Unlike Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, or April; themed variants are harder for Baxter. I will try to select Logical variants before going "Playmates styled" variants.
Let's get the obvious repaint out if the way:
Mirage inspired Fly Baxter Repaint:
Take Wave 1 Baxter and eliminate the rack items. Add a battle damaged Mouser to "compensate"
I'd paint his hair Dark Purple with his skin being Dark Blue with light purple veins. The light blue area of his face would be grey with a painted mustache, while his eyes are red. Human hands would be brown. His slacks would be khaki.
The next two are rather obvious: Human BaxterS. Yes plural. While they will share some parts, others will be different:
Both Baxters will share some Body parts with Vernon. The Digital Base body would be the same. Further mods to the torso and crotch would differentiate the three.
TOON INSPIRED Baxter (Human):
Vernon body as a base. Crotch overlay has no suspenders. Torso is a button up shirt with a bow tie and a sculpted purple vest (foreshadowing)
-Season 1 Baxter with slightly yellowish orange hair and a meek expression
-Season 2 Baxter with fly Baxter orange hair and a more deranged expression
-Cronenbergesque mid mutation head.
Mouser head without the top sensor in order to
Have Baxter work on the Mouser
Eye of sarnath tracker
Vernon body as a base. Crotch overlay has suspenders. Torso is a button up shirt with a bow tie.
-Normal Mirage inspired head.
-Deranged Mirage inspired head
-Cronenbergesque mid mutation head (so the black fly Baxter makes sense)
Mouser head without the top sensor in order to
Have Baxter work on the Mouser
Rextab building model
As you can see, Mirage Baxter is not exactly a repaint, but it's a stinkor/mekaneck situation.
Now I'll use a Mirage version of Baxter, but make it Playmates-esque:
Baxter Stockbot:
This is Loosely, and I mean VERY LOOSELY inspired by the Robotic Baxter Stockman from Mirage. It would be modified to have a removable le cover to reveal Baxter's head in a jar. The jar would have 4 interchangeable headplates.
(Toon Human Baxter, Mirage Human Baxter, Fly Baxter, Just the brain) The liquid holding the head would be translucent and create a Green tinted look for each head.
The body would be made by combining the limbs of Robotic Bebop and Rocksteady with a new Torso/"head". This would mean the figure would have slightly more limited articulation than standard figures as the Robotic Bebop and Rocksteady have slightly limited articulation.
A second set of arms and wings could be plugged on the back to tie to the Fly Baxter Motif.
Now I'm going full Playmates here:
Buzzin' Baxter Stockman:
In the vintage line, this would've been a "Wacky action" Figure with the knob being his bowtie being looser on his neck in order for it to have a spinning feature. (Ties would be interchangeable in Ultimates) His new Torso sculpt would also be more Toon inspired.
Caucasian Baxter fly head
African American Baxter fly head
Turtles in time Blaster with effect
Spinning bowtie
Non spinning bowtie
Baxter's Hoverchair: (Arcade inspired)
While Not Baxter Per se, its Accessories will include Baxter heads. This $75 item is based on the Arcade game. It's a hover chair. The price is
Due to the Mousers and the size of the chair.
Neutral Season 2 Baxter head
Deranged Season 1 Baxter headl
3 Mousers
Jet effects
Flight stand
I won't try to go the silly variant route for Baxter, as I covered most of the possible variations. Including a few Playmates-esque ones.
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