Even though, I stated on my previous rant related to the topic, that I wasn't attacking anyone, but that I disagree with the way He-man dot org managed the poll; someone is trying to turn that into an attack on Val Staples. I shall now borrow a quote from Tommy Wiseau: (and edit it to suit my needs)
I did not attack him, it's not true, it's bullshit I did not attack him, I did not, Ohai Mark!
Maybe it was the colorful language and hyperbole that may have confused people. Maybe they're overthinking things and seeing penises where there are only bananas. I don't know. Maybe it was the part that I said that there IS A POSSIBILITY that the polls were skewed on purpose. It could happen. (I want to believe that they are not, but stranger things have happened before in this world that have made me wear tinfoil hats at times.)
In any case, my opinion remains unchanged. The polls are bogus and they should be done in a way that eliminates any perceived bias for the sake of fairness and transparency. Now unto the main issue.
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Too many variants or undoable figures |
Club Grayskull and MOTUC are two separate lines that are on the same scale and share some parts which makes them semi compatible, but not the same. Keeping them separate ensures that BOTH LINES can get the best product possible.
If we count them both as one, you can say goodbye to a "true Filmation Orko". The Orko we already have is Very Filmation-like. Filmation Battle Cat... Not gonna happen since the one we got is similar to Filmation. Same with the PoP gals including the Horde Ladies. Then we have guys like Fisto, or Mekaneck whose Filmation versions are virtually the same as the toy... (I can point out the differences, but for the sake of argument I'm wearing the blurry lenses that blur the lines between Toylines)
Darker skin on Fisto, different head, that looks like a ginger Logger caricature bare left forearm... Is just the beginning on the differences between Filmation Fisto and the MOTUC Fisto. Dylamug can serve both Masters (not flawlessly, but close enough.) With the alternate insignias he can kinda get away with walking on both sides. He's an anomaly, not the norm. Even Filmation Randor is too Hyperdetailed for Club Grayskull.
Also, the Club Grayskull is a limited line by itself. The MOTU Characters in it are few and we have between the existing Matty wave and the upcoming Super7 waves most of the core evil warriors (Just Whiplash is missing... Maybe Two Bad?) And most of the core heroic warriors. (Stratos, Ram Man, Cronger, Adam and Orko complete the group) padding them with the Horde has us short of a Leech, Mantenna, Grizzlor and Modulok.
Classics is a different story. Here we are at the arena of the obscure. Variants have not appeared yet, but they could. Personally, these variants should be reserved to convention exclusives like SDCC (and with a non-attendance version at the Super7 website) like say: Vintage Toy She-Ra vs Catra as SDCC18 Exclusive from Super7 and attendees get a baggie with vac metal swords of power and protection. Those ordered on the website don't get vac metal swords.
Power-Con could do a Slamurai vs Mini Comic Tri-Klops. Just to use some examples.
But let's be honest: Movie variants are currently undoable. I want some of those, but I know they are off-limits. So, adding them to the poll is useless. If we count the Filmation variants as well we have 38 out of 60 (or 39 if we count Catra's cat form) that are either variants or undoable due to the movie issues. That leaves us with: 21 or 22 figures that can be made. So if we want to find the TRUE TOP 60 Unique characters that ARE DOABLE without any rights issues... Wait, I forgot the legal quagmire involving Illumina, so 20-21 figures that can be made. We need to go even deeper in the polls and keep on purging. Which is extra work... Which brings me to my next point.
It seems that Super7 doesn't have someone knowledgeable enough on MOTU for the D-tier and lower. They can easily swim in the A-B listers easily based on their Club Grayskull selections. Keeping both lines separate allows Super7 to make wiser choices and not have the issues with their waves 1-2 where some Classics figures suffered from Filmationized Hypodetailing... Or even worse wasting money on figures they can't legally make and have those replaced last minute. (The recent poll results are a bit problematic because of this)
Keeping the lines separate, allows more diversity. The separation allowed us to get BOTH Evil Seeds. It can allow us to get the Better Marzo (sadly with underdetailed hair, but I can swap heads). If the lines are blurred, I suspect a backlash from both sides. The cockwombles who have a hatred of MOTUC, but their peepees go hard for Filmation already pitched a fit when Dylamug attempted to play for both teams. They bitched about having to buy shit they don't want to get Dylamug. They'd have a heart attack if MOTUC Wave 3 had Marzo's Chimera, Artilla, Skeleteen, AND Battle Armor Sorceress. THEY ALREADY HAVE THEIR VERY OWN SUB-LINE... Why must the main line, that still has at least 10 NA Characters to deliver just to fullfil the promise Mattel made.
Keeping the lines separate allows the little guys to have a chance to shine, while the big names get refreshed in the Filmation sub-line. Merging the lines would mean Filmation gets a big portion and everything else fights for scraps. Heck, Filmation WOULD LOSE IF THE LINES WERE MERGED. Think about it: Filmation has 8 figures a year guaranteed. If they merge they would have to compete with: Mini Comics, New Adventures, 200X, DC Comics, vintage POP, UK comics, Newspaper strips, Concepts, Son of He-Man, Golden Books, and who knows if Nu-She-Ra can be Classicized... That's up to 11 extra teams competing for spots. Now if for the sake of fairness all of those got 1 spot per year, that would leave 5 spots for Filmation. How much winning from 8 to 5...
Even if Club Grayskull was Stylistically identical to MOTUC (which it isn't) I would want to keep those separate just for the sake of allowing the lower tier Characters a chance in the spotlight. Filmation already is the Litmus test of MOTU, they don't need any help. If they make it we will buy (I have too, against better judgement.) They don't need to have the deck stacked in their favor (whether it was accidentally or on purpose)
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