pizza time Bwoiiiiii! 

Standard Super7 stuff. Nothing to write home about... except the cap. It's not removable, but it's on a cut joint so you can spin it around. Shame that it's not removable as I wanted to do some Terry Bogard Poses with it. Only the left ankle is a bit too tough to move and his legs aren't loose, like I've seen in other reviews.

Vanilla Ice VO: "If there was a problem, yo, I'll solve it!
Check out the hook while my DJ revolves it!"

Paint and sculpt:
Vintage Accuracy is not there because Playmates has been a little bitch about this. BUUUUUUUUUT, It's obvious that it's inspired by the vintage toy. In some ways, I like it better than the vintage toy, but in others, not so much... Feels somewhat MOTUC-ISH in a good way. Shame that this wasn't the goal from the start. My hat head came without the knot for his bandana. Won't bother getting a replacement, because it's too much of a hassle and I won't risk getting a floppy body.


Rappin' Mike lost the vintage cymbals and turntable, boo! But gained a boom box, old school headphones and some bling. Sadly He lost the Flavor Flav clock, but the Bling reminds me of someone else. So let's begin to point out the stuff:
Alt head
6 hands
Boom box. It has a turntable on the other side.
Useless Headphones that he cannot wear AT ALL!
2 chains of bling

Feels a bit barebones.
I mentioned the Fresh Cuck, of course I'll reference him!

Fresh Prince of the Drain gets a 4.33 as his final score. The semi frozen ankle and missing headband knot were the biggest culprits on his lower score. The useless Headphones didn't help at all.
Here's the Nefty Original Backdrop for Rappin Mike.

Mike: "Try asking Chinese people about Chinese.
Sorry. Shenmue reference. Blame the sick song I'm listening to OK! Maybe I'll teach you the Tornado Kick!"

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