Jan 23, 2025

Most wanted Ultimates Figures:

This list won't be purely Turtle based. Also, it won't be purely Ultimates, as it may have some Deluxes. I know Super7 is slowing down with some licenses. This list is mostly for Fun.

Deluxe Tygra:
Repaint of invisible Tygra with whip short and long.

Deluxe Thunderkittens:
Each kitten with their Spaceboard.

Ultimates  Nayda:

Deluxe Pumyra: (shorter)

Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers:
Teenagers with Attitude:
Basically civilian versions of the Rangers. We have Bulk and Skull. Therefore, we need civilian versions of the Rangers now. 

Ivan Ooze:
Because Fuck you that's why.

Deluxe Putty Patroller: Rita and Zed versions:
Self explanatory.

Ninjetti Rangers:
Yes, I want to make Klan jokes with Tommy, the White Power... Rangers.

The Witwickys:
1:10 scale versions of Spike and Sparkplug Witwicky to use as civilians in displays. 

Not that one! I MEAN CO-CO in a trenchcoat and fedora.

Since I mentioned Co-Co, let's do some Joes:

GI Joe:


Sgt. Slaughter:

Deluxe Scarlett 

Deluxe Baroness:

Deluxe Lady Jaye:

Deluxe Covergirl:


Vanilla Ice Ultimates!:
This is the "vanilla" Vanilla Ice. 
Looking like that...

This would be a slightly stylized Vanilla Ice made to fit the style of the 80s-90s Toyline.
His attire is obviously based on Secret of the Ooze's

Ninja Rap.
So for accessories, I'm ripping off Rappin' Mike:
Punker Don's Keytar
Pair of cymbals
3 heads:
Singing Go Ninja Go Ninja Go! (Don't want to call it O-face)
Standard hands
Disc scratching hands

MC Hammer:
Most people will want that you can't touch this version of him. Personally, I want a this is what we do version... for turtley obvious reasons.

Jackie Chan:
Yes, Jackie Chan Sings. And it may be the weird opening for a Jackie Chan Ultimates line.

Miley Cyrus:
Before you try to crucify me, it's not Hannah Montana era Miley. Specifically the Angels like You Miley. )it was the only one that lended itself for a toyetic look without being "sexist". I REALLY wanted to choose Jaded, but the Swimsuit would be exist and the jeans look had no top, which would be problematic. Flowers has a plastic dress that would nullify all articulation. The Red Catsuit from Mother's Daughter could totally work for my display needs. Think Black Widow but with Miley.

The artist that sometimes was Prince, other times was the weird symbol:

Here we need two versions:
Realistic Version: AKA Purple Rain.
Stylized version: Finger Prints... Assuming They still have the Animaniacs license.

Will Smith and Jazzy Jeff
Sure, I'm not exactly Will Smith's biggest fan, but I want a Fresh Prince Intro Will and a Jazzy Jeff...

The only reason for wanting a Jazzy Jeff. 

TBH, I'd be interested in Fresh Prince of Bel Aor Ultimates if we get Carlton and Uncle Phil.

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:

Deluxe figures:

Foot Soldier:
Grabber and Mace accessories.

Pack of three and a Party Wagon roadkill Mouser as the accessory.

Toon Redeco with Rifle and knife

Toon Redeco with Triceraton Gun and knife

Mirage Redeco with Katana

Toon Redeco signature weapons

Ninja April Camera and Microphone, News Van inspired Redeco.

Ray Fillet:
Purple Shirt Red V redeco:
Orange Fishstick with white hardhat, teal and black speargun.

Ultimates: (that aren't the last two Neutrinos, Vernon, Burne, and Irma)

Figure should be Slash sized. Head 1 should be based on the Prototype with the mini Pizzaface twin head biting the main head and hidden by the soft goods hat. Head 2 should be based on the strip. 

Have his cleaver leg be the default leg and his Pizza cutter leg should detach from the Pizza box stand, give him a new Pizza peel leg and weaponized pizzas. Maybe make his apron soft goods and the knife detachable.

Tokka and Rahzar:
Honestly, Super7 can give them all original accessories. I just want the babies.

Groundchuck and Dirtbag: 
GC should get a Cattle Prod, the Broken Pipe from Manhattan Project, and a small Blaster based on the toon.
Dirtbag gets the spade from Shredder's revenge, the Pickaxe from Manhattan Project,  and his satchel. Maybe even a Caged Canary as a reference to the canaries in the calmness.

Chrome Dome:
He should be A smidgen bigger than Rat King: honestly, I don't want Vac Metal. I see variant potential in him:

-Vanilla Crome Dome. Taking elements from the Toy and Tournament Fighters in light silver and black.
-A GITD in white and blue plastic. 
-a Tournament Fighters inspired redeco for a deluxe figure with the head and torso in a copper/brass color.
-Vac Metal redeco.

Super Shredder:
Figure needs to be about the same size as NECA's or The Loyal Subjects. Make me want this figure.

Krang's Android Body:
Super7 has a lot of work here. I'm willing to bet that they'll end up making a smaller Body 9-10 inches and have it come with its own Smaller Krang.

Non-Vintage Toyline, Vintage TMNT characters:
This is a whole new category on its own.
Here's where I'd add folks as Dregg, Carter, etc. It would depend on what they make for me to get.

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