Jan 18, 2025

Deluxe figures and Accessory packs might be the new hope for Super7

 With Playmates Being a little bitch, this may be the way for Super7 to get stuff done. Hear me out. Army Builders should be handled via deluxe Releases and Upgrade Accessory packs.

Easiest example, the Foot Soldier: 
Have 2 versions Of the character as Deluxe figures:
They are essentially the same figure sculpt, but the accessories are different.
Figure 1 comes with the mace weapon and a battle damaged hand.

Figure 2 comes with the grabber thingie and a Blaster

Now we make an Accessory pack specifically for the Deluxe Foot Soldiers:

The accessories will be hands and unpainted weapons with the hands molded in purple and the weapons in dark grey. 
Judo chop
2 finger ninja pose

3 kunai (Sewer samurai leo)
Shredder rack weapons
Bo staff

That's 20-ish Reused parts: we need some new sculpted parts to lure suckers such as myself.
3 new pieces:

-A Boomerang Trio with a Landmine. Before you say I'm cheating, hear me out. I was thinking three boomerangs, but they'd be attached  to sprees, so the center area that the sprees for the boomerang come out Could be designed as a landmine and get a freebie.

-Halberd could be Reused with Foot Elite

- pair of Cat Claws (think SF Matador)

But I guess that a single accessory pack can give you stuff for 2+ foot soldiers.

But this is not limited just to foot soldiers. If we get Stone Warriors, The same principle would apply. 

Make the Ultimates! Stone Warrior. Roughly MOTUC SIZED body. A Naked stone body only wearing boots. Give him an alternate head, the usual hands and a few accessories:
Piece of steel girder
Grenade launcher

Now for the Deluxe, you do a redeco with the stone soldier in grey and the Accessory pack brings the missing accessories and hands.

Even Ultimates could get in on the Accessory pack action.
I've mentioned how each turtle could get a new head with fedora and soft goods Trenchcoat backed by effect pieces for the weapons and other character specific accessories.

Rat King could get a buttload of rats and a few extras on his Accessory pack AND a canned wave 10 Redeco could be released as a Deluxe figure.

Maybe, just maybe Deluxe figures could be in some cases a way to debut a figure that later gets upgraded to ultimates. For example; 
A single carded Roadkill Rodney with its accessories being an interchangeable arm and stand for the Deluxe release and have the Ultimates! Be a 2 pack with two extended arms, stand, 3 Drilling out the ground partial Rodneys. 

Also, they should work with Nickelodeon and Konami to get access to the Videogames in order to make new characters... Aska, TF April, Hyperstome Heist Tatsu Tora from TMNT2, The generic bad guys from the NES Game...

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